any tips on how to keep a house clean while living with a cat?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
I feed only HALF a 3 oz can at a time, and often my boy doesn't finish that (and he's BIG).

But to feed, you might try what I have in my kitchen. I have a plastic "boot tray" (you can find them anyplace, but I got mine online for about $2). It's a heavy plastic, about 2 feet long and a foot wide. It fits nicely next to my fridge, and there's room for 3-4 plates or bowls on it. Since it has a lip all around, the cat doesn't knock anything on the actual floor. And the tray can be easily cleaned.

As others have noticed, the odor will be much less in the kitchen than in the smaller bathroom.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 27, 2006
Are you leaving dry food out for nibbles at night? If you do he may be filling up on dry food before breakfast and that might be why he is not too interested in the wet right away.

I also really like the Special Kitty litter. It still tracks but much less then the name brands that I had tried. Another thing I did was replace one of my litter boxes with one of those 66 gallon Sterlite tubs. Its a large rectangle shape and we cut out a entry door in the front. I can honestly say that we actually get less litter tracking from that box and the cats love that one way more. As a matter of fact I just reminded myself that I wanted to get two more to replace the other boxes
As for price I think I only paid $10 for that giant tub.

As for kitties being put outside because they poop and pee... It is a known fact that if kitties could scoop their own litter boxes they would probably do it after every use. However they they lack the thumbs so us humans have to do this task for them... at least once a day... so the cats are happy and healthy... and your house isn't a stinky mess
My six cats and visitors to my home can attest to this statement.