Anxiety meds?? Are they necessary?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 17, 2021
My cat seems to be dealing with some anxiety as of lately. To be fair, there’s been a lot of big change in less than a year. Between my fiancé moving in, moving to a new apartment, and fostering a cat for three months.

I’ve tried calming chews and CBD but I am not sure they’re helping (not to mention he doesn’t like the calming chews.)

does anyone have any personal experience with anxiety meds for their cat? If so, how did you know they needed it and how did it help?

the only thing that makes me apprehensive is that I don’t want him to become a zombie that sleeps all the time.
I want him to be a happy playful cat like he once was! Getting him to engage in play is very difficult sometimes and I suspect it’s due to the anxiety. Could be wrong but idk.
Thanks in advance:(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
My cat had some aggression issues (stemmed from one redirected aggression incident that got compounded and then she was anxious/on edge constantly) and we used gabapentin for a couple months which was magical, and we transitioned her onto fluoxetine/Prozac (can take up to a month to kick in). I think it's important to find the dosage that works for your cat, and be aware that it will take a little while for them to get used to it. Susan was sleepy on the gabapentin at first, and less hungry on the fluoxetine at first (which was a positive side effect, she's overweight). I am super grateful these medications exist, they definitely helped her out of the aggression/anxiety cycle. Thankfully we have had access to a pet pharmacy that compounds the medication there so they can create it in a liquid form (thus we're able to give very precise dosing) and flavor it (e.g., chicken). She's currently being weaned off the fluoxetine after ~6 months on it. If the aggression returns, I will have few qualms about putting her back on it (provided her checkups show good health/no new effects) -- constant anxiety really isn't a happy way to live. We also have feliway plugins, but I'm not sure if they have any effect.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I would give him some time to adjust to all of the recent changes rather than jumping to medication. If things are calmer now that may be all he needs. Vet visits are needed for anti anxiety meds and visiting the vet by itself can cause anxiety. Instead keep things as calm and routine at home, if possible give him a window he can look out of and offer him catnip now and then if he seems particularly anxious.