Blood drops in urine


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 20, 2017
Hello! How are you all doing?

I have a 7 year old female cat who has had urinary tract issues since forever. At the shelter where I got her, they once did surgery to see what the problem was but could not find anything. I have had times when she was clearly in pain, went to the vet and she got treated. But that happened years ago. Sometimes I would see blood drops and go again. But they never can find anything and keep telling me it's the urinary tract issue resulted from stress. Now lately, I keep seeing one tiny drop of blood every day in her urine. It's been weeks now. Usually it goes away just fine. What should I do? When we visit the vet they confirm she feels no pain in her bladder, she's happy, running around, seems to be feeling great, but the blood just won't go away. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do? I have tried a cranberry supplement for cats. Stuff that can help with imflammation. She also goes through periods of time where she just lets her urine flow while napping and sleeping, and sometimes that doesn't happen for a while. Right now she also let's her urine flow whenever she lays down somewhere. But she also goes to the litter box when she needs to. Overall, in a great mood. Her weight does change and I have had to mix her urinary diet with regular food or else she wouldn't eat enough. And I give her wet food, one half in the morning, the other in the evening, so she eats it whole. We also got a cat water fountain to stimulate her water consumption and she seems to like it. Is it also possible she has hurt herself on the inside because she's very neurotic when it comes to the litter box. Goes to it countless of times a day, just trying to pee. Sometimes something comes out, sometimes not. (This has always been a thing, even at the shelter, hence the surgery). Has she perhaps herself while trying to pee too hard? whilest the other cat just goes one time a day and a while waterfall comes out.

I am sorry if I am all over the place with my story, hope you all are fine during these weird corona times!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Can you talk with a different vet? Can they consult with a university medical veterinary department?

In the meanwhile can you try unscented puppy pee pads if you aren't already, possibly pet diapers, and although she seems to be acting normal, try keeping her environment as stress free as possible? Cat music might be good in any case - there is spotify, youtube, RelaxMyCat and MusicForCats as sources :).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
You have nothing to apologize for here. My only suggestion would be to try getting a 2nd opinion from a different vet. Even if you really love your current vet sometimes having a 2nd set of eyes to look at things can help find more answers about what is happening. Just like human doctors different vets have different levels of experience with different issues. Perhaps check to see if there is a feline only vet in your area. Urinary issues can sometimes be difficult to figure out because the symptoms can change over time. Have you talked to your vet about trying a medication for inflammation long-term? I am not a vet but based on personal experience with one of my own cats inflammation can cause blood in the urine even if there is no infection present. Another thing to try would be to set up a new litter box in a different location to see if that helps with the accidents. If you are living in a multi-level home perhaps add one on another level of your home for more access. Urinary issues can cause sudden urges to pee and perhaps having a extra litter box would be helpful.

Grayson’s Mummy Julia

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 14, 2020
Burnley, England, UK 🇬🇧
Have u tried Hills Urinary prescription food? Gray suffered from UTI a lot until the vet recommended this and it’s changed his life! No more UTI for the last 5 yrs! They do wet and dry food.
Sending all the good vibes and healing your way ❤❤❤