Can an ear tip grow back?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 14, 2011
Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
OK, I know the answer is "No". Here's the story:

I spayed a female mackerel tabby cat last spring. She had been coming to the feeding station until late August, when we temporarily had a momma and kitten showing up. Never did catch them, unfortunately, but the spayed female ("Mama", because we're pretty sure she's the mom to the kitten we caught last year) decided the food wasn't worth the conflict. She hasn't been back. Mama was definitely eartipped when she was spayed, and it was obvious on the video camera.

The last several days a mackerel tabby, the same size and pattern, is coming to eat. This tabby appears to have a normal ear.

I'm assuming this is NOT Mama. I suppose it could be a relative. But I keep looking at the video, and comparing Mama from July to the new cat...and other than the ear I would swear they were the same cat.

Regardless, I will be trying to trap the newcomer next week. If it turns out it is Mama, the eartip should be visible in the light of day. (The cats only come at night. I have a video camera to watch them.)

This is just too strange. Anyone have a similar experience?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
No, an ear tip cannot grow back.

When cats who are related breed with each other, there can be some striking resemblances between them. This other cat is likely closely related to the cat you had ear-tipped, and I would not assume it is the same cat. It's great that you're going to trap her and get her to a vet. If she's already been spayed, the vet can usually see the scar when shaving her belly and won't open her up again.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I had something similar happen twice.  I had a feral tom that was with me for over a year.  I had tried and tried to trap him, but it didn't work.  I gave up, but on a whim tried again and trapped him.  I had him neutered and ear tipped.  Once I released him after the neuter, he didn't return.  Yet, I had 2 other cats that looked so much like him.  I have wireless ip surveillance cameras around my deck and would see the cats at night.  I was positive it was my missing boy, but the cats did not have ear tips.  Since the pictures were black and white and it was nice, it was so hard to tell.  I then had to trap both of these cats to be sure.  Neither one ended up being my sweet Patches, but they might have been related.  They looked so much like him. 

I currently have one that I wonder if he is an offspring.  He has the exact same expressions and eyes as my Patches. 

My guess is that it's a different cat.