Bacterial Vaginosis In Spayed 17 Month Old, Problems With Weight Loss


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2005
We've been dealing with discharge and discomfort in our last bottle baby since the end of August when she turned a year old. She has been spayed in April. Took two exams before they believed me about where the discharge was from, the first doc thought it was an anal gland leak. So far we have done:

several rounds of antibiotics
a food change
physical cleanings daily with chlorhexadine
two gynecological exams
Onsior as needed for pain and swelling
Probiotics daily for the last 2.5 months
and a culture

That showed Enterococcus that was sensitive to Amoxi, but we are almost through two weeks of Clavamox with no improvement. She is still extremely uncomfortable. I don't think they will want to do yet another round of antibiotics if she is not responding to what the culture has shown to work.

The discharge is a yellow brown that smells like a cross between iodine and urine, and there is a lot of it. She does not have a bladder infection, it doesn't seem to be actual urine, and she uses the box normally.

The doc thinks there are two possibilities, the first is that it is a post-spay issue based on pH and 'good' flora imbalance that is normally seen in puppies. They never heard of it in a cat before, but we get the weird cases so that wouldn't surprise me. If it is then she will eventually heal on her own.

The second is that it is her weight causing the problem, she notes that the folds 'down there' aren't allowing proper drainage. I do wonder if some of that is from swelling, as I noticed that it gets better when on the Onsior.

This is so uncommon in cats was wondering if anyone else has dealt with it?

As for the weight loss problems:

She started off at a very obese 13 pounds and I think we have managed to get her weight down by a half pound or so over the last month. It has been a serious challenge, and I am at a loss of how to encourage more weight loss.

She has some rather difficult brain damage that we have been working with. She was abandoned or separated from mom at a few hours old and not discovered for nearly 24 hours, the people who found her bathed her and fed her Catsip in an unknown manner but they did not use a bottle, and her two sisters died the first few days we had them probably from aspiration pneumonia. Any of the above has caused severe learning disabilities and all the symptoms of cortical visual impairment. She lives her life locked in her own little world. Great cat, a little quick to snap and get nasty because she isn't all that aware of what is going on around her, and very simple in how she interacts with the world.

To her, when the bowl does not have food then food simply does not exist, when it is full then it has always been full. She never seems to ever be hungry though she grazes if it is available to her. She never sits and actually eats, she picks a piece at a time and it takes her all day to eat even a 1/4 cup. She never begs, she never waits, she never scarfs even if I wait all day to put down fresh. She has not figured out that I am the one who fills the bowls, or that food comes from bags, or that when food gets put down she should eat it so another cat won't get it instead. She is with two other cats that will clean her bowl if she gets something different so going with diet food is out of the question. I cannot separate them either.

And since she is mostly blind, getting her to play with toys or chase things doesn't work. Oh, and she has absolute meltdowns with new things and places, too! Weeeeeee. Help?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
As to her medical condition, I have absolutely no clue. I've never heard of this.

As to getting her to lose weight, I'm kind of astonished that she is even overweight by what you describe, since if I am understanding this correctly, she doesn't really care if she has food in her dish or not. (and, BTW, diet kibble doesn't really work, IMHO). I have a pudgy boy who was overweight by 4 pounds by his first birthday. The only way we got him to lose weight was by putting everyone in the house hold on wet food so we could monitor HIS intake, calorie wise. I also have another cat who could care less if he eats, so I have to keep an eye on HIS food to make sure his pudgy brother stays out of it. How is it that your other cats don't finish off her food now? My only suggestion is that ALL cats be switched to something that is very low carb. This might actually help her lose some weight. And even blind cats normally play...does she not play with the other cats, or pretty much stay to herself? I'm guessing the no play is a result of the brain issue rather than the blindness. Will she follow you around if you talk to her while you are walking? If she will, then you could exercise her that way, by just walking around having her follow you. Many people do this with food, but that might not work in this situation :sigh:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2005
I know, vaginal infections are rare to begin with, but this type is really strange.

She doesn't jump on things. She will pull herself onto anything she can reach and sink her claws into, like the bed, but the only way she makes it onto our desk is if the chair has been pulled out, and she has never been on the top of any the furniture. It took her nearly 5 months to learn to get up on the bed! So I feed the other two girls out of reach, they enjoy being up away from her and unless she gets something different they rarely bother her little bowl on the floor. She tries to follow them sometimes but can't. I keep waiting for her to figure it out, maybe someday, she keeps surprising us.

She (calico) does play rough with the girlies. She likes chase games and the demon puts her head down like a charging goat and tears around the bedroom after them. They tolerate it pretty well and sometimes even like playing with her. She hasn't really explored the house much, she can't figure out the other cats at all and the space is so big she has meltdowns or slams into objects. (It took her months and months to learn the layout of the bedroom to where she wasn't running headlong into the walls!) I have another cat (calico) that hasn't left the bedroom - by her own choice - in 8 years, she was deathly ill for months as a kitten, lost half the fosters that were with her, it was a miracle any survived, and she shows mild signs of brain or psychological damage probably due to severe malnutrition as a young kitten. And the previous bottle baby (tortie) was an adventure in ringworm so hadn't been socialized on time and is partially blind due to a birth defect which means she hates/is terrified of the other cats but loves me so she joins in my crazy little bedroom trio.

It can be a little overwhelming somedays but we make do. I never wanted to keep this one but it was an emergency situation when she was found and then she was lagging so behind as a kitten and now is so quick to bite/scratch and just snap completely, often with no trigger. She is considered dangerous which doesn't help matters, she bit a vet, a tech and an assistant during her spay! She has thankfully yet to get me really good (aside from slicing with her claws) as I never let my guard down near her for just this reason. And she never got our of that bitey young kitten phase so even when she is perfectly happy she will bite hands and feet with no warning. I am a homemaker due to health issues so whatever, what's one more. Even if it's a handful of more. Sigh.

The calicos get along the best strangely enough, before this the older one wouldn't let any cat near her but I often find the two of the playing or sleeping together. I figured my much younger tortie would be more tolerant but she is very hot/cold with the little one.

She doesn't really play by herself. Very little interest in toys, even those that make noise or light up or involve me moving them. She has the most fun when the windows are open during the day and she hallucinates moving things outside or on the glass. She talks to them a lot and bounces around standing up. I'm pretty sure she is seeing lights and floaters that don't really exist but it keeps her busy and she has fun. She likes having paper towels fluttered in her face. She gets into hunting kitty mode and goes all crazy for a few minutes. She likes the ceiling fan as well, sometimes she chases it around.

And I can't figure out the overweight issue either, other than she got triggered to eat when the other two did and she just kept grazing and it built up over time. She was a HUGE baby, 2.5 pounds at 7 weeks, which for a bottle baby is way above average and she has never been a slim cat since. She wears it oddly as well, no spay swag but a giant fat pad on her shoulders and on her hips which started before her spay. We actually thought she was going to be a Klinefelter cat due to her build and behaviour, but her spay was normal. I still wonder if it is an underlying genetic issue causing all her problems. I blame myself for not stepping in sooner but we thought she would eventually even out, everything takes her longer than normal. She was weeks and then months behind developmentally with everything from walking to socializing but she eventually got (mostly) there.

The doc thinks the weight might be a metabolism problem, that she is eating so little that her body is in storage mode rather than burn mode. We wanted to do the hills metabolic diet for her, but it won't work unless she eats enough AND finishes what I give her in one sitting so the others don't get into it. I just don't see that happening on either point. The other calico has food sensitivities and we've been trying to find something she can tolerate. Right now it's Merrick LID, but I don't like the way the rest of the household is doing on it. They are now on ProPlan and doing much better but she gets sick on it. (I think it's eggs she reacts to.) I have Royal Canin coming today to try. We've been through all the big name, great nutrition brands and LID diets and either they make her sick or the kibble is too large and she doesn't eat enough. At 10 years she is a little on the thin side and needs to eat more. She doesn't like canned either. I have problem children!!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Gosh, I wish I knew what to tell you, except that you're an Angel :worship: