Belated Hello From The Pnw!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2015
Hi, I joined a year and a half ago, after getting my first kitten (as an adult) Dinah and forgot to say hi? Then I sort of forgot about this place, but came back after I'd been considering getting a second kitten for a while and needed some advice!

It all worked out wonderfully (and quickly) and now I've got one princess and one troublemaker. Dinah is a long-haired brown and white tabby with huge green alien eyes. She's a little bit of a high-strung diva and was bored and restless alone, plus she's got the play drive of a 10 week old kitten, so a week ago now I adopted Binx!

He's a very, very friendly 3 month old black shorthair. He loves cuddles and wand toys, sleeping upside down and Dinah. He dislikes being alone and Sanderson sisters, especially redheaded ones.

He and Dinah play tag and wrestle all the time, and she's coming around to him. Mostly she just seems exhausted by him, but she was pretty concerned/protective when I had to put him in the carrier to go to the vet a few days ago. It was pretty cute. If he gets out of line, she'll pin him or bop him on the nose and then walk off.

About me: I live in the Seattle area but grew up in California on a ranch, with barn cats and indoor/outdoor cats. Growing up the cats we had as pets were mostly strays my mom'd found somewhere, or strays someone else had found. Sometimes the strays found us and wound up staying! Having Dinah has been kind of an adventure because I'd never had a single cat before, especially who was indoors all the time and couldn't get her energy out through hunting. She is soooo much happier now that Binx is here, and so'm I. I also tend to... write long posts, whoops. I kind of get carried away.

There's pictures of Dinah all over the place and taking a picture of a black cat is like trying to take a photo of the Void, but here's a couple of pictures of them!




Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
Welcome! I have seen you around the forums, so we have already sort of met, but hello again! I hope to continue to see you around TCS!


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Hi and Welcome,

Your cats are soooo beautiful!! Sounds like Dinah is going to keep baby in line. :)



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
So cute ! I worry about gracie being alone and bored sometimes however she is a princess and very spoilt and has had our (her) flat to herself since she was 7 weeks (she's now 7 months) so Id worry about getting another cat as she"d be jealous. You say it was easy and they both get along so that's so cool
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2015
kashmir64 kashmir64 , thank you very much! Dinah always reminds me of those fluffy kittens in Victorian food ads. I'm curious to see what color Binx's eyes will be - right now they look greenish-orangish-yellowish but still kind of murky.

abyeb abyeb , hi again, and thanks! I probably will stick around, I've taken to browsing this place during my downtime and study breaks. So much to learn, and so many cute cat photos.

tabbytom tabbytom hello and thank you so much! I am currently trying to get photos of them together, but when they're in close proximity, they're usually wrestling with each other. Maybe some videos! I'm sure in the next couple of weeks they'll move on to napping in close proximity since Dinah's taken to grooming him (a little) during play at this point.

Mia6 Mia6 hello! Haha, yeah, I think she's enjoying having someone around to show the ropes, so to speak. She still won't let him near her cat tree - but she doesn't like letting me near it either, so that's not surprising. I have to shut her out of my bedroom when I clean or move it around otherwise she comes running in to claim the top spot.

daisyd daisyd hey! I worried about that too, but she has so much energy I just took the chance and I'm so glad I did. I just make sure Dinah knows she's #1 gato in the house. So when I come home I feed and play with her first and make sure I find her after a long play session with the baby and give her love too. During the intros/separation I just tried to make sure I spent equal amounts of time with both and played with her literally whenever she wanted - she isn't food-motivated and hates treats. I didn't get a lot of sleep that week. ;) If you do decide to go for it, I'd get a boy. I was worried about her having territory issues, but from what I've read/experienced it's best to have one of each cause they tend to clash less? Gracie is so cute!!

@CowboyPeanut hello!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Welcome (again), kashmir64 kashmir64 and Dinah and Binx, both gorgeous felines! I've always been partial to house panthers. Of course I love ALL cats, but the black ones are the most elegant, stylish, and gorgeous to me. Time, patience, and love are key in raising a multicat family. Interactive play works magic with a lot of cats, as does communal dining. If you don't know "Cat Daddy" Jackson Galaxy's work on his amazing Animal Planet TV series, "MY CAT FROM HELL" and his books including CAT DADDY yet, I hope you'll check him out! He's also on YouTube with a lot of wonderful videos including quite a few with good suggestions about encouraging harmony in the multicat household. Hope you won't wait again to get involved in TCS' wonderful community of cat lovers! and please keep the photos coming!:geekcat: