Cat advise for cats left behind


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 21, 2021
Hi I live in a small town in WV. I've spoken to our local animal pound and as I knew it they dont have any space available for some cats and kittens left behind. A neighbor got evicted and when she finally moved she left behind everyone of her cats, about 12 of them. So of course they came over to my house to live and eat. I love cats and have 7 of my own. I have 10 inside at the min bc one of hers gave birth on my porch in 30 degree weather. Anyways. I've been feeding her cats before she got evicted. For about 2 years I've been feeding 1 full time and another 1 on and off. Well since she left she didnt take any of her cats. Not that there was much care for them while she lived near me. Several of them are sick and need antibodics. I read on another thread about Fish Mox. I cant afford to take her 10 or 12, depending on the day, to the vet. None have been fixed or even loved. I'm doing the best I can with feeding them all and I cant afford a vet bill for them. They have been fighting so they have cuts and gashes on them. Along with upper respiratory infections. Will the fish mix help all that. Unfortunately there is only one animal shelter local and their always full. Any advice help or words of wisdom would be ever so helpful. I feel like I'm losing it. No one I know understands that I can not feed them, as advised. I look into their little eyes and my heart hurts for them.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 1, 2018
Rural North Missouri
i feel for you i live in a small town as well and am on a fixed income and the town recently updated the city ordinance s feeding ferals or strays can get you finned i would suggest reaching out to larger towns or cities i finally found one to taje my colony but it will be a little while as i addopt out those i can as they need $35 a head for the sterilization do an internet search for rescuses nearby and call farmers i have a farmer willing to take on 2 females and another willing to take the male that leaves 3 females and 7 kittens 4 of which are friendly enough to get homes which will take me down to 6 and i want to keep one of the females for mousing purposes outside but shes going to be spayed first so thats 5 and as my taxreturn finally came back i can swing the $175 but thats the middle of August before they go as the rescue wont have room till then but just keep trying dont give up take to face book twitter ect. heck start a go fund me if you have to.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Wow!!! You have your hands full! First off, I know your neighbor was in a bad situation, but she should have tried to reach out and get some rescue group to help her. To me, it sounds like she just totally abandoned them. If these were house cats she could get in trouble for that, but if they are her feral colony that is another story. She probably knew there were a few nice people around to take care of the cats. You are very kindhearted to take her cats on (and taking in a momma who just have babies). Here is a list of WV No Kill shelters that I just came across. Please start calling there instead of any shelter that will put down the cats if they are not adopted out by a certain time.
I included one organization that does TNR ( trap, neuter, and release). If you can't get these kitties immediately off the streets, then tnr is in order so the don't reproduce and this situation gets worse. You already have 7 kitties of your own and now taking in some kitties. Naturally with feeding and taking care of 10-12 cats all of a sudden on top of your own it is too much with the food and possibly needing immediate vet care for them. For their colds, try fish/Salmon oil and Lysine for cats (you can find that online.) If these cats are on the friendly side you can try cleaning there wounds and putting on Neosporin on the wound. Just put it on a tissue and quickly dab it on the wound while they are eating. Just make sure they can't lick it off. If it is in an area where they can, then try a little antibacterial soap to clean the wound.

I hope you find help soon. It is very unfair that these cats were left behind like they were. I wish you all the best. I am hoping others can respond here to your thread. Hang in there. Have a good night.🙂
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 21, 2021
Thank you all so much. She got evicted from my families trailer park and she left them here just to be nasty. Honestly she shouldn't have been allowed to care for anything that breathes. Certain people shouldn't be allowed to take care of another human or animal. I know that sounds harsh, but theres reasons for that. She was telling anyone and everyone that she onky had two cats which thank goodness everyone knew was a lie. There are only two that will not ket me near them. A baby kitten I call poppa smoke and then Ringo. Honestly i dont knkw any of their names these names are just what i call them. I have 2 Maine Coons. Which if she woukd have taken even the slightest care of them they could be adopted fast. But a couple months ago I sent her a message telling her to come to my back porch to get her Maine Coone, Bear, bc he was in such bad shape and honestly I thought he was going to die. I've cried over this cat more than I have cried over any animal. He coukdnt breath right and woukdnt eat or drink. He usually is the first to eat and last to leave. Well i made him so homemade chicken broth. Sat outside and basically spoon feed this cat. I called everyone i knew asking for antibodics. No luck. Not my cat so I coukdnt take him to the vet. Shes the type that doesnt want anything unless so.eone else has it or wants it. Finally my mom who has 10 cats of her own found some old antibodics. This cat just sat there and let me give it to him. Didnt fight it anything. Well after she read my message she replied 3 hrs later. Well he hasnt been around here in over a week. That was her reply to me telling her her cat is gonna die if he doesnt get treatment. He is doing better not a lot but hes eating and drinking on his own. He still breathes hard and last night he started sneezing and snot went everywhere. I dont knkw how anyone can treat any soul like that and sleep at night. All my furbabies inside are resuce. Either from our rental properties, (my grandfathers) or just walking down the road and finding a 4 week old kitten someone threw out. My heart goes out to everyone of the babies I see and I know I cant help them all but I try. Asking for mental prayers for me and these furbabies. I'm going to call a TNR and see if they can at least fix them for me. Thank everyone. I needed to get this off my chest. Believe me theres so much more I can say. But I wont


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
You are so kind for wanting to help these cats. Follow the leads that Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose posted and chip away at this as best you can. If you are turned down, at least ask for another lead, as people in rescue often know someone who knows someone.

Alley Cat Allies has a network for ferals

Feral Friends Network® Connect

It is easy enough to register yourself in it and send a couple of emails. This groups has rescuers who have volunteered in various areas of the country and you might be able to connect with someone that way. I do want to say that others on TCS have had success with it, but I did not when I reached out to in no one even answered....but it is quick enough to reach out to them.

I have put Neosporin without the pain reliever on cats who were feral and untrappable and sometimes it works very well. Use a Q tip if you cannot actually touch the cat.

Do you have the Nextdoor app? That reaches out to people in whatever general area you set and it might also be helpful.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I understand how you feel and the need to vent. I have had a whole bunch of cats dumped on me when one feeder left my block and put her cats in another feeders care. That other feeder had too much on her hands (she seems to have a hoarder mentality) and she dumped those cats on me.😬 I now have 7 more regulars and my night feeding gets mobbed with a number of her cats. It is overwhelming at times. So I 100% understand where you are coming from. Call that tnr place and see that this cat colony can get stabilized (tnred) at the very least. Maybe they know of someone who can help you feed these cats and the tnr group can take the kittens off your hands. I hope you get all the help you need. Your former neighbor was not a nice person with some of the things you mentioned. She didn't really care for the welfare of the cats, but thankfully they have you for now. Thank you for doing the right thing. It may not be easy, but your heart is in the right place. 🙂