Attempt To Save Mimi


learning to help ferals :)
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Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
In a desperate post as Im at the vet, I am trying to save my beloved Mimi, a 6 yr old semiferal outdoor cat who has suddenly fallen ill to something internal i believe.

My other outdoor cat beforehand, Pintilla, suffered similar symptoms, but they rarely see each other. She was put to rest at the vet, and I have yet to fully mourn for her as I am now trying to save Mimi.

Mimi currently has gone 4-5 days without eating, She’s sort of lethargic but able to jump. When I petted her she would purr softly but not as much as before when she would also curl her front paws. She tried going #2 on Thursday 11/23 but nothing came out.

I’m looking to assume it’s something internal - stomach/kidney/liver infection but I’m not so sure. I would truly sincerely appreciate any feedback if possible.

It’s been a long time since Ive been on here, my cats have done well but I have been dealing with personal career challenges, but I am free now and hope to contribute to the cat loving community as I have before :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 14, 2001
Ugh! I am sooooo sorry. We are going through something similar (but different issue). I keep "forgetting" what this is like and always adopt another later on. :( I don't know if I can forget this time, though. I can hardly function. It's so very, very hard....


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am sorry for your loss of Pintilla, and hate to hear when yet another cat becomes ill without much time passing. Given that Mimi is a semi feral outdoor cat, the possibilities of what might be going on are enormous. What you are doing is the best thing you can do. Our hopes and prayers are with you and Mimi. Please keep us posted.
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  • #6


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
thank you for the word
Ugh! I am sooooo sorry. We are going through something similar (but different issue). I keep "forgetting" what this is like and always adopt another later on. :( I don't know if I can forget this time, though. I can hardly function. It's so very, very hard....
thank you for that
different locations, same struggle, but never ending ambition to care for them
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  • #7


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
I am sorry for your loss of Pintilla, and hate to hear when yet another cat becomes ill without much time passing. Given that Mimi is a semi feral outdoor cat, the possibilities of what might be going on are enormous. What you are doing is the best thing you can do. Our hopes and prayers are with you and Mimi. Please keep us posted.
thank you all for the words, It really means a lot for support from afar when no one close to you really does

so 11/28 update
Vet visit yesterday after blood work and urinalysis said:
- liver levels normal
- kidney levels normal
- possibly upper respiratory/blood disease
- received subcutaneous fluids to hydrate her again, doxycycline, and I will try to give Mirataz, a appetite stimulant
- Started sneezing, leaning more towards upper respiratory
- Tech said she doesn't seem to be in any critical condition at all

She's purring but not eating, threw up 3 times overnight in our room, wanting to go outside
I want to hold on to her as much as I can she's always been outside.

Since it could be upper respiratory/blood disease, and I try to fight for her to stay inside and try to give her medicine when I can, what other remedies could I do to help better condition? as I prepare to take her to the vet soon if she doesnt get better
Thank you all again 🌸


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
If she has any congestion, you can run hot water in a closed bathroom to create a steamy/sauna like room, take her in there and sit with her for 5 or so minutes, it will help to clear the congestion and at least possibly make her feel a bit better. If it helps, you can do it as many times a day as you see necessary. If she is not used to running water, make sure you turn it off before you take her in there.

At this point, give her anything she will eat - it truly doesn't matter whether or not it is completely nutritious for a cat. The Mirataz should help with that, but it doesn't hurt to entice her with any food she finds appealing. Baby food meats (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut Stage 1) are often eaten by cats who don't feel well, and they will help provide some moisture too. Here is an article of other foods to try.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite

If she keeps up with the vomiting, ask the vet about Cerenia or an anti-nausea med to help with that aspect. While Mirataz does have some anti-emetic properties, Mimi may need something more.

I don't know what to tell you to do that will help distract her from wanting to go outside. Maybe others will have some ideas on that.

Keep us posted.
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  • #9


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
If she has any congestion, you can run hot water in a closed bathroom to create a steamy/sauna like room, take her in there and sit with her for 5 or so minutes, it will help to clear the congestion and at least possibly make her feel a bit better. If it helps, you can do it as many times a day as you see necessary. If she is not used to running water, make sure you turn it off before you take her in there.

At this point, give her anything she will eat - it truly doesn't matter whether or not it is completely nutritious for a cat. The Mirataz should help with that, but it doesn't hurt to entice her with any food she finds appealing. Baby food meats (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut Stage 1) are often eaten by cats who don't feel well, and they will help provide some moisture too. Here is an article of other foods to try.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite

If she keeps up with the vomiting, ask the vet about Cerenia or an anti-nausea med to help with that aspect. While Mirataz does have some anti-emetic properties, Mimi may need something more.

I don't know what to tell you to do that will help distract her from wanting to go outside. Maybe others will have some ideas on that.

Keep us posted.
so 11/29 update

The vet and tech have given me this advice - She has been hospitalized evening of Tuesday 11/28 even though her symptoms have not worsened, she's just not eating. She is still stable, though I feel really bad for leaving her there, I've never done that

The vet said she overlooked the fact that Mimi wasn't eating so the Doxycylcine wouldn't help, she would just vomit.

She is in a kennel at the hospital, she is receiving IV fluids, appetite stimulant Mirataz and hydration help, and as FeebysOwner said, the vet also gave Cerenia to help with the nausea. I ran into my high school classmate, who is now a Vet tech, and she also gave nebulization care.

However, we're all focusing on getting her to eat. She's purring and responds to my calls, and acts normal apart from moving slow but able to jump. I believe I might start a new thread to focus on the issue on why she won't eat despite feeling happy to be pet

Also, since I work weekends (Fri-Sun), I'm on the fence about taking her to a 24/7 vet or a specialized cat vet in Houston. If she doesn't eat by today or tomorrow, what do you guys see to be the best option?

I read a cat can go 2 weeks without eating, and in the past my other cat Celsa survived being stuck in a garage with a broken lower body for almost that long without eating. I will definitely get baby food, tuna, and anything appealing to her but I must find out the underlying reason why so that she may finally eat. Any ideas ? thank you in advance 🙏


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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
On Monday, it was four or five days that she had not eaten, if I am understanding this. Despite all your very best efforts, she is still not eating. This is now about a week with no real food? Is the Mirataz doing anything at all? This may not be clear yet depending on when it was started.

This is a long time with no food if the Mirataz is not working. My Graycie was trapped for 5 days in a storage closet when someone tried to kill her, and she suffered no issues from it...but I have to say that while she was an outdoor cat she was in good condition at the time and, possibly had some luck on her side. Those circumstances are a little different from Mimi losing her appetite because of an illness.

Is this hospital not able to provide over night care?


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Pretty much the same question as asked above - I presume you are looking for 24/7 care because of your work schedule and that your current vet does not offer overnight care? And/or, because if she is not eating within the next day or so, you want to go elsewhere for more specialized care? I am unclear about this part, including what is happening overnight now.

Aside from that, getting her to eat may be able to be accomplished without actually knowing the cause of her issues. It is just to her benefit to get her eating started again and then continue to search for the reason(s) behind it.

I'm not sure starting another thread is going to be beneficial, because all of what you have currently explained will need to be explained again. What all is going on with her now is not independent from her eating issues.
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  • #12


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
On Monday, it was four or five days that she had not eaten, if I am understanding this. Despite all your very best efforts, she is still not eating. This is now about a week with no real food? Is the Mirataz doing anything at all? This may not be clear yet depending on when it was started.

This is a long time with no food if the Mirataz is not working. My Graycie was trapped for 5 days in a storage closet when someone tried to kill her, and she suffered no issues from it...but I have to say that while she was an outdoor cat she was in good condition at the time and, possibly had some luck on her side. Those circumstances are a little different from Mimi losing her appetite because of an illness.

Is this hospital not able to provide over night care?
The current hospital she's in has no overnight care. But they just called me and said they have given her:
- IV Fluids
- Mirataz
- Anti Nausea Injection
- Anti Biotic injection
- Nebulization

She's been in a corner but still not wanting to eat. They advised me to take her to a 24/7 clinic where they can be able to give tube feeding. My goal is to get her home in an hour from now, let her decompress for 2-3 hours and see if she can eat at home, and if she doesn't, I will take her to a 24/7 vet. Please, let me know if this is a good idea or not.

I might have misread something b/c im in a rush so sorry in advance, but Feebysowner, are you saying that the vets should help out her eating issue first then focus on finding the reason behind it?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Two things: if she is going to be alone all night in a cage, that is not a good idea. The hospital might not actually keep pets overnight for this reason, so either way you are at the same place.

If they think that she needs a feeding tube, or even very regular syringe feeding, then I would definitely take her to the 24/7 hospital.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
They advised me to take her to a 24/7 clinic where they can be able to give tube feeding. My goal is to get her home in an hour from now, let her decompress for 2-3 hours and see if she can eat at home, and if she doesn't, I will take her to a 24/7 vet. Please, let me know if this is a good idea or not.

I might have misread something b/c im in a rush so sorry in advance, but Feebysowner, are you saying that the vets should help out her eating issue first then focus on finding the reason behind it?
As just what was said above, if the vets are thinking she is reaching the point of needing a feeding tube, and the current ones cannot provide that, then you definitely need to consider doing so. You can learn how to administer nutrients through a feeding tube from home if she needs the tube for a while, thereby not requiring her to be in the hospital as long, should it come to that. There are a number of members on this site who have done so with their cats. Daunting, but very doable.

I am not saying that searching for a cause should cease until she is eating. I think the vets are taking the approach that the primary focus is to get her to eat, while they continue to search for options on finding a cause.

I hope that makes better sense.
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  • #15


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
As of Wednesday night 11/29, we are in the process of transferring her to Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston.

She's home with me now, and has an appointment with the Internal Medicine department at 8 am tomorrow 11/30. It seems like a high quality facility so I'm hoping the amount of care here is as high as their prices... I'm hoping this will be worth it. Her IV Catheter is still on and they gave me the IV fluids to transfer to the new vet so she's still hydrated, but not eating.

They plan on giving her tube feeding through the nasal cavity I believe, but other than that I believe they should find out the main reason behind her not eating. If there's any other issue you guys think I should mention to the doctors please let me know.

I'm focused on getting her to eat and that her kidney levels are good, and then proceed to find the underlying reason.

At this previous vet she received some Convenia and Cerenia last night, and today, an intestinal parasite screening and Diazepam injection was given, and per the tech she also went #2 which seemed to be a little amount, but was diarrhea-like. She said she didn't notice any form of parasites, including tapeworm.

But however, just now, I offered her some lightly heated up beef-flavored baby food and tuna mixed w/ water, didn't seemed interested.
But then I put a scoop down full of dry food she's used to eating and was so close to opening her mouth and biting a kibble. She got really close to doing that 3 times. I have a feeling her appetite is kinda there, but something is still blocking her from eating, possibly her nose that's stuffed. I really hope we can tackle this issue in the next 2 days, do y'all think this could be an upper respiratory issue or more of something else? Thank you again 🙏


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It is so hard to tell, but it doesn't seem that an upper respiratory issue can yet be ruled out. I am so sorry you and Mimi have to go through this. But, you are doing what you think is right, and that is the utmost important thing of all.

Keep updating us.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. So she didn’t eat, even after a diazepam injection? That will usually make any cat eat.
Have they done any imaging? X-rays or ultrasound? The best thing for her is the specialty hospital. You might want to ask them about doing an esophageal tube for feeding. It does require a very brief anesthesia, but the tube stays in place for feedings. Otherwise, gaveling an NG tube when the sinuses are already inflamed doesn’t sound like fun. Just ask and see what they say.
I hope she is feeling better soon and eating.
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  • #18


learning to help ferals :)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
late night update 11/29

I isolated her in a room with water and some food and bedding. I know my unique ways/routines of feeding her and make it appealing to her, and when I put the scoop of dry Friskies kibble, at first she smelled it but didn't eat. Then an hour or two later she was low to the ground and coughed for about 20 seconds. I tried again with new dry food on the scoop and this time she ate about over 10-15 little bits of the kibble. I can't say much but that's definitely a good sign. Alongside that, again, she's purring and kneading, and seeking my attention. I still want to get her to the hospital tomorrow and resolve this fully. I will make sure to ask about that feeding method, thanks, silent meowlook.

Also, the vets never mentioned to me that I should isolate her since she's sneezing and coughing despite it being rare, but now I feel I should've done that sooner. As of right now, 2-3 cats have been near her, and I'm getting a slight worry that they could catch whatever Mimi has. To prevent this from even starting, what do y'all recommend I do? I have Tomlyn Immune Support Powder that I put in their food daily but I'm open for anything

