Cancer of the spleen, liver and lymph, chemo help advice needed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
My guy (Maine Coon Mix) is 14 nearly and lost weight recently, I noticed runny poop around his back end but didn't really jump to any conclusions, (sadly) and a month passed where I couldn't tell if he was just being picky with his food (wont eat it unless its fresh and he's hungry) or if he had eaten or the dogs had stolen it etc so didn't panic. I then noticed creamy yellow colored poop but didn't know if it was him or his sis but after a week I saw it again I assumed it was him and took him to the vets where they noticed high white blood cells and high bile in his urine.

They made me go to sage emergency and $1200 later we had a biopsy and ultrasound discovering cancer of the spleen, liver and lymph. They are calling with exact cancer tomorrow but know the oncologist will call about chemo. I looked at yelp reviews and they are all at 1star saying this place is a money pit over animal care but I may have no choice there so not sure if normal vets deal with this or specialists only. Anyway I read in a pet journal that c h o p mixed chemo is best but that you can do just one of the chemo types (doxorubin is IV only at the vets I hear) or even just prednisone but doubt that will prolong his life much as just a steroid.

He is walking, climbing, eating ok still and very loving though moves around alot to get comfy. I am scared that I live 15 miles from the vet and he gets overly stressed so surely his quality of life will suffer going every week for chemo and I wonder if the lomustine chemo liquid form only might work as well from home?

Does anyone have advice for this horrid fast paced disease with regards to chemo, chemo pricing (though I am in San Jose CA) and timing. They can't do surgery and it may be too advanced for him to go into remission but he's such a loving, handsome devil and I'm not ready to say goodbye though also don't have pet insurance. Actually advice on good insurance would be good as his sister is healthy and also 14 and we have two 4 year old dogs too.

I am beyond guilty for not going with my gut and taking him in the month or two ago when I wondered if there could be an issue but assumed old age, though can't find anything online about timing of cancer spread but maybe it's been happening for months and I couldn't have caught it earlier and know i'll blame myself anyway. Thanks


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I can't help much but did want to acknowledge your post. First off, when you find out what kind of cancer, you can join another forum that specifically addresses small cell carcinoma (the most common kind and actually slower progressing); they even have a new spin off related to large cell. They are pretty knowledgeable and may be able to help you with a whole host of your questions.

As a matter of fact, you might check out their web site and reach out to them with what you do know at this point and follow up accordingly. [email protected] | Home

Forget the guilt; we can't always be on top of everything, especially when our cats get older and so many other things come into play. Live in the now, and work with what you know.

If you have a vet university that can be consulted for a second opinion, I would surely look into that as well.

Please keep us posted, and I hope other members will come along soon to offer more than I have been able to.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Last year, my girl was diagnosed with cancer in her spleen and intestines. We decided to do palliative care because she was 15. She passed quickly, for which I was thankful, but not ready for. At 14, and since the cancer is in the lymph nodes, I would just provide palliative care and not seek chemo.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I know that San Jose is not exactly nextdoor to UC Davis, but you might consider going for a consultation, one time, with specialists who are probably quite proficient in diagnosing and planning treatment.

Knowing if there is a chance of remission might be helpful as it might inform your decision to proceed or not with chemo.

Certainly the decision as to how to proceed is up to you and we can only give opinions. You are facing three aggressive cancers and I would probably go with palliative care. Having said that, cats do not react to chemo in the same way that humans do; it seems easier on them and the side effects are minimal.

As for pet insurance, I have it for my four youngest cats after a huge expense treating my GSD for melanoma. There are threads on TCS which discuss insurance; you may not feel like reading them now though. Pre existing conditions are excluded and it is best to enroll early before any start. The quote for your 14 year old will take into account her age. The dogs should be enrolled as soon as you can.

Search Results for Query: pet insurance

My personal opinion is that none of the cancers started just a month or two ago. These develop over time, sadly, and often any early symptoms are entirely missing. Nothing was your fault.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2020
I am so sorry about your cats’ diagnosis. You did nothing wrong. I’m not a vet but I am an MD, and in the species I treat, that delay didn’t make a difference. Cancers of internal organs grow silently and often spread before you notice a problem. Focus on the time you have left together and don’t question the past
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
I am so sorry about your cats’ diagnosis. You did nothing wrong. I’m not a vet but I am an MD, and in the species I treat, that delay didn’t make a difference. Cancers of internal organs grow silently and often spread before you notice a problem. Focus on the time you have left together and don’t question the past
Thanks its makes me feel a little better, though I also (gritted teeth here) used to wash the floor in front of the washer and dryer occasionally with bleach as he would spray up them to protest being locked in the laundry room at night, ironically since his diagnosis I leave the door open to let him sleep wherever now and he lies on the cold hard floor next to the litter box IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM that he has protested about for half his life. (couldn't find the fact slap emoji!!!)
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
I know that San Jose is not exactly nextdoor to UC Davis, but you might consider going for a consultation, one time, with specialists who are probably quite proficient in diagnosing and planning treatment.

Knowing if there is a chance of remission might be helpful as it might inform your decision to proceed or not with chemo.

Certainly the decision as to how to proceed is up to you and we can only give opinions. You are facing three aggressive cancers and I would probably go with palliative care. Having said that, cats do not react to chemo in the same way that humans do; it seems easier on them and the side effects are minimal.

As for pet insurance, I have it for my four youngest cats after a huge expense treating my GSD for melanoma. There are threads on TCS which discuss insurance; you may not feel like reading them now though. Pre existing conditions are excluded and it is best to enroll early before any start. The quote for your 14 year old will take into account her age. The dogs should be enrolled as soon as you can.

Search Results for Query: pet insurance

My personal opinion is that none of the cancers started just a month or two ago. These develop over time, sadly, and often any early symptoms are entirely missing. Nothing was your fault.
Thanks so much for this as I do need to get her sorted soon as she needs a wellness exam and I am dreading them finding something similar as they are from the same litter and one pet insurer stated in their tiny T&C's that they will only cover if an exam is done 60 days before the policy or 30 after and they find nothing!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 24, 2019
I can relate to the guilt. And you truly lucked out with large cell lymphoma diagnosis. My oldest friend's mum (human, I mean) passed away last year from it. It's true it's very out of the blue, and more fast paced than you may think. But for you to pick on the signs, you are asking too much from yourself. For what is worth.

I mentioned I was coming here to talk to you in another thread. I was going to share a bit of the info I gathered about my own experience with my cat getting cancer. But I ended up posting pretty much all the info on yet another thread. So if you want the long version, it's here: Cat cancer growth

The short version is: I really suggest you start your cat on a anti-cancerous diet.
Basically, it's making him home-made dishes from now on, consisting of mostly poultry, condimented with things like turmeric and olive oil extra virgin, which have anti-cancerous effect.
In the link above, along with the research I just mentioned, there's a list of food and condiments you can use. And also of foods you should avoid.

I'm almost exclusively basing this advise in an article I read, of an anecdotical experience of cat owner keeping the cancer in her cat at bay using diet alone. Link here, but just so you know, it's in Spanish: "Mi cura del cáncer fue un milagro muy currado" | Belleza, Bienestar | S Moda EL PAÍS

Home made is also usually a good way to keep the cat's appetite.

The rest of the research in the link it's pointless for your case, probably. But if the cancer is in the spleen and liver, at least you know whatever he's eating will find its way to the cancer, blood included. And I forgot to mention it there, but the diet with condimented poultry did a huge difference to my cat's quality of life and mood. Best of luck, ask if there's anything we can do to help.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
Thanks I will certainly try with the cook chicken as he is liking the fresh chicken broth and homemade sausages which I can hide his pills in.

He ate so much last night that I could actually feel the enlarged spleen to the right hand side behind his ribs which was quite worrying and he's lying at night on the cold hard and now he's not comfortable.

He ate so much last night that I could actually feel the enlarged spleen to the right hand side behind his ribs which was quite worrying as never felt it before with his weight loss and he's lying at night on the cold hard and now he's not comfortable.

In case anybody is reading this later on with a similar problem I do remember that he had very bad breath a while back I was licking Things a lot but I started brushing his teeth and thought it was just another problem with old age as I couldn't see any decay problems but also now I wonder if that was probably signs too.

So I do have another question which I'm going to have to try to run by my vet (who doesn't seem to want to talk to me unless I pay a $200 consultation my phone) so they did prescribe prednisolone in 5mg for inflammation but I know it is an immunity suppressant so am I OK giving L lysine and taurine capsules which actually give immune support and bacillus a probiotic or will any of these flare up the symptoms with his liver not being in a good state.

I also have some vitamin and mineral gel And somebody on here mentioned life God drops which seem to be having great affect on cats with cancer so I wonder what other success stories I can find.

Don't worry if no-one knows but hoping a vet will peruse these sites too in case mine doesn't get back to me


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 24, 2019
I know what you mean. Prednisolone doesn't help the already diminished immunity system. It is a good go-to for pain, only. I'm thinking fish oil and olive oil (extra virgin, always) as they both have anesthesic effect while helping fight the cancer... They are not as powerful an anesthetic though.

Also... you could try cannabis oil, if you get your hands on some. It won't mess up with his immune system (it may even help his defenses), and it's a much more powerful anesthetic. I'd start with it ASAP too (but check with a vet about the dosage. Mine was prescribed one to two drops a day but the ammount may change depending on your guy's weight).

And no, from what I understand, neither L lysine or taurine will make it worse. You should be safe. GoldDrops also sound nice and safe. I'll insist on the salmon thing for his digestive system. And, of course, and I can't stress this enough: turmeric.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
I bought some turmeric but sadly its so bitter. I did just make a curry and used turmeric whilst sautéing the meat and took some out for him. he turned his nose up at first but then suddenly ate a piece and got hungry so at least he got a bit down. Last night was a struggle as his soft poop had turned to explosive but I did give him a little steak cooked in olive oil and half a tin of tuna (which he doesn't usually eat) so maybe that was my fault but I am worried about his anemia knocking his progress so want to give him more iron.

He also had hot ears and could not get comfy (maybe fever) so I have been to the vet and now have some painkillers, gut support, iron supplement and diarrhea help so just got to find a way to get it in him now though think ill hold off the pain killers until I know he has a fever as like you say the prednisolone should help with pain. (though to be honest he seems worse since we have been giving it to him since last Saturday so not sure if there is an alternative for Prednisolone)

Couple of questions if anyone knows. I read that its best for the cat to take the prednisolone at night as it works with their natural hormone cycle and makes daytime better but that's when he's lying in the sun all day chilling, its nights he seems to struggle, any thoughts (as its nights he is sitting all tense, unhappy)? Other question is that I've just bought some pet well-being life gold for immunity support, some detox gold and some milk thistle for his liver but now I am worried as I read one post saying not to use life gold whilst taking prednisolone as its counter productive as the pred is trying to inhibit histamine (it contains Astragalus root, Blessed Thistle herb, Sheep Sorrel herb, Burdock root, Slippery Elm Bark and ginger) but there are so many good stories and reviews?
I was going to try turkey tail mushroom but that one did say not to use with Prednisolone.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Wedgewood Pharmacy, for one, says that it is best to give cats pred at night as it does work with the hormone cycle. Having said that, I did not give my girl with intestinal lymphoma the pred at night and I don't recall that it caused any issues.

Member here have used the Life Gold products and have been happy with them. On the other hand, the reverse opinion is also out there, generally that an herbal supplement will not be effective. I have never used any of those products, so can't comment personally. It is absolutely true that one medication or preparation can conflict with another one, CBD products for example when given with standard meds, so you have to look for information about interactions.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
So my vet just told me to come in for an animo acid injection before we think of chemo??? $647 but that's probably including the $200 office visit every time! Not sure if Estergenice was right or maybe it was asparaginice (which I think is def one) but Ive not read this anywhere and am already giving taurine and l-lysine. The chemo drug she recommended I think was Lomustine but though its at home pills I hear its not good for cats with liver issues.
Jeez its all so god-damn stressful as she didn't sound hopeful with his ultrasound and enlarged spleen, liver and said his lymph nodes should be 5mm but his were 5cm (and I can feed him any supplements and minerals at this stage) but then was positive about starting chemo.
Just makes me so angry that I feel the hospital sage is all about turnover and hitting targets (as one yelp reviewer overheard) and they only do phone consults. She seemed to really want to leave the call too and didn't follow up with an email so Ive forgotten half of what she said. Others are using Chlorambucil with good results - arghhhhh!!!!!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Is it asparaginase or L-asparaginase? That is a chemotherpeutic drug which is used in humans for blood cancers but is used for lymphomas in cats and dogs.
L-Asparaginase Maycer for Veterinary Use.

However, I am not saying that I have made the right guess as to what your vet is using.

Lomustine | VCA Animal Hospitals(brand%20names%3A%20Gleostine%C2%AE,'%20or%20'extra%20label'.

Another point here is that you just paid a lot of money, so call them back and ask for a transcript of the phone call or a medical record or printout which has everything that you were told clearly spelled out. They can do this. I get so much printed material from Jamie's cardiologist that even his insurance plan told me that they did not need to know every word of it.

Vets, like human doctors, know that people get upset and that information may or may not be clear, so they have to respond to this.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
Is it asparaginase or L-asparaginase? That is a chemotherpeutic drug which is used in humans for blood cancers but is used for lymphomas in cats and dogs.
L-Asparaginase Maycer for Veterinary Use.

However, I am not saying that I have made the right guess as to what your vet is using.

Lomustine | VCA Animal Hospitals(brand%20names%3A%20Gleostine%C2%AE,'%20or%20'extra%20label'.

Another point here is that you just paid a lot of money, so call them back and ask for a transcript of the phone call or a medical record or printout which has everything that you were told clearly spelled out. They can do this. I get so much printed material from Jamie's cardiologist that even his insurance plan told me that they did not need to know every word of it.

Vets, like human doctors, know that people get upset and that information may or may not be clear, so they have to respond to this.
Yes that's the one L-asparaginase. Just hoping Lomustine is going to be OK for his liver as the warnings say not


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Keep discussing risk versus benefit with your vet. Don't be afraid to tell him your concerns, ask what his experience has been with using this drug, etc.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
Keep discussing risk versus benefit with your vet. Don't be afraid to tell him your concerns, ask what his experience has been with using this drug, etc.
Problem is I don't get the see the doc? They take the cat at the front door and I have to sit in my car. If I want to speak with her its a $200 phone consult. I just scramble asking the nurse things as she takes the cat but seems uninterested. I think I will call the clinic and see if I can at least leave her a message as his first is supposed to be Friday


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am absolutely not doubting your story, but cannot believe that a $200 consult does not come with the right to ask a few follow up questions. In some cases, a vet tech or resident will interface for the doctor, but they should be willing to help you with those additional questions.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 24, 2019
Hey, rvf4uk. I just came back to check on you and ask you for an update. Did the vets come through? Anything else we can help with?

Hope it's good news. Sending you and your guy lots of love.
Best wishes from over here.