Cat coughing, is it allergies?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 25, 2022
Hello friends, my sweet baby Carlos has started coughing. It’s been reoccurring the past three days. He does it about twice a day. I’m on the edge about whether he should see a vet or if it’s just allergies. We live in NC and around this time of year everyone gets allergies. Has anyone experienced a cat get allergies during spring? Do I wait a few more days and see if it gets any better or call the vet today? He’s shown no more signs except a little eye crust this morning which I’ve never seen him have except as a kitten.

Thank you in advance!



Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
I'd recommend a visit to the vet. Coughing could be allergies, hairball, foreign object, asthma... Lots of things. It's just best to have a doctor look/listen and try to figure out what's going on.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Yes, if it happens more than occasionally, a call to the vet is in order.

Our eldest, Casper, has had coughing fits in the past. He would get down low to the ground, stick out his neck and make a honking sound as he coughed. It usually only lasted for half a minute then, after a minute or two, he'd be back to normal.

We spoke to our vet and she told us that it was most likely seasonal allergies because it happened mostly in the spring when pollen levels were highest. It could also be from dust and other things in the air. As long as it happens only occasionally and doesn't last for more than a minute, the vet said that Casper would be all right. If it happens frequently or lasts for more than a short time, the vet said to bring Casper right in.

It's been a long time since Casper has had hardly any coughing fits at all. On the rare occasions when he does, it's only for a minute then he's all right.

I would give the same advice for your cat that our vet gave us. Give your vet a call. If the problem isn't severe, it might be able to keep until your next regular visit. If your cat hasn't been seen by your vet in a while, maybe a visit is in order.

Until then, just keep an eye on the cat. If the coughing fits aren't severe, just give your cat some extra love and care to let him know that you're looking out for him.

If his fits last for more than a minute or if they happen frequently, take Carlos right to the vet, ASAP.