Apparently We Have A New Kitten...


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
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Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
This has turned into a wall of text. Sorry yall!
So....I have 2 cats, a brother sister pair that are almost 3 years old. I stopped in a parking deck to get a prescription Thursday night and a small kitten waltzed right up to me. I couldn't leave him, so I stuck him in my car for the ride back home. Zero complains from the little guy, especially for not having a carrier of any type. He was calm the entire 30 minute drive back home. I took him with the intention of taking him to a local rescue that I have heard nothing but positive things about, or to see if anyone I know/friends of friends would take him.

Once home, I had to introduce him to my cats. They hated him, especially Evie. I was not surprised. The kitten did not care.

I took him to the vet on Friday. He is HIV and FLV negative. He is now up to date on all of his shots. Three to four months old. He has ringworm and we were given a shampoo for that. He was given a pill for hookworms so hopefully those will be taken care of. He goes back in 3 weeks for boosters and he will have to be neutered.

No one has taken this baby. All of the shelters and rescues are at max capacity. I don't want to give him to a random person online because I don't want him to wind up as bait. So....I guess we now have a third cat! I've named him Dexter (get it?...parking deck...deck-ster...haha aren't I hilarious?) and he is the sweetest little thing. He just wants to be held and touched.

The other two cats, Evie and Emerson, are leaps and bounds better, compared to Thursday night. There is less hissing and growling every day. I think it's dawned on them that he is going to stay and they are begrudgingly accepting that fact. Dexter has his own little area in one of our guest rooms, but he wanders the house when I and/or my husband are home.

I haven't had a kitten since mine were babies so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Currently:
He has his own disposable litterbox and scooper, especially important until I get confirmation that his worms are 100% gone. When they are, he will be upgraded to his own big covered litterbox.
He is free-fed Dr. Elsey's kibble. I am giving him as much wet food as he wants several times a day. He loves Redbarn lamb so far. I have also given him some Nature's Variety raw chicken bites, since his poop is a little...pudding-y? Although that could be from the worm pill he received yesterday. Either way, he
I know we introduced very fast, but he wouldn't stay behind the door in the bedroom. He cried and cried, which stressed out my other cats even more than if he was left to wander. I think everyone is doing fine. When we go back to work on Tuesday, we have a setup with a large dog cage in the middle of the living room where he will stay so the cats can be around him and smell him but can't interact with him. This was advice that the lady at the cat rescue gave me. I do not feel comfortable leaving him alone to wander in the house with my other two yet.

Thanks for putting up with my wall of text! Bonus picture of sweet little Dexter.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Oh, how sweet! He walked right into your life and heart! :lovecat2:

It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job with him! Enjoy and ask questions as they arise! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
How wonderful! Sounds like you're doing everything really well. What a lucky little boy! The only thing I would be especially vigilant about is the ringworm-it's not serious or life-threatening but it can be very contagious and a huge headache when it gets out of control. I haven't dealt with it with my own cats before but shelters have a lot of trouble with it historically so I would just make sure contact with the other cats is limited until he's all clear. Congratulations!
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Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
How wonderful! Sounds like you're doing everything really well. What a lucky little boy! The only thing I would be especially vigilant about is the ringworm-it's not serious or life-threatening but it can be very contagious and a huge headache when it gets out of control. I haven't dealt with it with my own cats before but shelters have a lot of trouble with it historically so I would just make sure contact with the other cats is limited until he's all clear. Congratulations!
Yeah...I'm more worried about us humans getting ringworm than the other cats at the moment! They aren't exactly best buddies just yet. ;) We went with the shampoo because it was the cheaper option. He starts his regime tonight because yesterday he got a flea treatment and we had to let that soak in for 24 hours. If it comes to it, we can do an oral antifungal, it's just rather pricey.
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  • #8


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
Things I have observed:

He seems to always be thirsty. I don't know whether that is more of a "I've never had a steady supply of this wet stuff and now it's constantly here oh my God *lap lap lap*" or indicative of something else. I'll keep an eye on it.

He does something weird with his back legs when he walks. He swings them out, almost like he is doing an exaggerated "detective" walk. Anyone know anything about that?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
Sometimes cats drink more when they're stressed by a big change (good change in this case but still a stressor). If he doesn't slow down in a few weeks you can ask the vet to do a urinalysis just to check. Cats all have different normals too, so he might just be a cat who drinks more than average. Also, he might think it's fun.

No idea about the weird walk. If you can get a video of it you can post it here, but also a video might be really helpful to a vet.
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  • #10


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
I will talk to the vet about the walk when he goes back. Now that I think about it and have seen him more...he seems to walk like that after eating. So I'm betting it's his "full tummy" walk. ;)

Other questions since yesterday:

Can a deworming pill give kitten diarrhea? He has very runny diarrhea and at the very end is a very soft stool. Today will be day 3 since he got the pill. He is still eating his hard food and wet food when I give it to him, running around, and drinking plenty of water.

Speaking of food...I've always heard you can't overfeed a kitten because they are growing so much. How much is appropriate for one sitting? Since I've been home from work I've been offering him around an ounce every 3 to 4 hours (free access to dry at all times). This morning he ate closer to two! And he was crunching on his hard food in between me getting him more wet! I definitely don't want him to have any tummy issues.

Dexter got his first bath last night...he definitely was not a fan but it would have gone much worse. He especially didn't like the fact that the shampoo had to sit for 10 minutes to let the antifungal soak in. Now he smells much better and his coat is unbelievably soft. Only 8 more baths to go, little dude!
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  • #11


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
One more thing: Should he be on a kitten-specific dry food? Dr. Elsey's is appropriate for all life stages but there is a very low level of DHA (0.02% minimum in the guaranteed analysis). We have a local shop that carries Orijen, which is slightly higher in fat (20% as compared to 18%) but lower in protein (40% as compared to 58%). DHA for Orijen, however, is 0.45% minimum. Decisions, decisions...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Sounds like you are doing good with him.
How old is he? You should use only non-clumping litter until he's 12 weeks.
The ringworm. I have a friend who has used this on horses/dogs/humans before, and I have used it on my son once. Put some iodine on a q-tip and apply to affected area about 3-4 times daily. It will get rid of it in a few days. Note: I have never used this on cats before, but it will work on you. It stings, but humans can handle that.
I have always fed kitten food to my kittens because of the high protein and the higher thiamine. Check your package for these %'s.
Runny diarrhea could be worms or it could be Coccidia or Giardia. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, have a stool sample done. Also, give him some unflavored Pedialite in his water to help replace his salts.
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  • #13


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
He was estimated to be at least 3 months, possibly 4. I observed him with his litter (Dr. Elsey's) and he did nothing but go to the bathroom in eating or other shenanigans. Go little dude!
I will call the vet about the iodine. Thanks for that tip! We are trying to be extra vigilant when we handle him, ie not letting him rub our faces (as much as he wants to!) and wearing long sleeves/pants around him. We wash our hands as often as we can and we don't touch the other cats until we have washed our hands. Hopefully it will not become an epidemic.
He had a stool sample (which he did NOT approve of) taken at the vet on Friday. She only mentioned hookworms and gave him a pill for them (started with a d, can't remember the exact name). Nothing about Coccidia or Giardia. However his stools were solid until that day.
Right now he is getting 4Health (all life stages food) and Redbarn lamb (high % fat and an all life stages food) for wet food. I'm considering picking up some Nature's Variety Instinct Kitten food or some Orijen food for him later today.
Also, thank you for the Pedialite suggestion! I have some leftover from when I was sick earlier in the year. I'll add it to his water now.
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  • #14


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
Our new kitten Dexter was previously a stray. He has had his first vet appointment on Friday, Nov. 9 and was diagnoses with hookworms. He was given an oral deworming medicine and we were sent on our way with instructions to come back in 3 weeks for boosters and to be re-tested for hookworms.

I'm concerned because his stomach seems especially bloated. It's to the point where it changes his gait, and while it's super cute, I wonder if everything is ok. He doesn't like when you grab his stomach to pick him up- if you grab him by the chest he is fine, but the pressure on his stomach seems to make him hurt and he cries out.

He is currently being fed Nature's Variety Instinct kitten food (wet food gave him horrible diarrhea) and he drinks a lot of water.

On Monday, I called the vet concerned about his diarrhea. They gave us a 3 day prescription to kill Coccidia. Today is his last dose.

He is playing fine (in fact, better than when we first got him) and is eating normally. He is pooping and peeing normally. We have a separate room for him with his own litterbox until his worms get cleared.

Could the bloating still be from the dewormer as the last worms are being killed and dying? Or could he be bloated from his newfound constant source of food?
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  • #16


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
They initially treated him with Drontal for the hookworms and then another medication that started with a P on Monday for Coccidia.

Thank you for the FIP information. He doesn't have any symptoms besides the tummy bloating. He definitely isn't anorexic (he eats so much food...RIP my bank account) and lethargy isn't in his dictionary! As I'm typing this, he is running around chasing a ball and desperately trying to engage my other cats to He has also gained weight...when we first got him his hip bones were very prominent. Now, even just a week later, I can't feel them as easily.

I will call the vet tomorrow and see what she recommends. She wasn't worried about the bloating when I talked to her first.
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  • #17


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
I figured a Dexter update would be warranted. ;)
He has been fixed. He weights 6 lbs. Still eating like he will run out of food. Enjoy my pictures!
(Also, he is yawning in one, not



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
How sweet he looks. I'm glad he is now healthy and happy.
Out of curiosity, what did the vet say about the iodine?
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  • #19


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
How sweet he looks. I'm glad he is now healthy and happy.
Out of curiosity, what did the vet say about the iodine?
Honestly, I forgot to mention it. His ringworm cleared up so fast with the shampoo that iodine was never needed.
Thank you for all the advice you gave me. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Your welcome. Even though I messed up and didn't realize it until just now. For some reason, the words Taurine and Thiamine get mixed up in my head. Not the substance, just the name. I hate it when you get a mind blockage on certain words.
The picture of him with his back legs sprawled across the furniture cracks me up.