Baby and Cat.... some really concerning issues...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 8, 2012
i had to start a new thread for this, sorry, but my sister is having some issues and i thought i might ask here for some more experianced advice for her.

she has a 6 or 7 year old black cat, who is normally VERY well tempered, calm, a total mommas boy.

she now has a 1 year old child. her cat was very good with her kid, and normally would tolerate a bit of tail pulling and hugging and so on, when he had enough he would get up and leave.

recently however, the cat got possessive of a chair the baby was trying to climb up on, and the cat clawed him up so badly he had to go to the E.R several times.

Being that the cat was soo good with the baby, this seemed to come out of nowhere.

shes talked about having the cat declawed after this,and i am REALLY opposed to it. she isnt going to get rid of the cat either, which was something i was worried about since the cat isnt exactly a kitten, i didnt want to see him end up in a shelter, and i couldnt take him because of my kitten.

she is worried this might happen again, she cant control the cat and the baby all the time and things DO happen, you cant control the nature of a cat and a baby of course.... so really what im asking here is ...what would you do as a cat owner who loves your cat but has an issue like this?

if possible at all id really like to talk her out of declawing the cat, but only if there is a way to do so without endangering my nephew. if this kind of thing happens again though, idk what would happen to the cat. the toddler is able to get into other rooms so locking him out or the cat up isnt really an option.


TCS Member
Jun 27, 2012
I would suggest giving softpaws a try....they are nail caps for cats and a humane alternative to declawing. You can find them online or at pet stores.