Bathing a cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 16, 2015

I have 5 persians (3 male and 2 female). The biggest problem is to bath them. They all are fully grown. Whenever I tried to bath them, they run and hide. Male are quite big in size and heavy so holding them firmly is not possible. It was my mistake not to bath them right from the start. Now it has literally became impossible to do this. if there is some medication which can be mixed in their food that could make them unconscious for a short while so I could do the needful. Anyone having this problem? Please share



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Most of the time cats do not need to be bathed unless they get into something that they cannot clean off their fur by themselves, like oil. Or a medicated bath for ringworm or fleas.

In fact, it is my understanding that bathing long haired cats such as your Persians can make their fur snarl and mat, requiring that the fur be shaved off.

Why do you think your cats need bathed?

I will shout out to one of our members who has Persian cats that are show cats. She will be able to give you expert advice.

@posiepurrs   your expert advice is needed. Please come help the original poster. TIA
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 16, 2015
Actually two of them have never been bathed. The reason to bathe them is that their coat has become very dirty and hair are now sticking and forming mats. They also dont like brushing too much so its a real ordeal to brush them. Sometimes many of the places are left unbrushed and result is mats.
My experience of bathing them is not bad because after bath, some of their small matts become loose and can be taken off by brushing. Once bath is over, they are blow dryed while brushing. End is a neat and silky hair cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
They are matting because the coat the coat is dirty - a clean coat doesn't tangle as badly. I also have some who are difficult to bath so don't feel alone. There are medicines that vets use with difficult patients that doesn't knock them out, but makes them more like they are drunk. I do have to use it on one of my girls at times. You could ask your vet about it as a last resort. However, I would suggest patience first. Comb them out completely - mat free before wetting them down. A wet mat dries tighter. After you get them completely combed, get things set up for the bath - you won't be able to go get things after you start. If you have someone to help that would be great, but can be managed by yourself if needed. My husband never helps - he says he doesn't want the cats mad at him! If they haven't had a bath in awhile, the coat will be greasy. I suggest using Dawn dish detergent, diluted half with water, to help with this as a first shampoo. A good cat shampoo should be next. After you clip the nails - a MUST before trying to bath, gently put the cat in the sink. I use the sink since it has a sprayer nozzle and is easier on my old back. Keep the cat facing away from you, scruffing if needed with one hand if you don't have help. Gently wet him down with the sprayer close to the body so he can't hear the water. To aid in wetting him add a little of the Dawn, it breaks the oils up and helps the coat get wet. Don't scrub - it will tangle the coat, work in the pattern of hair growth. Rinse and repeat with other shampoo. The most important thing you can do is rinse - it takes me nearly twice as long to rinse as it does to shampoo. Remember he will be trying to get away from you, so keep a firm grip on him and keep him facing away from you at all times. If you think he may try to bite (out of fear of the unknown) you could put an e collar on him. To those who have short haired cats and don't believe cats need a bath - a long haired cat does occasionally need to be bathed. If not for any other reason than to keep them accustomed to it since they can and do have litterbox accidents that require a bath. Keep it short at first, one shampoo and rinse and DO IT EVERY WEEK. Repetition is the key along with patience. The cats I have issues with on bathing are the ones I do not bath regularly. Talk sweetly to them while bathing - what you say doesn't matter, just keep the tone sweet and calming. After the bath, offer him a treat that is special - mine get freeze dried chicken.
Alternatively, if feasible, you could take them to a cat groomer.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 16, 2015
Thanks for explaining in detail. Problem is that I have tried my very best to comb and bathe them. But it never works. They r so afraid that they start running and hide immediately. Male cat is too big so I cant hold on to him. That is why as a last resort i asked for something that could make them drowsy. I used to call a groomer at my house to bathe them. But as soon cats would see him, they became hysterical and hide. there is one cat which i bath as it is young and small. Like u said, while bathing I talk to him to sweetly the way i normally do.