And After Confinement?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
I've had this now pages long thread about my cat Frankie who had litter box issues that we think were caused by two things: stress and crystals in his urine. He'd go several days without an accident and then have one so we started confinement 3 times. He's now been released (gradually) to roam the rest of the house for several days with yesterday being his first full day in the entire house with two bedroom doors and one bathroom door remaining closed.......he pooped in the sink in his "studio apartment", otherwise known as our basement bathroom, so I don't want him to be tempted with our other sinks. he seems to be obsessed with our main level bathroom so, for now, the door remains closed. Hubby was thinking that last night would be his last night confined to the basement bathroom.

I've scoured the internet for what to do after the confinement period is over and haven't found much. So I thought I would post a new thread to see if others have opinions on this. I think we could be done with confinement as he's not had an accident for two weeks now. Accidents that weren't our fault that is: he had one last weekend because we forgot to clean his boxes. So hopefully we won't forget again!

So my question is: how do we know it's the right time to release him completely?

Thanks for any opinions. I appreciate it!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
So, he's not used the sink either for these two weeks? --If you need to and haven't already, you could set up an automatic timer/reminder on one or multiple of your electronic devices (phone, computer etc) for cleaning the boxes, since that's a vital part of things for him :)

I think that the only other thing I can think of would be keeping the stress triggers low, or eliminated, for him.

I'm sending all my best wishes!!


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi again!

For starters, I believe you said before when first letting Frankie have some space, he would sometimes go back to his 'studio apartment' - so, for now always make sure that is still available to him along with a clean, monitored litter box there.

If you are still feeding him down there, add another feeding station in the main area of the home as well - somewhere you would hopefully like him to eventually eat from all of the time. But, still keep some food in his studio. You can monitor both and see if/how much he eats from both locations as time passes.

Make sure that he has access to multiple litter boxes, depending on how large the space is that he is allowed to roam. And, as you already know - keep them monitored and clean.

Whatever his favorite toys are, make sure he has ready access to those. And, if need be, you might want to replicate a few of them for use in the general home area as well as in his studio area. Make sure you spend play time and down time with him multiple times a day.

As far as sleeping/night time, I would imagine you are going to give him another shot at sleeping with you? Whatever happens with that, you can make additional accommodations if necessary - like a bed in some other place you notices he naps, etc.

And, yeah for now, keep whatever rooms closed off that you think need to be.

I think as long as someone is home most/all of the time to watch him for a while, letting him out of confinement now should be OK. I do think, if it is possible, to pretty much watch him like a hawk initially. You also want to be able to identify his 'favorite' places, including general hang outs, sleep time, play time, hiding areas. Just so you know where they are and can make sure he doesn't have any accidents in those areas.

I think you already know all of this (and, probably more), but I know sometimes it is just nice to hear from others to confirm your ideas/thoughts.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
So, he's not used the sink either for these two weeks? --If you need to and haven't already, you could set up an automatic timer/reminder on one or multiple of your electronic devices (phone, computer etc) for cleaning the boxes, since that's a vital part of things for him :)

I think that the only other thing I can think of would be keeping the stress triggers low, or eliminated, for him.

I'm sending all my best wishes!!
his one accident that was probably our fault due to dirty boxes was "on" the sink rather than "in" the sink and that was last weekend. I jury rigged the sink so that he can't go in it but he was still able to "make a deposit" behind the faucet, next to the wall. So it sorta still counts as an accident but not really?

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  • #6


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
Hi again!

For starters, I believe you said before when first letting Frankie have some space, he would sometimes go back to his 'studio apartment' - so, for now always make sure that is still available to him along with a clean, monitored litter box there.

If you are still feeding him down there, add another feeding station in the main area of the home as well - somewhere you would hopefully like him to eventually eat from all of the time. But, still keep some food in his studio. You can monitor both and see if/how much he eats from both locations as time passes.

Make sure that he has access to multiple litter boxes, depending on how large the space is that he is allowed to roam. And, as you already know - keep them monitored and clean.

Whatever his favorite toys are, make sure he has ready access to those. And, if need be, you might want to replicate a few of them for use in the general home area as well as in his studio area. Make sure you spend play time and down time with him multiple times a day.

As far as sleeping/night time, I would imagine you are going to give him another shot at sleeping with you? Whatever happens with that, you can make additional accommodations if necessary - like a bed in some other place you notices he naps, etc.

And, yeah for now, keep whatever rooms closed off that you think need to be.

I think as long as someone is home most/all of the time to watch him for a while, letting him out of confinement now should be OK. I do think, if it is possible, to pretty much watch him like a hawk initially. You also want to be able to identify his 'favorite' places, including general hang outs, sleep time, play time, hiding areas. Just so you know where they are and can make sure he doesn't have any accidents in those areas.

I think you already know all of this (and, probably more), but I know sometimes it is just nice to hear from others to confirm your ideas/thoughts.
Tonight is his first night of freedom since being confined. He came into the bedroom and was checking it out since the door has been shut (he peed and pooped in there prior to confinement). He was checking stuff out and then he started chewing on electrical cords under the desk??? So I shooed him away and he's now comfortable on a dining room chair. I noticed he really likes to hang out on those chairs. I came out to the living room instead of being in bed with that door closed. So we'll see how tonight goes.

Thanks for all your help, tips and advice!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
I have to share a couple of funnies too. Yesterday when he went #2 in the box we moved to the main level, I was praising him and then mentioned a treat. His eyes lit up and he ran down the basement steps and into his studio and waited for me to catch up to give him a treat.

Tonight hubby happened to be in the same room with Frankie when he peed in the box. He sat next to his box with those big eyes so then hubby mentioned a treat and Frankie trotted down the stairs to get his treat in the basement bathroom (otherwise known as his studio apartment). OMG, he is too funny!! But whatever works to get him to go in his box, I'm all for it!!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
Frankie is just one big goofy imp! I love him!!
Okay, one more story and I'll let it rest :)

Since hubby took over breakfast and lunch giving, Frankie got on a schedule and even though he's been mostly free most of the last week, he still keeps to his schedule!! I just got coffee in the kitchen and there was Frankie standing at the top of the basement steps looking at me. I called up to hubby "is it time for his kibbles?" and sure enough, it was!! He also still loves his "love fests" with hubby: hubby's mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks were spent visiting with Frankie so Frankie still asks him to do that even though he's no longer confined to his studio apartment.
Yes, this cat is very endearing!! I think we'll keep him :cheerleader::dancingblackcat::lovecat2:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
So it sorta still counts as an accident but not really?
Hmmm, yeah, sort of not really LOL since you're right, the dirty boxes issue was the situational thing for him that time.

Bless your hearts, I LOVE Frankie stories - and even more so now that it sounds like things are settling down for all of you. What a neat-o cat, and SMART!! This is so wonderful to hear, thank you for sharing!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
oh hey FeebysOwner, thanks for asking! dare I say it? it's going great?! he's like this normal cat that hubby always knew he'd be. :)

his first night of freedom was Saturday and he's done great! sleeping in different spots each night. he found an orange ball that really interests him. chases it around and tosses it under stuff so that he can reach in for it. he's so cute!!! just like a real cat and everything. he's playing with the orange ball even as I type.

we haven't moved his food upstairs yet, maybe this weekend? here's a photo of Frankie from Sunday. a happy, relaxed cat lies on his back:

happy cat.jpg
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
Hmmm, yeah, sort of not really LOL since you're right, the dirty boxes issue was the situational thing for him that time.

Bless your hearts, I LOVE Frankie stories - and even more so now that it sounds like things are settling down for all of you. What a neat-o cat, and SMART!! This is so wonderful to hear, thank you for sharing!
thank you!!! I like this side of it much, much better :yess:
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
I am looking for another Frankie Fix.... I love Frankie....
awe, you're so nice!! Frankie is doing SUPER!!! We're having our furnace tuned up this morning and I didn't want Frankie to have another freak out over a worker being in our house. So I'm going to be a little late to work and I'm sitting in the band room with him while our furnace guy does his thing. He just arrived and was whistling like he does and Frankie's ears were like "what's that??"

He is like a "real cat" now and is slowly feeling more comfortable each day. He slept with my daughter for several nights and then the last two he slept with me!! AND he's there the entire night. None of my other cats ever stayed the entire night.

Frankie is staring at the door wondering what is going on out there.....

Thanks so much for asking! I'll post a photo or two when I get to work later this morning.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2018
Roseville, MN
Okay, a couple of photos, as promised. One of his favorite spots is sitting atop the couch and watching the "front yard movie" which is filled with squirrels and birds. Hours of enjoyment!! The other is from "jail" this morning. He's so smart!! He knows that if he climbs high enough he can put a claw or two into the teeny tiny space between the door and the door jamb and open the door to freedom!! So, I didn't get much web surfing in as I had to keep getting up to shut said door. So eventually I just leaned against the door because hubby had texted me that the furnace guy was almost done.


