Caring For Two 5 Week Old Not So Healthy Kittens

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the community, this is my first thread and I apologize in advance for any mistakes, since english is not my first language. And also excuse the very long post.
I live in Angola, and being africa and all there is a general believe that cats do the dirty work of witches, and so its very regular for kittens and cats to be chased and killed or even put in the trash alive to starve and die.
There was this lady who found a pregnant cat on the trash and brought her home. She took care of the cat to the best of her abilities (I have the impression she couldn't have afforded a vet).
When I heard about the kittens I decided to adopt two. But her being not very well informed wanted to give the cats very early (at around 4 weeks, because her children were starting to get attached, and was also feeding them whole cows milk from the bottle).
The day I brought them home I immediately realized my little girl Khaleesy was the runt of that litter, but my other girl Arya was looking fine. (Yes, im the geekiest, naming my cats after game of thrones characters ahahaha).
Anyways, the next day I took them to the vet clinic. It was the same clinic I always go to, but unfortunately my vet of choice, the one i trust unconditionally was on vacation in portugal (we spoke through WhatsApp but as she explained its very hard to analyze things with descriptions and photos). Anyways, the other vet told me that they were about four to five weeks old (this was on the 2nd of jan), because their mother was found in the trash she wanted me to deworm them right away but they didn't have the product so she sent me to another clinic. She also told me that since they were already eating canned food they didn't need KMR.
The trip to the other clinic was another ordeal where I suspect they overdosed my runt a little bit, she threw up four times and didn't want to eat but like a runt champion after a few hours she was fine.
Fast forward to this monday, I change their food to one of those dry food that you're suppose to put water in and let soak. After a few hours the bigger one, Arya gets diarrhea. The same day I weigh them and realize the runt has lost about 15 gr she went to being 280 something grams to 270. The next day I take them to the vet. The guy barely looks at them, tells me to give them vitamin B. I mention the KMR and he tells me its gonna make Arya's diarrhea worse. At this point I'm getting a hang on things and starting to realize my runt doesn't play not because she is lazy but because she is weak. Although she runs after me sometimes and eats alright, my suspicion is she probably fills her stomach too much (since its so tiny) but isn't getting enough nutrients, she needs KMR! So yesterday I go back to the vet to buy some cans of wet food and I talk to an older vet and she tells me try the KMR see if it works. I buy it, and in just two little servings I see such a difference in them. They are more playful and energetic. Especially my little runt. She also told me to give them Metronidazole, just in case some bacteria is trying to get the best of them.
The problem is that first thursday they went to the vet they had to wait for four hours, and that with the time to get them there and back home, amounted to five hours. I know im the one to blame for not bringing them food, but I thought they get to shy when they're outside their comfort zone they probably won't want to eat.
When they got home they ate like never before, they even fought over food for the first time. The result of that was very swollen bellies. But the thing is, even though it did get a little better, they still have kind of big bellies, they look a little like lightbulbs. Today, Aryas diarrhea is progressing from a completely liquid to soft poop and sometimes even the right consistency. But khaleesy, my runt, is a little constipated. At five am she went to the box and had a little poop so so hard that she wanted to leave the box with it hanging off her butt, I helped her by massaging and with some pushes she released it, but with a little bright blood that I only assume was from her sore bum. A few hours later she had a poo that was the right consistency but I could see it hurt her a little bit to expel it. After lunch time she had a really really swollen tummy, so my dad tried stimulating her but she only cried, her butthole came out but nothing else. Because we were suspecting a sore butthole we put a little anesthetic paste on the butthole and 10 minutes later she made a poo, although I still helped her by massaging, it was perfect consistency.
So this is not really a question kind of thread and to more of and advice thread on all the challenges I've been facing with these two.
Also, I've been weighing them multiple times a day, and Khaleesy, the runt presented a gain of 30 gr in two days, but I don't know if I should celebrate it because she has a swollen belly so it could be just those contents, but even in her difficulty to poo, she's managed to go three times today, so I don't know if I should worry too much about that.
Also Im a little lost in terms of amount of food to give them. I think they might be swollen because I overfeed them. Im doing both milk and wet food, I put some milk on the wet food but I also give them some on the plate to drink since they really enjoy it.
Once again so so sorry for the long thread.
Thank you so much for your patience if you got to this point reading it :)
I inserted a photo of my Khaleesy (the runt) and a photo of her belly. Their bellies look similar so theres no use putting the other one up as well.
Ps. as mentioned they have been dewormed, about a week ago, and I've been checking their poo and didn't find anything suspicious in it
Fotografia, 11-01-18 - 19.02.jpg
Fotografia, 11-01-18 - 19.02.jpg
Fotografia, 11-01-18 - 19.01.jpg
Fotografia, 11-01-18 - 19.01.jpg
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  • #2

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Hello everyone,
I am feeding them wet canned food and KMR.
But the problem is they got huge bloated bellies from when I was free feeding them, they just have no sense of self control and eat like the worlds about to end. Also one of them is a runt so it is my interest to feed them in schedule so that I can be sure that the other one isn't eating all the food and leaving the little one hungry.
So my question is, how much KMR should I feed and how many times a day, and how much canned food should I feed and how many times a day. When I give them wet food I do put some milk on it but I also like to feed them just milk sometimes because it makes them so happy.
Im looking for some type of ratio to calculate depending on their weight since both of them also weight very differently.
Thanks for any advice
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
Sounds to me that you are doing the right things. I would continue the KMR. Will they drink it from a saucer? Kittens have a ravenous appetite, since they are growing fast. I would free feed them and not worry about over eating until they. reach 1 year.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Can you get raw goats milk? Its even better than KMR

Against constipation: be sure the litten has enpugh fluids. And give 2-4 drops of food oil several times a day. Best are coldpressed. Olive rapeseed or cocoa oils.

If diarrhea give pedialyte bough or homemade.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm hoping one of our KITTEN experts, Sarthur2 Sarthur2 , will be able to assist you. I've signaled for help! In the meantime, is there nothing on the KMR that tells amounts to feed?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Are you feeding the liquid KMR or the powdered?

KMR powdered feeding instructions
KMR liquid feeding instructions

Kittens are little pigs so it's recommended to feed them as much as they will eat as often as they want. 3 or 4 canned food meals a day is typical but some kittens may want more meals. Kittens need a lot of food for growth. I don't think 5 week old kittens have strong enough jaws for dry food:think:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Have the kittens been wormed yet?

Big bellies are normal for kittens. They are growing fast and will soon elongate.

Feed them freely as much as they want.

They only need a small dish of KMR 2-3 times a day - about 2-3 tablespoons each per feeding.

The wet food is excellent for them 4-6 times a day, less often as they grow bigger and can hold more at a time.

They will need dry kitten chow 24/7 to snack on.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You are doing well! Continue on. Kittens shiuld have bellies when young. It's normal. :)
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  • #9

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Sounds to me that you are doing the right things. I would continue the KMR. Will they drink it from a saucer? Kittens have a ravenous appetite, since they are growing fast. I would free feed them and not worry about over eating until they. reach 1 year.
Yes they are drinking the KMR from a saucer, they have from 10 ml to 20 ml, I usually prepare 30 for each and let they have as much as they want.
The ravenous appetite is something I worry about because they get such huge bellies when I leave food out, they can barely walk without bouncing from side to side after that. And also I am scared that if I free feed I won't notice if my runt isn't getting enough food because of her sister.
What do you think of the size of that belly in the picture?
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  • #12

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Can you get raw goats milk? Its even better than KMR

Against constipation: be sure the litten has enpugh fluids. And give 2-4 drops of food oil several times a day. Best are coldpressed. Olive rapeseed or cocoa oils.

If diarrhea give pedialyte bough or homemade.
I try to get her to drink water but she just doesn't. She eats only wet food, no dry food yet, and she is having about 15 to 20 ml of KMR about two to three times a day plus the bit I also mix in her wet food. I thought it was sufficient fluids since she isn't looking for water.
The problem here in Angola is access to such things, there is no pedyalite, and theres no goats milk.
Can I give her olive oil or coconut oil?
I'm starting to see a pattern. Its 4 am here and they just woke up and wanted to eat. When I got up to give them milk she went to the box and had another hard poo. The little one was squeezing so hard, and eventually had to give up at like 5 cm of poo and just rub her butt against the litter to release it. After words she rubbed her butt on the floor as well.
My vet actually told me earlier to not give her the antibiotics that night to see how she would react but because a few hours later she pooped on her own I thought she was over the constipation and gave her the antibiotics still.
Even with the constipation with my help and one time alone she managed to go 4 times.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She is getting sufficient fluids from the wet food and KMR.

Yes, you can use olive oil. Put a few drops in each feeding of wet food. It will help the stool pass more easily.
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  • #14

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Thank you so much for your help!
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  • #15

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
Have the kittens been wormed yet?

Big bellies are normal for kittens. They are growing fast and will soon elongate.

Feed them freely as much as they want.

They only need a small dish of KMR 2-3 times a day - about 2-3 tablespoons each per feeding.

The wet food is excellent for them 4-6 times a day, less often as they grow bigger and can hold more at a time.

They will need dry kitten chow 24/7 to snack on.
The big bellies were what worried me the most because they even struggle to walk after eating sometimes.
My worry about free feeding is the runt not getting enough food because her sister blocks her out sometimes.
I haven't started them on dry food because they reacted badly to eat a few days ago when I introduced it and had diarrhea, so I was holding until their gut situation is completely cleared.
I just don't understand if my runt is eating only wet food and drinking KMR, how come her poop is so hard?
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  • #16

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
I try to get her to drink water but she just doesn't. She eats only wet food, no dry food yet, and she is having about 15 to 20 ml of KMR about two to three times a day plus the bit I also mix in her wet food. I thought it was sufficient fluids since she isn't looking for water.
The problem here in Angola is access to such things, there is no pedyalite, and theres no goats milk.
Can I give her olive oil or coconut oil?
I'm starting to see a pattern. Its 4 am here and they just woke up and wanted to eat. When I got up to give them milk she went to the box and had another hard poo. The little one was squeezing so hard, and eventually had to give up at like 5 cm of poo and just rub her butt against the litter to release it. After words she rubbed her butt on the floor as well.
My vet actually told me earlier to not give her the antibiotics that night to see how she would react but because a few hours later she pooped on her own I thought she was over the constipation and gave her the antibiotics still.
Even with the constipation with my help and one time alone she managed to go 4 times.
How do you make pedyalite at home?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
A cup of cool, boiled water. Add a pinch of salt and teaspoon of honey or sugar. That's it! :)
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  • #18

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
should I use that mixture to mix the powdered milk instead of plain water?
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  • #20

Andrea Oliveira

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2018
I'm hoping one of our KITTEN experts, Sarthur2 Sarthur2 , will be able to assist you. I've signaled for help! In the meantime, is there nothing on the KMR that tells amounts to feed?
The KMR only says that after 7 days of age the mix should be two tablespoons of powder and three of water (but they hardly drink the whole 2 tbsp ones I make them) and that they should have that around 3 times per day.
But as I said its proven to be too much for them, they just won't drink that much.