Another Black Friday! My Heart Can't Take Much More!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Some of you may remember my Black Kitty, the stray I rescued, I mean, who rescued me. Blackie1 was his grandson. I never even gave him a real name either. I talked about him here, and his story is just way too damn short:
Oh. No.

I came home early on Wednesday afternoon. Blackie1 was lying in the backyard, and I could immediately tell he didn’t feel good. He just gave me this awful look and the most pitiful meow I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard some horrible ones). I examined him the best I could, but there were no obvious injuries. He made a weak attempt to growl at me (which he never ever did) only when I tried to feel around his hips. He didn’t want to eat or drink. He had been AWOL for a day or so, and I hoped maybe he just ate something bad and would soon recover. He went under the house, and I left him alone mostly, except for checking on him every now and then through the rest of the day and that night.

Thursday morning he was still under the house and didn’t want to come out, but he was closer to the opening than he was the night before. I had made some shelters for the cats several weeks ago, so I put him in one of those. They’re filled with hay, so I thought at least maybe he’d be a little more comfortable, even if he didn’t want to get up and move around. Right before I left for work, I checked on him again, and he had rearranged himself and was sleeping.

When I got home Thursday, Blackie1 had moved back further under the house and still didn’t want to come out. Of course, I went under there after him. He was lying down like he was taking a nap, with his paws tucked under him and his head up. I know he heard me when I called to him, and I petted him gently for a few minutes, but he still didn’t really want to be bothered. I didn’t really want to force him out, but now I wish I had.

When I got up Friday morning, I prayed there would be a black monster kitty at the back door. When he wasn’t there, I had a bad feeling. I just knew. I went under the house again, and Blackie1 was lying in the exact same spot as the night before. He was on his side, still looking like he was just sleeping, but my heart was already breaking before I called to him or even touched him. He was gone. I just laid there for about 5 minutes telling him I’m sorry over and over. I got him out and washed the dirt off him and wrapped him in a towel.

I was going to bury him when I got home from work, but when I called my daughter, she said I had enough to deal with and she’d take care of him. I insisted I could handle it, but she insisted that I didn’t have to. I had to go to work, but I left early because I just couldn’t concentrate on anything, and I had to force myself not to just fall on the floor and bawl my head off.

I called my daughter and she had just finished burying him in her beautiful yard under the oak trees, next to her two doggies. I said I hoped Blackie1 wasn’t upset at being around strangers, because he didn’t even know her. She said, “Mama. Really? You KNOW I introduced them first.” Yep, that’s my kid.

I also knew she would examine Blackie1, even though I didn’t ask her to. She said what I’d already been thinking, that he probably got hit by a car or something. She described a big lump on his back that was almost between his hips but about an inch from the base of his tail. I had not felt that when I was checking him over. Obviously, he didn’t get directly run over by a car, but he may have been trying to avoid it and got knocked over or bounced off it anyway. He wasn’t paralyzed, but maybe he had internal injuries or spinal cord injuries. My daughter also talked to her vet for about an hour – no surprise there either – but as with Black Kitty, I’ll just be making myself crazy trying to figure out what happened.

Blackie1 deserved so much better. He was huge, probably 15 lbs, but he was still just a baby. I’m so mad at myself for not bringing him in the house the night before he died. I know I couldn’t have saved him, but at least he would have been in a safe, warm place instead of in the cold dirt all by himself. He loved me more than the other kitties did, even though I warned him not to. I told him over and over I would never be able to love another Black Kitty, but I sure was wrong about that.

R(un) in peace, Blackie1! Tell your Gramps that I’m still riiiiiiiiiiight here. xoxoxoxo


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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I'm so sorry for your loss. Blackie1 will never be forgotten and will always be dearly loved. :hugs:

You gave him love, friendship a home and a family. Every cat should have that.

RIP Blackie1. You will live on forever in the hearts of those who love you. :rbheart:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You respected that he didn't want to be moved that evening, and that makes it ok. It would have hurt him to have moved him, --try not to be too hard on yourself about that.
Rest in Peace you Big Black Cat :redheartpump:


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear this. Poor Blackie, it's very sad that his life was so short.

I wish you the best of luck with getting the rest of your feral cats TNR'd soon. I know how much you care about them, it's too bad that you've had so many set backs lately.

Rest In Peace Blackie1.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Please don't beat yourself up over something you cannot change. Cats are masters at hiding injury, even taking him to a vet wouldn't have guaranteed a different outcome. He was home, he was where he wanted to be, and he could feel your love and concern surrounding him. That is all he ever wanted.
You gave him a wonderful home and the love he deserved, he used the bond between you to comfort himself, and will continue to do so for eternity. He is tied to your soul, and nothing, not even death can take this from you. Use it and your precious memories of happier times to bring comfort to your broken heart. Try not to dwell on the end, it changes nothing and only brings on more heartache. Remember him as he was, that sweet boy would never want the one he loves above all else to hurt so much because of him. As you would want for him if you were the first to go, seek happiness and contentment in your present to bring sunshine and fulfillment into your future. It is as he would want.
He is at peace, you are left behind to mourn the loss of someone so dear to your heart. But he will always be there, he will always have a secure place in that heart and be loved for as long as you draw breathe. He gave you his love in a legacy, to be passed on to another because his love is secure and big enough to be shared. Honor that little boy by knowing you shared your life's journey with someone so special, and even though he now follows a new path it will always parallel your own.
I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, I know the pain of loss, but I also know we shared something so rare, so precious, we are blessed to have had them in our lives for a little while, and am thankful. Take care...... RIP Blackie1, you will be dearly missed, but never forgotten. You brought joy and happiness to a heart that will always love you, may your reunion with those who have gone before you be a joyous one. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet the one you left behind once more!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Blackie, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
Blackie1 wanted to be outside. His final wish was to be wasnt yours......but its what he wanted.

True love is to put the wants of others first even when its painful and difficult to do so.

I think you gave him what made him most peaceful...his last wish.

Im sorry for your loss.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Thanks to everyone for the replies. It means a lot. I can't believe he's been gone a week already.

This is the last picture I have. I forgot it was on my camera and just found it this morning. This was Dec 26.

