Any tips when I'm away from home?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Hi everyone 
 I have an about two-year-old cat and currently he is my only cat. I'm worried about my cat when I'm away from home. I may be very busy until July or August.

My cat came to me from the street when he was a tiny kitten. He didn't come out of his cardboard house for three days at the beginning. The only people he likes are me and one of my friends. He runs away from whoever else, though so far he has never scratched or bitten someone other than us. He is very jumpy and is scared easily. 

Since I usually work at home, my cat is always within a few feet from me unless I'm taking a shower. He literally watches me.
 Whenever I enter another room and close the door, he persistently cries until I open the door. He may have separation anxiety.

I'll be busy for a month or so. I know my cat will be distressed when I'm not home, but I'm hoping he feels as secured as possible while I'm away. My friend will feed and play with him when I'm not home for a few days.

I've tried a few things to make him feel better while I'm away so far...

Leaving out safe toys

Hoped he'd play with the toys, which didn't work. According to my friend my cat doesn't play with any toys as long as I'm not home.

Puzzle feeder box

I've made many puzzle feeder boxes out of unused boxes. My cat will eat all the treat inside within thirty minutes, so it's not much of a distraction. If the puzzle is too hard for him, my cat just gives up and ignores the box.

Besides, he got his head stuck in the box in an attempt to eat the treat. It happened a few times. It was very funny, but I don't like to have his head trapped in the box all the way until I return.

Giving treat

I gave my cat some lettuce every time I returned home. My cat loves leafy greens. This may have worked a bit. He should feel better if he knows he gets something when I go out and then return.

Can you give me any other tips? Whatever tips and tricks will be very much appreciated! Thanks beforehand! 


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
A treat ball might work better than puzzle boxes, or a timed feeder might help break up the day. Also, things like leaving the TV or radio on (or even a made for cats dvd, leaving him an article of your clothing (worn - the sweatier the better) to snuggle up to, and having Feliway diffusers plugged in can all help. I wouldn't get overly stressed about it - as long as he's getting to spend time with someone every day he should cope fine.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
A treat ball might work better than puzzle boxes, or a timed feeder might help break up the day. Also, things like leaving the TV or radio on (or even a made for cats dvd, leaving him an article of your clothing (worn - the sweatier the better) to snuggle up to, and having Feliway diffusers plugged in can all help. I wouldn't get overly stressed about it - as long as he's getting to spend time with someone every day he should cope fine.
Thanks for the reply Columbine!  Good, I'll get a treat ball, DVD or maybe youtube videos and make sure I leave my sweaty clothes! 
 Feliway is worth a try too.

He may also use the automatic feeder if he gets used to it. I've wanted to give some treat using the feeder too. The thing is he is still afraid of the noises...

I understand I shouldn't worry too much! 
 I wouldn't be worried like this if he were a bit more carefree ... I'd never seen or heard a cat quite like him. He has a skittish personality and strong attachment to certain things. He is very special to me, and I just want the best for his (and my) peace of mind!
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
It's great that you care so much :nod: He's certainly lucky to have you. Hope some of my suggestions help him.

Just a thought - you might find that flower essences (eg Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences) help him to chill a little and be less scared. I've had great success using flower essences with cats, dogs and horses. Definitely worth a try.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Thanks Columbine! I'm sure your suggestions will help him, especially the treat ball and leaving out my clothes! 

Which do you think is better, Feliway or flower essences? I plan to try the one with a milder effect first, so I'd still have choices of products with more intense effects later in his life when absolutely necessary...

I loved many episodes of My Cat from Hell, which were really educational, but I didn't know Jackson used the Spirit Essences in every case. Flower essences may help many species in the same way! 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Does he have perches or trees in front of windows so he can watch the outside world? Is there anywhere outside you can put a bird feeder he can watch for entertainment? Some people use window bird feeders if they don't have yards.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I tend to use Feliway as a plug in diffuser - its treating the environment really, a bit like we might burn a scented candles to aid relaxation. The flower essences treat the cat directly, and work at a deeper, more specific level to tackle individual issues. There's no reason at all why the two can't be used together. I might try the Feliway by itself first, but only because it's more widely available, and so quicker to get hold of.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Does he have perches or trees in front of windows so he can watch the outside world? Is there anywhere outside you can put a bird feeder he can watch for entertainment? Some people use window bird feeders  if they don't have yards.
Thanks for the reply jcat! 

Unfortunately my cat can hardly watch the outside from the window. We live on the 5th floor. He has a tall cat tree close to, but not quite adjacent to the window.

He does look out of the window from the cat tree, and the table next to the largest window. But I'm not sure how the outer world looks to him. Since cats can't focus on objects that are far away, I wonder if he can see anything at all from the window.

I see a lot of birds and bats near the ground around the building, but they rarely come up this high. I once considered installing a bird feeder on the balcony, but so far I've refrained from building one because the birds might poop on the balconies below.
 Just didn't want to stir up any neighbor fight.

If we lived on the 1st floor or in a house, my cat could have more entertainment while I'm away... this should be a factor when deciding where we live next!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
I tend to use Feliway as a plug in diffuser - its treating the environment really, a bit like we might burn a scented candles to aid relaxation. The flower essences treat the cat directly, and work at a deeper, more specific level to tackle individual issues. There's no reason at all why the two can't be used together. I might try the Feliway by itself first, but only because it's more widely available, and so quicker to get hold of.
Thanks again for your reply Columbine! 

Then I'd go for Feliway first! Feliway seems to be able to adress general problems and easier to apply. There are so many types of flower essences... guess I should do some research to choose the one meant to be for my cat!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2014
London UK
My cats like igloo beds and boxes to sleep in, I think they feel safe when they feel hidden from the outside world! I wouldn't worry too much, you will probably find that your cat sleeps a lot when you are not home!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
My cats like igloo beds and boxes to sleep in, I think they feel safe when they feel hidden from the outside world! I wouldn't worry too much, you will probably find that your cat sleeps a lot when you are not home!
Thanks for your post evamilly! 
 I try not to worry too much, as that can make my cat nervous too!

Yes, my cat seems to be mainly sleeping when I'm away. Igloo beds are so cute! I got one a while ago, which eventually became my book cubby.
 I knew my cat may not like it because the bed was neither furry nor fluffy... but I was tricked by the cute ears on the bed! Next time I'll ask my cat before I get one 


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Do you have any interactive toys for your cat? I know your friend said that he doesn't play with his toys when he's with him. But perhaps a wand-type toy (like a Da Bird) or a laser light for your friend to move around, maybe your cat would enjoy that. Even if cats don't like playing with little toys on their own, they may love to try to "catch" the bird or a similar wand-type toy. And they like to chase the laser light around on the floor. It would be a way for your cat to look forward to some interaction with your friend when she or he visits. And even with you. (A word of warning: Make sure you/your friend put the toy away when not playing. The cat can try to play with it by himself and could possibly swallow the string. I know you know that. But I like to make sure. 

How about a turbo circle? With a ball that runs around the inside for the cat to chase around? Something like this:

Or this:

I did some pet sitting for a co-worker when he was away for a weekend. His kitty was under the bed when I first arrived and refused to come out. I got the Da Bird out from the closet and sat in the living room, just swishing it around for a bit. His kitty heard it from back in the bedroom and couldn't resist. I saw him appear in the living room. And then pretty soon, he made leap for Da Bird. I think we played for a good hour. 

grrr cat

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 20, 2015
What about cat tv? Here is one to get you started.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
@Haycat The simplest flower essences to use are the Spirit Essences - simply because they're pre blended to tackle different issues. If you want to make your own custom blend, then this site is really helpful (particularly this page)
Thanks for the useful website! Now I want to try it myself, not only for my cat! 

I think I'd try Spirit Essences first! I wouldn't be able to blend essences properly before I see the effect of pre-blended essences.

Though I usually believe in traditional medicine, I've been interested in holistic care too! I've avoided pills and shots for my cat unless it was imperative. If we can address problems with something natural, surely it's better 
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Do you have any interactive toys for your cat? I know your friend said that he doesn't play with his toys when he's with him. But perhaps a wand-type toy (like a Da Bird) or a laser light for your friend to move around, maybe your cat would enjoy that. Even if cats don't like playing with little toys on their own, they may love to try to "catch" the bird or a similar wand-type toy. And they like to chase the laser light around on the floor. It would be a way for your cat to look forward to some interaction with your friend when she or he visits. And even with you. (A word of warning: Make sure you/your friend put the toy away when not playing. The cat can try to play with it by himself and could possibly swallow the string. I know you know that. But I like to make sure. 

How about a turbo circle? With a ball that runs around the inside for the cat to chase around? Something like this:

Or this:

I did some pet sitting for a co-worker when he was away for a weekend. His kitty was under the bed when I first arrived and refused to come out. I got the Da Bird out from the closet and sat in the living room, just swishing it around for a bit. His kitty heard it from back in the bedroom and couldn't resist. I saw him appear in the living room. And then pretty soon, he made leap for Da Bird. I think we played for a good hour. 
Thank you for your reply Winchester! 

Yes, I have Da Bird and other teaser wands! My cat also loves laser pointer. When I'm home I play with my cat every time he asks me to unless I'm very busy. We play 5-10 times each day using toys, or just play tag or hide-and-seek.

It's great if they can play together using teasers! It didn't occur to me, because for some reason my cat didn't play when my friend used any wand-type toys. They play together using balls when I'm home. It's strange because when my cat plays with me, he clearly prefers wand teasers to balls.
 when I'm homewhen I'm not home
ballsplaysdoesn't play
wandsdoesn't play???
I made this table because it was confusing... 
 I don't know why my cat doesn't play with my friend using teasers. My cat does like my friend, but it might be scary when he swings the teaser. Or my friend may have to get more adept at handling the teaser... my cat wouldn't pounce unless the teaser moves like a real mouse or a bird. I think we should work on this 

And of course, I must make sure my cat can't reach the teasers when he is alone! Lately he learned how to nuzzle himself into drawers. When I found out my bedroom was scattered with tangled teasers 

And thanks for the websites too! As we never tried turbo circles, it's worth a shot! Guess my cat will love it if I partially cover the circle with clothes to hide the ball 

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
The turbo tracks are great.  I have 2 that are connected together.  We have the same problem with wands and lasers.  the cats will only play with certain people.  I think it's the way they are moved.  another fun trick is to put a ball in a laundry basket.  The kind with holes in the sides and the cat can bat the ball around.  My cats also like to use the hampers w/springs as cat caves.

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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
What about cat tv? Here is one to get you started.

Thanks for the video Grrr Cat! 

I found my cat runs up to the window when I use cat TV. He may think the sound comes through the window, because he knows the birds come from the outside...? He sometimes likes birds chirping, sometimes prefers other random things though I haven't tried many times yet. It's funny when he's looking for the source of the sound 