Are you getting a flu shot?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Somewhere in the US
I am getting a flu shot. People that have had strokes (I had one in Dec 04, 5 days after my 48th birthday) should get the shot since the flu can be very nasty for us.


TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2006
Bit late for me as I've been off work this week with... flu! I do qualify for getting it free though as I have asthma and have just received something from my doctor's inviting me to have one. I think I might still have it as it protects against more than one virus. The years when I've had it I've had fewer colds that winter too as well as no flu.


TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Yes, I get a flu shot every year because I fall into the high risk category (Registered Nurse and I have Asthma). Plus I get a Pneumonia shot now every 2 years because I had pneumonia a couple of years ago that put me in the hospital for 2 weeks with a collapsed lung. I didn't even know I had pneumonia until it was far advanced, because I had no symptoms until a few days before I landed in the hospital.

It's a really good idea to get the flu shot, not only for yourself, but for those you encounter in your life (friends, family and strangers).

I hear so many people say that they have had a flu shot and got the flu from it. That's not true! You are being injected with a dead virus, you can't get infected with the flu from a dead virus. However, a flu shot won't guaranty that you won't get "a flu", but it will guaranty that you don't get the types of flu that the shot is made for, which are quite a few.

So many people who get the flu go about their lives coughing and sneezing and spreading the flu around to others, and some of those who catch it will die from it

A few years ago one of my friends lost their son to the flu. He was an otherwise healthy 19 year old who was rarely sick. Then he got the flu and became a statistic

Unless you are a recluse and have no contact with any other human being, it really is advisable to get a flu shot


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by Jean44

Yes, I'll get it at my appointment with the doctpr next month. I haven't had the flu for a long time but I don't want to take any chances.
I'm in Canada and usually we have the flu shot available to us in September or October. This year it's not being distributed until November.

I'm a nurse and I think it was 1999 when nearly 1/2 of the hospital staff I work with was out with a flu. We all had flu shots against the Asian variety of the flu, but the flu that we were hit with was from New Zealand and took everyone by surprise (since then I believe they include that type in the vaccine now). I have Asthma and when I get sick with a cold or flu it's excessively nasty for me. It was about 3 months before I was fully recovered. Of course I couldn't stay home for 3 months! So after I stopped being feverish I returned to work and wore a hospital mask and did lots of extra hand washing to prevent spreading it. But on average we all missed nearly 2 weeks of work. People were pulling double and triple shifts, even management were called in to help on the wards, and that's a scary thought because most of the management haven't been bedside nurses for many years, and some have never done bed side nursing!


TCS Member
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Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
No, they enforced flu shots at work last year and most of us got more sick from the shot than we had ever been from having the flu so while they will offer it this year, I am not getting it.

Originally Posted by furryferals

Since the 'flu' virus mutates each time it enters a host the vaccine that is given will only protect from the previous mutation that are known,so any new mutations of the 'flu' virus will still infect somebody wether they have the vaccine or not.
Most people I know who had the shot still picked up some kind of flu like bug over the winter because of these mutations.
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Jun 28, 2005
Urbana, IL
Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

I hear so many people say that they have had a flu shot and got the flu from it. That's not true! You are being injected with a dead virus, you can't get infected with the flu from a dead virus. However, a flu shot won't guaranty that you won't get "a flu", but it will guaranty that you don't get the types of flu that the shot is made for, which are quite a few.
The flu shot is indeed a dead virus. You might get flu-like symptoms after the shot since the whole point of the shot is to fool your body into thinking it really has the flu. You could run a fever, or be a little tired and achy, but it's much more mild than the real flu. When you get the shot, your body doesn't know it's not the real thing, so it attacks the dead virus just like the real one. Then, it keeps a little file in your immune system, so that when it sees it again, it knows just how to attack.

Even if you catch a strain that the vaccine doesn't cover, sometimes they have a few similarities, so you'll get a milder case.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2005
I have never had the flu shot and haven't been sick. HOWEVER, this is my first winter working in a daycare and I have already had everything you can imagine to the rotavirus and hand-foot-and-mouth(minus the mouth) and just had a viral infection including a fever of 103 DURING my 21st birthday. And since I will be working in a dentist office as well during the flu outbreak, I might just get one this year


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm a teacher, and constantly being exposed to viruses, so I'll get a shot. Last year a friend in PA died of the flu, so that brought home how dangerous it can be.


TCS Member
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Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Originally Posted by jcat

I'm a teacher, and constantly being exposed to viruses, so I'll get a shot. Last year a friend in PA died of the flu, so that brought home how dangerous it can be.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. It came home to me when I got, as I mentioned, pleuritis and pneumonia...I had to sleep sitting up, no cough medicine worked for more than 3+ hours and I threw up mucous almost every time I coughed, I lost over 10 lbs., I ended up on an inhaler for months and didn't feel normal again for months. It was the nastiest experience I've ever had and it all began with the dang flu.

I'm being graphic because I want you all to take getting the flu seriously and get your shots!
Me, opinionated? Nah