Bloody-ish Poop But Already Been Checked By Vet?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 10, 2017
hi all! I have 2 kittens. recently they've been having diarrhea, so obviously my mom took them to the vet.
our vet is amazing - she checks for every possibility of anything being wrong, is very thorough and gentle with all of our animals. anyway, the kittens went on friday afternoon, got their rabies vaccines, got a general checkup and all that. they are great weights (4.5 lb on Nero, and 6 on Thistle, Nero's the runt) shiny fur, no worms or anything. we were given some pills for their diarrhea, to be taken twice a day for about 5 days. they've had three pills each so far - one at the vet and two at home.
but i've noticed something weird - while their poop is already looking to have more solid bits and looking much better - it also looks red?!
it's not like actual blood.. it's like clear-ish? like water with food colouring. they haven't gotten into ANYTHING, and they eat blue wilderness food - grain free, and great for all ages. and their personalities and behaviour haven't changed throughout all this, from the diarrhea starting about a week and a half ago to now.

shall i tell my mom to take them back in?
and note, it was kind of red before the vet visit too - so it's not like the vet didn't know or something she gave them caused it.

edit: i was wondering, could it be that the diarrhea actually made the skin in their butt sore and bleed? because i know that can happen with humans, and there's no way the vet didn't notice internal bleeding :(


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! Can you get a picture of at least one of their bums, and of the poop, and send that in to your vet and then talk with them to see what they think?