Anemic cat - Mystery illness


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2022
Hey everybody, reaching out here because I’m desperate. My 3 year old exclusively indoor male tuxedo cat has come down with a mysterious illness. He is anemic right now - The veterinarian took a urine sample and there were lots of destroyed red blood cells in his urine. His gums are pale, and he is extremely lethargic. He’s also, for lack of a better term, seemingly “spaced out”, acting strange and staring into space for long periods of time. He is however, eating normally.

He has isolated himself in our kitchen and wouldn’t come out for several days. He’s now kind of venturing out into the house again, albeit slowly.

Last Thursday, the vet ran some bloodwork and says that she does not believe that he has a blood parasite. He doesn’t have fleas.

We don’t have any food out that is on the list of things that a cat could have eaten that are toxic. No plants that are toxic.

At first, the vet thought he had a urinary tract infection, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. When the vet touched on his bladder, he moaned very loudly. However, he did not have a blockage because he urinated in his cage at the vet’s office. He has been urinating normally ever sense.

He didn’t poop for several days starting last week and is now pooping again. His poop had a little bit of blood on it after this several day constipation, but the vet wasn’t that concerned about it, because she thought it could be attributed to being constipated. I’ve been examining his stool ever sense and I haven’t seen another stool with blood on it.

They also ran the blood work for a cancer screening and he doesn’t appear to have any kind of cancer.

I am a metalsmith and so my other thought was maybe he got into some of my powdered metal or metal clay. I know zinc and some other metals are toxic to cats, so I’m extremely careful with not letting him in my studio, however last week he did sneak in for a few minutes. I investigated the entire area for signs that he had gotten into something but I didn’t see anything that looked like he had gotten into any of my material.

We are sending some of his bloodwork off to have a panel to search for possible metal poisoning. I apologize if I’m using the wrong language on this, I just don’t know how to explain everything.

Anyway, I’m devastated and I’m trying to figure out how to help him. I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience with their cats. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hang in there, it sounds as though he's starting to be on the other side of whatever occurred . You're way ahead of the game since he's eating, that's huge.

See what comes back from the panel. Meanwhile, ask the vet if there's anything you could feed, or do, that could help build up his red blood cells.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I presume the vet also ran a Chemistry panel on his blood too, just in case it might shed some light on electrolyte imbalances or kidney issues, for example. I think the metal testing is very wise given your craft.

The tenderness in his lower abdominal area - did the vet suggest why that might be? Maybe an abdominal ultrasound is in order as well?

I do not know of any cancer screening tests that can rule out all cancers, but I suspect what the vet did run was looking for signs of leukemia, FIV, FeLV, or similar type afflictions. Any discussions about looking for blood marrow related issues, or other auto-immune diseases?

If nothing comes from any of this, talk to your vet about consulting with an internal medicine vet.

There are quite a number of threads on this site about anemia, but they cover a wide range of issues because there are so many possible causes. However, you are welcome to look through them (see link below) while you wait to hear from others who might have had some comparable situations to yours.
Search Results for Query: anemia | TheCatSite

Please do keep us posted!