Becoming Distraught Over Relationship Between Wife And Cat.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2018
Hi all,
Mods, apologies if I am posting in the incorrect forum - please feel free to move this to another forum.

We have a 6 year old Domestic Short Hair. We have had him since is he was 5 months old. I have always loved cats, had them all my life until I went to University but my wife was never a fan of cats so we never had one as a couple. This opinion changed when we went on holidays where we stayed in a lodging with a cat. My wife changed her opinion to the point that, three weeks later, we had adopted a rescue. He has a few issues, dysplasia of the hind limbs and half a tail (he was rescued after a car hit him) but he is the most loving cat.

However, a year or two after getting him and ever since, I have been in the middle of an awful situation between the two. I cannot stand animal cruelty, but I can only describe what is happening here as physical and mental cruelty.

90% of the time, they have a great relationship. But there is the 10% when the cat does not do what he is told and does not obey her orders, then there is a chance that she can get physically violent with him. I have begged her not to hit him, instead using positive reinforcement to reward him while doing the right thing. He will do that at times but she will then fly off the handle.

We have a smart cat but my wife simply does not get that he is an animal. He will obey a number of commands but there will always be a time when he just doesn't want to get off the counter or go to his bed when he has been in the indoor toilet. When she is impatient, she will hit hit him, kick him, pick him up and slam him forcefully into his bed, catch him by the neck (not by the back), smack him in his body. I am a gentle guy but I absolutely lose the plot when I see her being violent against him. She will also mentally abuse the cat, putting him locked in his box for several hours if he does not do what she says.

When she hits the cat hard, it will lead to an argument where I am told to get rid of the cat immediately. This breaks my heart because he is like a child to me. One morning about 6 months ago, it broke me. I woke up, packed up my cat and his belongings and drove to the nearest rescue centre. Had she not noticed I was gone, he would have been left there. With about 5 miles left in the journey, she called me and asked me to bring him home. She also promised she would never ask me to get rid of him again. She has asked me to get rid about a dozen times since, and as I write this, he was again fighting. Last night, she ordered the cat to go to his bed. He did. However, because he stood in the bed but did not sit down, she hit him across the head with an open palm hard enough to really hear it.

As I said, he has a number of issues and it is very unlikely that anyone will take him as he is will require expensive care in his later years. I just don't know what to do. Any time I try to defend the cat, I am told I am choosing the cat over her. I just don't know what to do anymore.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
This is terrible. It is animal cruelty plain and simple. Does she get enjoyment form doing this? If so that is very very worrying indeed. Or is she 'just' trying to discipline your cat in a very misguided way? Cats should not be disciplined in such a way, their brains are just not wired the same as a dog or human. 'Disciplining' a cat is done using re-direction and psychological means. Physical and mental punishment should never, ever be used.
When she called you back from your drive to the centre, maybe she feared the scapegoat for her frustrations would be gone. That brings me back to my point of whether she needs to and gets pleasure from mistreating him.
There is no future for your cat with your wife. I'm sorry to be blunt but that's my opinion. You need to remove him from her permanently. As his medical issues get more complicated with age, just imagine what she may do then.
It's not for me to comment on your relationship with your wife and her possible anger issues being taken out on the cat but you must remove him from this danger one way or another. She could end up killing him by kicking him etc.
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TCS Member
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Jan 12, 2018
Hi Mightyboosh, I can place hand on heart and say she gets no enjoyment from it whatsoever. She often shows remorse when she knows she hurt him. She often says it's the only way he will learn even though we have seen time and time again that positive reinforcement is very strong teacher for him - however, because it is not 100% effective, she will resort to the physical punishment when she is impatient and he is not doing as told. We have chats where I tell her I cannot stand her hitting him but she will forget it the next time she is in a bad mood. I tell her he is now middle aged and she could kill him with a slap driven out of anger - she again agrees but that again goes out the window.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
Has she got anger issues generally and takes it out on the cat when she's in a bad mood? If so, that can be treated but that issue is between yourselves as man and wife of course.
Our remit on here is the concern for your cat. Unless your wife has a dramatic change of heart and behaviour, I can't see any other way than to separate the two of them permanently. As you said, one kick in the wrong place could kill him and who knows when that kick will happen especially as he gets older and more vulnerable.
Whereabouts are you? Is there anyone you know can take him? You have to think about his welfare and happiness in the long term even if you would miss him badly.
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TCS Member
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Jan 12, 2018
Thanks, the reason I am posting is because I am getting to the stage that I have no other option but to try and rehome, and, being honest, I am really uncertain how I will cope with the fact I was forced to do so because my wife refuses to change her behavior. Again, that's not for this forum. I want to make my wife see that she cannot continue doing this. Is there any good books or resources that show that cats cannot be trained through violence? When we are calm and not arguing (and we are right now) and when she is all very friendly with him, I will tell her my concerns and that is things do not change, I will have to rehome him. I think, as much as it kills me to do so, I will rehome him for his own good.

This is killing me.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
What's to say she's not going to hit YOU when she's angry and you do something she's not happy with? especially after the cat is gone?

She needs to learn that he's a cat, not a dog. A cat will not listen like a dog will. and it seems she's having difficulty with that.

Considering you two are married, I'd otherwise say dump her. But since it seems unlikely, rehoming the cat is the best bet for him. He doesn't deserve to be abused like this
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2018
Hi Draco, my wife has never been violent towards me or anyone else and has never lifted a finger towards me. Sometimes I wish my cat was as dumb as a rock and listen to no commands, but because he will do what he is told quite often, she clearly thinks that he should be listening 10 times out of 10.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Your wife is abusing the cat, and you are allowing this to continue. She will not change. She hasn’t changed in all this time. The only thing you can do is to remove the cat. He needs a new home where he is safe and only loved.

She should not have pets, and I do hope that you both have some therapy if you’re thinking about children ever.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
You are obviously aware this is animal cruelty; this cat is being abused. And you have allowed it to go on at least half of the cat's life. Wishing that your cat will be dumb as a rock and listen to her "commands" 100% of the time will not make it so. Nor should it. I think you know what to do, and I believe you should find a person or family who can take better care of this poor cat. This is unconscionable; this cat's safety should be paramount.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Can you move out for a little while with the cat? I'd hate to see you separated from him. This is abuse and she might get violent with you someday too. Why does the cat have to go to his bed right after using the litterbox? Cats don't obey commands like that, only dogs do. My thoughts are with you, I hope you can leave and keep your cat. Don't let her get away with this or she will never change.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Tell your wife that cats just don't use a bed like that on command. They like to pick when and where they will take a nap. My cats do some things on command, like come to dinner or go in their carrier. But I could never say "Go to bed, here, right now." They just wouldn't do it. Maybe your wife had dogs growing up and doesn't realize that cats are different. A dog would obey her, a cat just won't.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Here's an article from this site:

The Dos And Don'ts Of Cat Behavior Modification

Your wife is doing almost every "Don't".

At this point rehoming is best, in my opinion. I won't get into how you will deal with this part of your marriage, but I will say I am very sorry that you are dealing with this.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I am not one to jump to rehoming as a viable option lightly, but it sounds like it is in the cats best interest to be rehomed. It is also in your relationships best interest as I am sure this is a hardship between you and your wife. Find a good no kill rescue in your area so he has the best chance to find a new home.

Related, I know that a person being willing to strike a cat doesn't always translate to being willing to strike a human. However, it does indicate some behavioral issue especially when coupled with remorse and claiming it was just an accident. I have been there with my ex and it doesn't ever stop even when they show remorse. It either is an actual lack of control or it is faked; either way I would encourage getting outside help especially before further adoption or increase in your family size. Take it from someone who has the scars to show it; remorse means little if the behavior continues.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
If you meant my second comment, I wasn't talking about the hitting part, I was talking about how she ordered the cat into the bed. A cat just won't obey a command like that, but a dog might. I did say that it was abuse in my other comment.