Behavior Change After Hospitalization?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2013
Our 1 year old Ragdoll got into a flower arrangement we didn’t realize had lilies in it until we saw yellow paws. We had him hospitalized for 3 days of IV fluids. Test results were normal at both beginning of fluids and end so we think we are all clear however he isn’t the same as when we dropped him off.

It has been about 20 hours since we picked him up from the vet. I am sure he was stressed at the vet at didn’t eat or sleep well so much of his behavior is to be expected. He looks like he lost some weight and he isn’t eatting much...just nibbling (normally gobbles everything in site).

He doesn’t want to play or interact. He just wants to sleep. He doesn’t want to be picked up or held, or even near us. Normally he follows us around like a puppy and is very affectionate. He actually cried when I went to pick him up. I even tried to interest him in some of his favorite toys (laser, Mylar wand) and he had no interest.

He also has a bit of swelling and bruising where the IV was located.

I called the vet and they didn’t seem concerned. They said to monitor him and if things didn’t change in a few days to let them know.

Just worried as I dropped off an energetic and affectionate 1 year old kitten and now he is acting like a 17 year old sick cat. Curious from others who have gone through this normal? How long should I expect it to last? Is there any chance it could be could have permanent behavior change? Has anyone ever experienced this and have any stories they can share?

I feel horrible already for missing the lilies but now I also feel like I stole his childhood or innocence and I am hoping this is just temporary recovery time he needs.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
Hmm....I wouldn’t worry yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if he still has meds in his system and as you say it’s been a stressful time and he’s in recovery mode. I personally think he will be back to his normal self in time, though I don’t know how long. I haven’t had a cat who went though what he did, but hoping others will have more info on it. If however you are still feeling worried about him I would suggest you call the vet who did it and ask for a estimate on how long you should expect for things to be like this and if there is anything you should keep a eye open for.

Other then that, hang in there. I know how rough it can be when cats aren’t their normal self. Don’t beat yourself up so much about the lilies, it’s a easy mistake to make and as soon as you saw there was a problem you did everything in your power to make things right. Thank goodness you knew lilies are poisonous to cats! I have met many cat owners who have no idea what they should avoid.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
You did 100% the right thing, and even though he may not understand he has loving and responsible humans who he is lucky to have!

Hopefully he's just getting settled back in, once he feels safe again I'm sure he'll get back to his old self. One of my cats is always grumpy with me after the vets (to the point that she hisses and hides from me, not nice at all but I understand why...still hate it though), but after a few days all is forgiven!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Do you have another vet you can speak with? The crying when you picked him up bothers me, a lot actually...
They said to monitor him and if things didn’t change in a few days to let them know.
I don't understand this part either, it isn't like he was sedated for this, was he? so why would his behavior be so dramatically changed and why would they say to wait for a few days? wait for what?
I mean, at the very least they should have been talking with you regarding what to expect regarding his lack of appetite, lack of interest in anything, sleeping constantly...
Besides which, if you wait for much longer per this vet's instructions and his appetite doesn't improve, he'll be dropping more weight than he should be.
Did they say anything about that? Does he need an appetite stimulant or syringe feeding?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2013
Update - Saturday morning we noticed he was hiding and when I found him he was breathing really fast.

At the emergency vet we discovered he was in heart failure. Looks like he had an underlying heart condition that had yet to present itself and the IV fluids exasperated it.

My vet seems to think it is probably a mild heart condition considering he didn’t have any heart issue while on the fluids. Although we won’t know the full extent till we have our appointment with the cardiologist. The one we were referred to is booked until the 27th so we have asked our vet for other references as we don’t want to wait that long.

He is back home now and on heart medication. His breathing has stabilized but he is very lethargic and not the affectionate energetic kitten he was on Tuesday morning. My vet mentioned he was surprised to hear this and that with the heart meds they bounce back pretty quickly so my vet is thinking it may be that more is going on possibly than just the heart. Thyroid, etc. He said that nothing seems “typical” with what is being presented in this case.

I will keep everyone up to date. Obviously not what I was expecting when I dropped off a healthy kitten that just turned one on Thursday. I am still in shock honestly.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm so sorry you and your kitten are going through all this. :alright:

I know you've been referred to a cardiologist, but are there any cat only veterinarians you could take him to. Just from what you've posted about your current vet, I feel like maybe you should consider getting a 2nd opinion.

Hugs and healing vibes to your boy, and you.
:hugs: :redheartpump: :hearthrob: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :hearthrob: :redheartpump: :hugs:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
I’m so sorry :vibes: I hope they find out what’s wrong. I agree about getting a second opinion for what it’s worth