Another 10 (or more)random questions. The first one was fun!


TCS Member
Jun 13, 2004
1. If you could build your house anywhere than where it is right now, where would that be?
>within 20 mile radius from the seashore of either Conneticut or Oregon, U.S.A
2. Do you have a limit on the number of pets you'll have at any one time?
3. Where's your favorite place to be?
4. Have you ever given a pet away?
>yes. barney our rabbit. he was too old to live off a balconette in urban >apartment, so he "retired" to a coutryside farm of our friends and two >months later he was with God.
5. At what age did you have your first pet?
>can't remember, I was very young.
6. What time do you have to get up on weekday mornings?
>10a. I have to feed my kitten.
7. Do you have a favorite tv show?
>Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy
8. Vacation spot: beach, country or mountains?
>all! think of the places I've been to with all three in the package: Oregon seashore, Taiwan, and Mexico.
9. What makes you laugh?
>a good joke.
10. What makes you really angry?
>demands not being met. ignored.
11. Scariest moment of your life so far?
> car reck 1998, tipped over in Trenton, GA. walked out with another couple, a cello, a horn and a broken heart.
12. Happiest moment of your life so far?
>when I was admitted in Yale University for master's degree.
13. Do you like to give/receive massages?
14. Would you rather cook or get take out?
>if only I could afford it I'd take out.
15. What's your favorite season?
16. Do you call your furbabies, your "kids"?
>not yet.
17. Does your pet/pets sleep with you?
>not yet.
18. Your favorite food?
>stir-fried vegetables.
19. How long have you been a member of TCS?
>almost a week.
20. If you could describe your feelings about TCS in 2 words or less, what would it be?