Bringing my cat to school..?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 18, 2015
On exam review day, my fam is moving so my mom asked me to take Potato with me to school. He needs to be away from the house so he doesn't get hurt by the movers or furniture or, more probably, bother my parents lol. I'm an only child so no one else can take him away as my parents are helping the movers too. It's a half day so the classes are going to be no more than 30min long. Anyways I can always go outside after a quick look at my exam mark so he doesn't stay in the backpack for a couple of hours (+lunch break!) He's a mellow and quiet cat, we brought him to the pet store and the park, doesn't meow or anything. He actually preferred to hide in my bag when he was at the park : ) do you think it's a good idea? What will be the consequences if I get caught? My teachers are really chill and like me so I'm sure they don't mind, I'm just worried about any of the admins/principle. But I mean it's the last day of school and I'm moving so I don't think they can do much to me anyways lmao
He will have a collar + leash the whole time while inside my backpack and I'll bring treats, but I doubt he will eat because he'll probably be a little bit scared. He also comes to drop me off and pick me up from school everyday so he knows the outside area, just not inside.

Thoughts? Or is this a really stupid plan? :p

Ps. I'm in highschool, Junior year. Friends are mature and know how to handle cats :)


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
While I like that you are thinking about Potato, this is not a good idea. You likely have classmates at your school that are allergic to cats (some possibly severely) and pets, as a whole, are not allowed on school property. There is also the very real possibility that Potato to get out of the bag or someone could let him out and he would be out in an area he is not familiar.

If Potato needs to be away from the house for a few hours, best to board him at your vet (or nearest vet.) He would be kept safe and secure. Many vets would not charge a full days board for this, maybe just half. You can call around and check on prices.

Another option would be a pet boarding facility. Many "doggy daycares" also board cats and they might be willing to give you a better price break than a vet. Would certainly be worth checking.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
High School is no place for a cat. I also appreciate that you are concerned about Potato (love the name by the way- how cute!). In addition to there more than likely being others in the school who will be allergic to him, he will not want to stay in a bag or backpack for the entirety of the school day, even if it's a short one. he will become anxious and may try to escape from all the noise, strange people and strange scents. 

It's not IF you will be caught, but WHEN. Someone will tell on you. I can promise you that. What would you do if Potato escaped and had to be chased down? That would be traumatic for both of you but especially for him. 

Once the school administration found out he was there, they'd at the very least send you home. What about your exams? Would they let you reschedule them? I'd bet that the answer to that would be no. It would be one thing if you missed them because of an illness but not because you brought your cat to school. 

I think it's very sweet that you want to make sure that Potato is safe and cared for during the move but I agree that what is best for him would be to have him boarded for a day or part of a day. It would be less stressful for him and for you also. You would not be able to focus on your exams if you are thinking about him. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
No, I must agree, this is not a good idea. It would actually be very cruel to keep Potato in your backpack all day. What will happen when he needs to pee? People will find out and want to see him, and then everyone will know. Some idiot might think it fun to grab the bag and let him out or play ball with the bag and him in it. You will not be able to concentrate on anything while you have him there. Too many things could happen and you would never forgive yourself if he got lost or injured. |Find another solution - with a neighbour or your vet, as suggested. There must be other things you could do. If he has to stay with your family then a better plan would be to put him in a carrier or cage where at least he could see out and move around. And you mom could let him out in a safe place to pee. Please do not take him to school.

impossible cat

TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 25, 2016
North Carolina
As a teacher I can tell you that this is a terrible idea. I love cats and I would not want to report it if I found my student snuck a pet in but I would be contractually obligated to report it to an administrator. The best thing you can do for both you and potato is to board him at a vet or at PetSmart/ Petco or ask a relative or neighbor to watch him for a few hours.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I think taking him to school is a bad idea. If there are any boarding places in your area, that's probably best. If not, put him in a small room that's already had everything moved out (perhaps a bathroom or walk-in closet), with lots of signs on the door saying not to open it. Or even just put him in a cat carrier in a safe location. He'll be OK for just one afternoon. But if he goes to school I think there are too many things that could go wrong.

banana queen

TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 2, 2016
When I moved house, I had just one cat. When I had emptied one room, I moved the basic cat accessories-food, water and litter box etc. into that room, put the cat in, and shut the door (put a sign on it to let people know not to open it). Then once we were ready to move, I made sure all doors to the outside were shut, then went in with the cat carrier and put the cat in, and took her to the new house, where I did the same thing, put the cat stuff in one room for a bit while she settles in.