annoying behavior


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2010
Hello everyone! I have not posted in a while but I am still struggling with Luna's health and behavior issues. We have an appointment with our vet on Tuesday to get professional advice and rule-out any underlying medical problems. So I can hold out till then but would appreciate your advice if you have any.

Since October Luna has been eating a raw diet exclusively. I am feeding her Primal Petfoods prepared raw diet. I was aware that initially there would be an adjustment period when she would continue to crave carbohydrates which had long been a part of her diet but I was also given the impression this would resolve.

She meows constantly like she needs to be fed. She gets into anything and everything she can find in the kitchen. I increased her portion from the recommended 3% of her weight by 1oz and have been monitoring her weight. It is stable and she is not overweight and she is not too thin so I am comfortable keeping her portion size like that. She is pretty active. I have tried spreading her feedings throughout the day as best I can when I am home but it has not helped.

I bought her Da Bird for exercise and entertainment and it came in the mail today. After a good hour of play I put it away and went to bed. She maode all kinds of noise hunting for it again. I gave it to her and then I heard my dog chewing and got up and he had eaten Da Bird. I threw away the pieces and went to bed and Luna went on another bird hunt. I shut her out of the bedroom and was still startled by her batting things off the kitchen table. Also, our dogs sleep with us, and have for 10 years and shutting the cat out would mean shutting them in and they wouldn't be able to go out to go potty.

She attacks the dogs while they are under the covers sleeping which disturbs them and thus disturbs us.

Her health problems have gone away on the raw diet but I am afraid it is not satisfying her appetite. I am thinking if she was satisfied she would mellow out a little.

My husband thinks she needs a new home but I cannot think about that. With her special needs who would take care of her like I do? And despite these incidences she is adorable and affectionate and lovable. Even my husband would agree but he is upset about her nighttime behavior and her constant meowing.

Can anyone suggest what I should do?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
OMG :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
Could she just be hungry? I would change this to the Raw feeding forum for advice..... I think that's where you will get the most help....
IMHO, I would put her back on canned/dry before ever considering re-homing her :heart3:

I hope you find a solution soon :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
If her health issues have resolved on raw, her weight is perfect, and you're only problem is too much energy, I'd say you've totally scored!

If you think she's still hungry, however, by all means, feed her more. Every cat's metabolic rate is different and she could just need more food. How old is she and how much does she weigh right now? How often are you actually feeding her? And how much, per day?

If it's just that her energy / exuberance is off the charts, then what she may need is more environmental enrichment. Another cat might do the trick, or you could start clicker-training her; that'll give her something to think about besides raising cane with the dogs, as well as deepen the relationship between you two. Make sure she also has several fairly high places from which she can survey her realm (cat trees, wall ledges, etc.).

Schedule a set playtime for the two of you every day, using da bird and other interactive toys. Maybe you can even teach her to fetch!

Hopefully, others will chime in with more ways to keep their kitties entertained.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2010
Thank you soo much for listening and understanding my dilemma! I was about to resort to dry or canned but I am worried her health issues will resurface and that is a whole other annoyance with a trip to the vet and no solution but a steroid shot will help.

She is between 8.5-9.0 lbs and she is eating now 4oz a day. She eats at 7am then before I leave for work around 10:30am then when my husband gets home at 5pm then when I get home about 8 or 8:30pm.

I thought about another cat she can pounce around with but I need to be smart about it and consider how many mouths I have to feed and future vet bills to pay for routine visits and God forbid emergencies and I don't want to add another cat and hinder the care I give my other pets.

I will have to read up on clicker training for cats. Would having dogs interfere with the training?

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Of course, Lunatuna! That's what we're all here for. 

At 4oz a day, for her weight, you're feeding Luna right at mid-range, just a hair under it, so I would think you could add another half ounce without worrying, especially if she is really active.

Four feedings a day is awesome!

Dogs won't interfere with clicker training at all. I would recommend Marilyn Krieger's clicker-training book, Naughty No More!. It's a fun, easy read with some interesting suggestions (like teaching your kitty to fetch!). In the meantime, regular play sessions will keep wear your kitty out.

Good luck! Extra energy is a wonderful problem to manage... all you have to do is channel it.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 3, 2010
Is it possible she could have a health problem that needs to be checked out by the vet?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Is it possible she could have a health problem that needs to be checked out by the vet?

Anything is possible, and I see you have an appointment on Tuesday, so that is good.  I would start with that and see what they say.  Also, you might want to re-post this under "behaviors" to see if people have any suggestions for you.