Best calming chews or aids for cats


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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Yesterday my mom decided that she was going to get a puppy. After having to rehome a kitten I asked my mom to please not get anymore pets for now. Of course my mom doesn’t listen to it I mean I know it’s weird to expect her to listen to her 35 year old daughter. But I only said it cause I don’t want Scooter getting stressed knowing he dealt with a UTI in September. I’m trying all I can to make sure he doesn’t have another episode cause I can’t afford a vet visit of any kind right now. With the new puppy I’m a little nervous since it will be a medium sized dog which will be bigger than Scooter, Casper, & Nera(my other dog). I know since the pup is only 8 weeks she will basically grow up with them and know not to hurt them. Lately I’m just an anxious person anymore.

With the new pup even though it has only been a day I know Scooter, Casper & Nera will adjust in time. Sadly living in a small space there is not many places for Scooter & Casper to hide.They have a counter they can sit and eat on. They have my room and the bathroom to hide out in for now. They will sometimes go into my parents room too. But I know to solve the problem completely would be to get my own place. But that is not possible right now not until I get a job and find an affordable place. I only do side hustles for money right now which doesn’t get me a lot. It gets me money to buy cat food & litter it’s not enough for an apartment or to pay bills. So until I can get a job to start saving money to get a place I need to find ways to make everything stay calm and go easy. So I think I need to find some calming chews or something for Scooter until he can adjust to the puppy. Does anyone have any recommendations that is affordable?

Sorry this is long I am just frustrated and tired of no one listening to my worries and concern. Tired of being dismissed and my parents especially my mom doing stuff that ups my anxiety knowing I worry about the cats especially Scooter after his UTI scare. I just wish she would have listened to what I asked about no more pets for now. Now I sound like a crazy person. But thank you for listening to me.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
What has worked for me is feliway and purina proplan calming care. Doesn't work for all cats but it has helped mine
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
What has worked for me is feliway and purina proplan calming care. Doesn't work for all cats but it has helped mine
I have looked into Feliway but had concerns when people said it is a fire hazard. Although most pics I have seen people have it upside down instead of up right. The only way I can solve the problem completely is to find my own place to where I don’t have to rely on things like calming aids. But right now til I hear if I am getting ssi(disability for mental illness) or get a job I can’t afford it. So I have to do what I need to in order to keep things calm. I wish my mom didn’t get the puppy or at least got one that would be a small dog. But nothing I can do now but take it day by day hope for the best until Scooter becomes adjusted.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 31, 2018
🙏🏻 for you and your pets. Do you mind if I ask how old your mom is and is she capable of caring for a puppy? Dogs are a lot more work than cats are.
I have 11 indoor cats and have been dealing with fleas for awhile but after hearing other cat moms on this site I actually feel lucky.
im so sorry for your dilemma and wish I could give some good advise for you.
There are capsules you can mix in with wet food that’s suppose to help with anxiety in cats and dogs. Zylkene If you’re nervous about using Feliway.
i had tried it awhile ago (spray) but it didn’t help and I was also nervous about using the plug in….
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
🙏🏻 for you and your pets. Do you mind if I ask how old your mom is and is she capable of caring for a puppy? Dogs are a lot more work than cats are.
I have 11 indoor cats and have been dealing with fleas for awhile but after hearing other cat moms on this site I actually feel lucky.
im so sorry for your dilemma and wish I could give some good advise for you.
There are capsules you can mix in with wet food that’s suppose to help with anxiety in cats and dogs. Zylkene If you’re nervous about using Feliway.
i had tried it awhile ago (spray) but it didn’t help and I was also nervous about using the plug in….
My mom is 55 my dad is 57 both are capable of taking care of dogs we do have Nera. A month ago my mom had brought home a kitten which we ended up rehoming cause it was too much to deal with. I asked her to please not bring home any other animal right now. Ever since Scooter’s scare in September I been worried about him. So I have been making sure he stays healthy even keeping records of his bathroom habits when he goes what it looks like etc. I do this cause I can’t afford a vet visit of any kind right now. So if an emergency happens with Scooter I fear I will lose him cause I can’t pay a huge vet bill and in WV you can’t really get help. The only help we could get was care credit which is maxed out now. Yeah my mom is gonna pay for deworming and check up for the pup but she is paying out of pocket and it won’t cost that much. Not like if an emergency happens with Scooter, Casper or Nera. I deal with Anxiety and OCD so the littlest things can get me worrying. I can get stressed and worry easily until I’m sure things are fine. I used to be able to handle things like this but lately it’s gotten worse so I can’t handle certain things. My mom won’t rehome the puppy like we did the kitten cause she paid $200 for her. I wish she would of waited til we had a bigger place or at least got one that would be a small dog not one that will be a medium sized dog bigger than both cats and Nera. Yes I know since she is a puppy she will grow up to be used to them and not hurt them. Right now it is very difficult to get Scooter or Nera to eat both my parents keep saying oh they will work through it. Yes I know they will in time but it still worries me. I just wish she wouldn’t have gotten the puppy.

The only full proof solution I know of is to get my own place to where I can take both Scooter & Casper. But since I applied for disability months ago I have to wait til I hear on a decision from them. If I don’t get approved I can find a job to find a low income apartment. But until then my hands are tied so I am looking for something that will help scooter be less stressed until he gets use to the puppy. Sorry this is so long I just need to get this out if I say something to my family they get annoyed cause I say it a lot.


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Jun 1, 2022
Do you have any idea what breed or mix the puppy is? Genetics determine a lot of adult behavior, though a good upbringing helps a lot and can make or break how the puppy acts once he or she hits adulthood. Do your parents have intentions to crate train the puppy? There are videos all over YouTube that are called "Crate Games" that make crate training a breeze. Show them to them.
Is there any way you could install a shelf or two higher off the ground so Scooter and Casper could have a place that the puppy can't reach?

Initially, I was going to suggest taking over training the puppy but I realize how unfair that is to you, you don't need or deserve a project you didn't ask for. If I were in your situation, I would be upset as well.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Do you have any idea what breed or mix the puppy is? Genetics determine a lot of adult behavior, though a good upbringing helps a lot and can make or break how the puppy acts once he or she hits adulthood. Do your parents have intentions to crate train the puppy? There are videos all over YouTube that are called "Crate Games" that make crate training a breeze. Show them to them.
Is there any way you could install a shelf or two higher off the ground so Scooter and Casper could have a place that the puppy can't reach?

Initially, I was going to suggest taking over training the puppy but I realize how unfair that is to you, you don't need or deserve a project you didn't ask for. If I were in your situation, I would be upset as well.
The lady said she is an American Bully/Boxer mix which means she will be a medium sized dog. They lady said she was the runt so idk how big exactly. But I don’t know if she meant an American Bulldog or American Bully cause both are two different but she doesn’t resemble a bully at all. She was supposed to get one that was going to be another small dog not one that will be bigger than both cats and Nera(the other dog)We only have one kennel which is Nera’s we don’t close the door. We have very limited space right now so we can’t get another crate. Scooter & Casper do have places they can jump on that the puppy can’t reach. They have what I can only describe as a built in shelving that has a bottom cabinet that divided the living room & kitchen. Long long time ago the bottom shelf was removed so they have that to jump on. There is a dresser in the bathroom they can jump on. They can even hide in my room if they choose to. I just wish my mom wouldn’t do things to stress me or set off my anxiety. But until I can find a way to pay rent and bills on my own to where I can get my own place to take both of my cats cause Scooter & Casper are mine. Nera belongs to my parents so will Gina(the new puppy). But anyway until I hear back from the state on if I am getting disability or I get a job to get my own place (cause that is only full proof way I would not worry so much) my hands are tied. I’m trying to get that worry voice to shut up. To remember things will take time for them to get use to each i other but it’s so hard to do. My anxiety and ocd has gotten worse since my grandmother passed away a week before Christmas 2020. I just wish my mom would of respect my wishes. But she isn’t going to listen to her 35 year old daughter and I can’t tell her what to do. I really wish I wasn’t like this though cause sometimes I feel like a burden with all my worries especially with Scooter.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Would scooter enjoy a catto or an enclosure that could be his place? Not all cats like them but many do enjoy a place to unwind.

Im not sure what an american bully is. Is it like a pitbull? My concern would be the new dog having a prey drive. Training can subdue it a bit but prey drive is usualy a primal instinct for some dogs. These dogs are likely to chase or even attempt to hunt smaller animals such as cats, rabbits, squirrels etc. It is different from rat dogs like terriers (bred to rat out rodents) who are too small to actualy do much damage to a cat.

You also say your house is small, boxers are very energetic and will need a large yard and long walks to expend their energy. Is it fair to the dog to keep it cooped up in a tiny house? Not really, and the excess energy needs to burn off somehow which could drive the dog to chase the cats as well.

This dog will need long walks to keep it under control. Maybe you could volounteer to take the dog on some trail walks or just long walks around the town. I'm just trying to think of ways to keep the peace.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Would scooter enjoy a catto or an enclosure that could be his place? Not all cats like them but many do enjoy a place to unwind.

Im not sure what an american bully is. Is it like a pitbull? My concern would be the new dog having a prey drive. Training can subdue it a bit but prey drive is usualy a primal instinct for some dogs. These dogs are likely to chase or even attempt to hunt smaller animals such as cats, rabbits, squirrels etc. It is different from rat dogs like terriers (bred to rat out rodents) who are too small to actualy do much damage to a cat.

You also say your house is small, boxers are very energetic and will need a large yard and long walks to expend their energy. Is it fair to the dog to keep it cooped up in a tiny house? Not really, and the excess energy needs to burn off somehow which could drive the dog to chase the cats as well.

This dog will need long walks to keep it under control. Maybe you could volounteer to take the dog on some trail walks or just long walks around the town. I'm just trying to think of ways to keep the peace.
Sorry I am late replying to this it has been a long week for me. But I would love to get a catio for both Scooter & Casper to have time outside in the warmer months. Since it’s fall where we are getting winter like weather they won’t go outside. Even before the puppy I was looking into catios for them. But they are so expensive and I can’t afford it. Scooter & Casper has few options they can have and I am looking for a decent priced car tree tower to get them so they have higher place to escape to. But for now they have my parents room, a dresser in the bathroom and the counter that divides living room & kitchen. My mom is looking into getting a bigger place to rent but where I live it’s hard to find decent places to rent that isn’t $1,000 & over. A new kennel has been bought for Gina(the puppy). She has been using Nera’s kennel to sleep in for now. But she will have a kennel a space to call hers. Also so she can get properly potty pad trained. So if no one is home or up with her she will be in the kennel. Which will have a bed, food, water, puppy pads, & toys. She is mainly active during the day and will sleep all night. She only gets up at night to potty which she is taken outside for that.

An American Bully is a result of an American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier and other Pitbulls at least that is what Google said. While they resemble pitbulls they are way different than pitbulls and don’t have a prey drive at all. They were bred to be tamer & calmer to be companions. Boxers I know very well my grandmother had 2 when I was growing up both accepted and loved cats. She is a mix of both but she is smaller at 2 months old than what a pure bred American Bully or Boxer puppy would be at this age. She is not wide in the chest like a bully would be. To me she resembles a boxer more I will make another reply with pics of her. But she will not be cooped up when she can fit in one she will get harness trained. Right now she doesn’t fit any harness as I said she was the runt. I know tiny places and medium & large dogs don’t mix. But again this was not my choice or my doings my mom did it without telling anyone until she bought the puppy home. If it were up to me I’d get another small dog like Nera cause my concern is for her too. But again it was not my decision and I can’t very well tell my mother what to do.

She is on a trial period if she can’t adjust well or the other 3 can’t adjust well to her to where there would be problems then in a couple of months she will be rehomed. If when she gets bigger and she does harm Scooter, Casper or Nera she will be rehomed at that point too. Right now she is a small puppy who can grow to love all 3 in time. I tell her every day we do not chase the kitties. We love the kitties and give the kitties space. I tell her that cause she wants to play but Casper & Scooter don’t. Scooter is in the hissing at her phase and Casper has smacked her a few times no claws just more of a tap. Both avoid her at all costs too cause I think she is too hyper for them. Right now Nera is having issues she is becoming food aggressive and will attack the puppy if she is near her food so they are fed separately. The boys have the counter they eat on now. She has a vet visit Friday cause she has diarrhea and has thrown up so suspect she has worms bad. Which means the lady lied saying she was dewormed but she wasn’t and I don’t think she’s had any shots.With limited funds & space I’m doing all I can now to make sure when she gets bigger she respects and loves the 3 that came before her.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)


Here is the puppy she resembles nothing of an American Bully to me. She resembles a boxer more but she is only 2 months old so it may be hard to tell right now. Pure bred American Bullies as puppies are bigger than that at 2 months. When she wakes up I will try to get s full body shot of her. She does have that white marking on her chest all boxers have. She also is smaller than what a pure bred boxer puppy would be at 2 months. Considering she is mixed & the runt she is a bit smaller than standard size.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
My cousin has a boxer/blue healer cross she looks actualy more boxer though than healer. Even as a seionor now with hip replacements she is super high energy, so thats why I suggest taking gina for long walks once she fits in a harness. I don't see much pitbull gina except maybe the ears.

My cousins dog is my only real experience I have with boxers. Its normal for cats to be hissy at first but hopefuly scooter is just posturing. With how tiny she is compaired to the dvds in the background I would be more worried about the cats hurting her at this stage but that will quickly change.

I'll be blunt about the breeders, unless the dog has show animal bloodlines you really don't know what you are getting. It deffenatly does sound like gina has some issues going on. Good she is seeing the vet. If your other animals both cats and dog have been in contact with her they should have a round of dewormer as well to be sure nobody gets reinfected.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
My cousin has a boxer/blue healer cross she looks actualy more boxer though than healer. Even as a seionor now with hip replacements she is super high energy, so thats why I suggest taking gina for long walks once she fits in a harness. I don't see much pitbull gina except maybe the ears.

My cousins dog is my only real experience I have with boxers. Its normal for cats to be hissy at first but hopefuly scooter is just posturing. With how tiny she is compaired to the dvds in the background I would be more worried about the cats hurting her at this stage but that will quickly change.

I'll be blunt about the breeders, unless the dog has show animal bloodlines you really don't know what you are getting. It deffenatly does sound like gina has some issues going on. Good she is seeing the vet. If your other animals both cats and dog have been in contact with her they should have a round of dewormer as well to be sure nobody gets reinfected.
Oh yeah Boxers sadly suffer from a lot of hip problems and they tend to have skin issues too. Casper & Scooter won’t hurt her they mainly hiss and run from her even though she wants to play. Nera she is not liking her right now. So everyone has their own space for now. I know they can be high energy so they need tons of exercise. They do mellow out when spayed which she she will be in March when she is 6 months.

Sadly I know all too well people lie the lady I got Nera from lied to us so many times. She said she was 8 weeks when we took her to her first vet appointment the vet told us she was 5 weeks and should not have left her mother. Then told us she was Pomeranian but the vet said she resembles a papillon. We think the lady did something to the puppies to why she is skittish even at 2 years old now. So sadly I know breeders lie.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
I have an update I figured I would post here. Sorry I have been inactive went through a lot. But I no longer have Gina(the puppy) she found a new home. While Scooter & Casper came around and played with her my other dog Nera was not getting along with her. She would pull Nera’s hair then yesterday she started grabbing around her neck. Even though Gina is 2 months old she weighs 6 1/2 pounds Nera only weights 4 1/2 pounds. It would not take much for Nera to get hurt. Plus Gina was eat Scooter & Casper’s litter from their box. That is not good for her at all. She was way too hyper for a puppy and it was just not a good fit. Since my place is small it was not a good fit for her either. So we gave her to a guy my mom works with. He has a bigger place and a great size yard for her. She will have a German Shepherd sibling to play with too. She is already loved so much by the guy and his parents. We let them know she has a vet appointment for her second round of shots. I feel bad for giving up another pet but in the end it was what was best for her & Nera. I think I was meant to only have 2 cats & 1 dog for now. I was definitely only meant for small breed dogs too. I will miss her but I know what I did was the right choice and I know it was the best thing for her. So I can breathe easy now knowing I don’t have to worry about my boys or Nera anymore things can go back to normal.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
I have an update I figured I would post here. Sorry I have been inactive went through a lot. But I no longer have Gina(the puppy) she found a new home. While Scooter & Casper came around and played with her my other dog Nera was not getting along with her. She would pull Nera’s hair then yesterday she started grabbing around her neck. Even though Gina is 2 months old she weighs 6 1/2 pounds Nera only weights 4 1/2 pounds. It would not take much for Nera to get hurt. Plus Gina was eat Scooter & Casper’s litter from their box. That is not good for her at all. She was way too hyper for a puppy and it was just not a good fit. Since my place is small it was not a good fit for her either. So we gave her to a guy my mom works with. He has a bigger place and a great size yard for her. She will have a German Shepherd sibling to play with too. She is already loved so much by the guy and his parents. We let them know she has a vet appointment for her second round of shots. I feel bad for giving up another pet but in the end it was what was best for her & Nera. I think I was meant to only have 2 cats & 1 dog for now. I was definitely only meant for small breed dogs too. I will miss her but I know what I did was the right choice and I know it was the best thing for her. So I can breathe easy now knowing I don’t have to worry about my boys or Nera anymore things can go back to normal.
With all the stress the situation was causing, I think this was a good choice. You didn't "give her up", you found her an excellent home in which she will certainly thrive that's a better fit for her needs. I think you acted very responsibly on everyone's part. :)