Cat collars. Good or bad?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2016
Washington England
Hello fellow cat lovers I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are on cat coollars. I was thinking of getting mr binx one. He's a house cat and microchipped with no other cats in the house or in the block of flats where I live so the only reason I'd have to get him one would be to make it pretty lol.what are your thoughts on them? Do they have a puuurrrrpose or are they literally a fashion statement?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
A collar can be useful if the cat ever happens to slip outside your house. First it shows that the cat is probably someones pet not a stray, and also if you put a tag with your info on the collar someone who finds the cat will be able to quickly return him, or call you. Even if you don't want to have a collar on him all the time it's a good idea to get one with your info on it to put on him for when you do take him out of the house, like to the vet and stuff, in case he gets loose. Microchips are good only as an additional id, and require someone with a chip scanner to read it. If someone finds your cat and doesn't bring it to the vet or shelter to get scanned they may think it's a stray and keep it.

One downside of collars on cats though is they can wear down the fur around the neck over time, so they end up having very short hair around where the collar is and can cause mats on long haired cats if you don't remove it and brush under it often. Also only go with breakaway or similar type collars, even in a house a cat can get the collar caught on something and end up strangled if the collar doesn't come off when pulled.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 21, 2014
New York
I tried with Bud but he hated it. He wouldn't stop trying to get it off and after a while he gave off this shriek of pure frustration. He was NOT happy.

I know it sounds dumb but I didn't like to see him suffer like that, so I took it off him.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
My cats are indoor/outdoor so they have collars so people know they have a home.

The biggest problem they've had with collars is tags. Two freak if something is hanging so I've done embroidered breakaway collars in the past. Right now they have Beastie Bands with tags that slip over the band (lays flush on it).

I am worried about Beastie Banda not breaking if caught but they seem pretty stretchy and should stretch enough to slip out of if caught. I can't do breakaway on my boy anymore because he thought it was a great game to take them off within an hour and hide them. Good news is he brought them back in a few days so I didn't have to buy a ton of them. I did go without for a while but I've decided that it's better to have one just in case something happens to them.

My Moms cat loves his collar and literally cried when his feel off on time. I swear he purposefully taps is hanging tag against things too. But he's worn one since he was 8 weeks old..... so have my two but they could leave them or take them.

I think it's a good idea for indoor only cats. Accidents happen. Cats get out. Most people who find a lost cat think it's a stray. A microchip only helps if they scan it. Even if they scan it, if it is not registered or registered ata different place then they check it doesn't help. To that note, make sure you register with the chip manufacturer not just whatever service recommended by your vet. Also call the local shelter(s) to see which system they check microchips with and if you can register your cats microchip in their system. My cats are registered like a dog and I pay dog licensing fees for them so their microchips are in the shelters systems. The security is worth the cost..... and the odd looks when I asked to do it.
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TCS Member
Jan 6, 2017
I can see both sides of this, but I have collars on both of my indoor only cats. Neither of them have tags on them, but I am planning to get tags. They do have bells however and it is helpful with keeping up with their mischief  


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 29, 2014
British Empire
I just ordered this  .

Its a collar with GPS.. MAxx is already wanting to get out and i worry.. he is an inside kittie.. i am not taking any chances.. :rub:  

Be careful with GPS collars; they can be very big and bulky. Also, the battery life isn't good (usually a few days at most). Local, Wireless trackers can be a much better alternative, as in general they are very much less bulky, have vastly better battery life, and desexed cats aren't likely to stray too far for them to be effective.

Once, I'd have recommended you take a look at the Loc8tor wireless trackers; not GPS, but intended to locate the cat within a few hundred feet. The original Loc8tor Lite was absolutely superb: comfortable for the cat (or as comfortable as possible for any tracker); was light and sturdy; fitted snugly around the collar; worked flawlessly.

Unfortunately, somebody at the company suffered a severe attack of what can most generously be described as congenital, in-born stupidity, and decided it would be a good idea to replace the Loc8tor Lite (a proven, superb design) with something called TabCat.

I know this isn't the forum for this; my apologies for getting off-topic. But a warning to all, here and now: do not go near these things; not for any reason! They are utter, unequivocal garbage, and IMO extremely dangerous! The idea should have worked; TabCat should have been better, given the improved circuit design. Unfortunately, they are appallingly, horribly unreliable, due to one of the worst, most atrocious battery connector designs I've seen…anywhere! Also, the tags are larger, and much less comfortable on the collar.

I won't clog this thread by saying more here. Google Tabcat + problems or search for the plethora of negative reviews on Amazon and other sites, and you'll see what I mean.

I'll try to put together a review for the site, and again: apologies for getting off-topic here.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 29, 2014
British Empire
To get back on-topic. :) My three, being indoor/outdoor, have break-away collars. Unfortunately, Nimrod has discovered he can lie on his back, grab the bell and pull. Off comes the collar, and then it's time for a good play and a chew! :D The little sod's done it twice in the last few days; last time resulted in my tracking the thing to the other end of the street. So here am I in mid-afternoon, crawling around under the car of Gawd knows who, tracker in one hand, looking for the thing, and abusing Nimrod six ways from Sunday! I ended up on my back in the middle of the road (thank heavens the street has very little traffic), left arm way under this character's car, tracker waving, unable to see anything, just able to reach it. God alone knows what anybody watching thought I was doing! :D I could have throttled the little cow; I'm sure he put it there on purpose, and was laughing his little, furry head off! :D And, naturally, this particular car was leaking oil and other gunk everywhere. Not to mention a nice long graze on one leg, and a burnt back (sun had been out and hot all day, and the shirt took a wander as I was lying on the hot asphalt, trying to grab the collar). What's the use! :D

BTW, Nimrod is lying here while I type this, purring like a vacuum-cleaner; just put his head up for a pat. :)
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Hello fellow cat lovers I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are on cat coollars. I was thinking of getting mr binx one. He's a house cat and microchipped with no other cats in the house or in the block of flats where I live so the only reason I'd have to get him one would be to make it pretty lol.what are your thoughts on them? Do they have a puuurrrrpose or are they literally a fashion statement?
You only have to go through that horrible 15 minute period where you can't find your cat anywhere in the house and in the back of your mind you wonder if they could have slipped out when you were preoccupied going in and out the door. Of course they come out 15 minutes later when you are a psychotic mess and want dinner and you realize the cat was sitting on the fridge the whole time. And that's probably funny but also in the back of your mind you will be thinking at least she has a collar and tag and someone will know she's a pet and belongs to someone.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I tried with Bud but he hated it. He wouldn't stop trying to get it off and after a while he gave off this shriek of pure frustration. He was NOT happy.

I know it sounds dumb but I didn't like to see him suffer like that, so I took it off him.
My kits threw a bucking fit worthy of any colt I ever started and it lasted about as long. They think nothing at all of their collars now.