Anyone develop anxiety after having Covid?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
You most definitely can use the ball to help with the stretching. Basically, anything that allows you to relax on something that also allows your arms to hang freely. The only thing would be what you do with your head/neck. If you can, let your head hang back to include stretching the front neck muscles, but that can cause lightheadedness when you're not used to be careful.
You can also do the same stretch standing up, but it's only one side at a time. Stand and face a wall, press yourself against the wall with your arm outstretched, palm and arm touching as well. If your right arm is the one your stretching, then turn your head to the left. Then slowly step away and turn your body away, till you feel the pulling in the chest/upper arm area. Then, (your hand should still be touching the wall, lift your fingers away from the wall and bend your wrist back. And to get a little extra oomph to the stretch, tilt your head back slightly (you should already have it turned opposite to the arm your stretching) to feel the pull on the front/side of the neck.
Hope this helps!
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  • #22


Sylvester's daddy
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Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Well, the stress just continues. Today I got a call at work saying they were taking my father to the hospital for "chest pains", so my boss had to fill in for me and it turned out his heart was fine, it was most likely GERD or something like that. I told them that he has Aphasia and Dementia, that what he says might not make sense to other people, he may have not had chest pains but some other issue but they said they have to take them, and I know they are scared of lawsuits so I understand. I am so glad that it was nothing, but the stress just keeps getting poured on me all the time, so much that I asked them at the assisted living place for some names of some counselors, people who are trained in helping others navigate through this journey, they said they will email me some names.

I have a feeling this is most if not all of the reason that I have anxiety and tight muscles and breathing issues, stress and it is probably psychosomatic, the stress is playing out in me in physical ways, and I have to get a handle on it because I am NOT enjoying living like this...
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  • #26


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
How are things?

I am dealing with things, and also found out that I must have or have had an intestinal virus that is going around here, and I always feel really strange mentally right before I get sick. But I know that there are many things that are affecting me thanks to all the things I have had to deal with these last 10 months, and the last 3 months have really been rough, but as things were slowing down I think it gave me a chance to think about things and that's when things really hit me, especially two weeks ago when we had to clean out my grandmother's house because it was being sold, that should've been sold MANY years ago but since my parents did nothing about everything the emotions of doing that came up two weeks ago instead of 12 years ago, but that's how it is. And having Covid 2 months ago didn't help my mental state either.

I sat and talked with my pastor after church today, she knows my whole story and what I am dealing with and she was very helpful. She also thinks my grandmother's house was a big reason of the feelings the last two weeks, but also said "you should have never been put into this situation" but like I said despite me talking and begging my parents to start selling these things off years ago they did nothing about it so I am stuck with it, but I am more than halfway done with selling all of the things that I have to sell, and Friday Deb & I talked to a financial advisor and gave us some great ideas on how to move money into accounts that will make the most interest so that was a huge help too. And he said "I can't imagine what you have been going through" and I said "it has been quite a challenge", but I'm doing the best that I can. It is very complex and there have been layers of stressors that I have had to deal with and they all are very draining on the mind, body and soul.

My pastor also said how she knows my "physical" symptoms are the side effects of the emotional stress and anxiety and mental stress, she said that is how it comes out and it HAS to go through that route, until it leaves my mind and body and one day it will, and talking about it like this really helps that. She said it might get worse when I finally do get to the end of the list of things to sell, I might feel worse but then will feel better. I also am going to talk to a lady at the assisted living place tomorrow who is a consultant, she said she isn't a counselor or therapist but she can offer me help and advice since she has been involved in these situations for many years so hopefully that will help too.

Thanks for asking, I do feel better than I did, but still have some issues to work out, but it is better than it was, thanks! :rbheart:
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  • #28


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
My online searches made me discover what I finally think is going on with me and it is called "Upper Cross Body Syndrome", where your back, neck, chest muscles are all are out of whack, unbalanced because of sitting too much, driving and poor posture and that fits me to a tee! I did some of the stretches and can feel things going on in there, feel very sore but it feels like this is going in the right direction. I have a massage scheduled next week, first one in about 10 years so LONG overdue, and I will talk to them about it and I'm sure they will be of help, but everything I watched on this fit me to a tee! And it said your chest muscles shorten and tighten and can cause sensations like palpitations so there you go...

I also talked with my Mom yesterday about everything, how I feel about things, selling their things, how they feel about things, very honest and open talk and that really helped clear my mind. I also talked to a consultant yesterday there at their place and my pastor too on Sunday, and that also really helped, and I know that was a HUGE part of the anxiety, but talking to Mom really helped air that out too.

You never know where life is going to lead you or throw at you, do we?....
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  • #29


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I saw my doctor tonight, just to get checked and talked to him about what has been going on, told him of all the stressors that I have been dealing with and also have discovered that my tight chest muscles might be somewhat caused from using my CPAP machine, I had read many people complaining of the same issues that I have and they said they got some relief when they lowered the air pressure when breathing out which I did and it helped but also having the pressure coming in lowered which I will do on 2/6 at their office, so that was a part of it. But he also said it might be a bit from Covid yet, give it more time, but I don't know about that as I only have some breathing issues if I am doing anything where my upper body moves, if I ride the stationary bike I don't have that so who knows? But he said to give it a month or two yet, and let him know if I still am having issues, but I am better than I was but wanted to just let him check me and more importantly talk to me about Covid and other things, but the heart and lungs sounded fine he said.

Strange times we live in now....