Am so ashamed


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 9, 2007
Dixieland! LOL!
Catgirl...I have to say that it is a HUGE relief and honor to read what you've just written about not eating cat. Since it was your post that made me get angry enough to post an ANGRY post for an introduction of myself to the forum, this really hits home.

What a fantastic forum this is. I feel close to all of you already even you Catgirl! LOL! LOL!

As for not eating fish and pigs now - - I don't know. I hadn't really thought about that one. But just as long as you don't eat kitties!~!!!!!! LOL!

Yay Catgirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 8, 2007
northrn virginia -- finaly home!!!
omg, i just relized something terrible.

i feel so great that i decided to give up eating fish b/c my sister keeps fish for pets, but, but, but... tuna cat food is my furbabies favorites. i cant make them switch, that wouldnt be fair. they wouldnt understand.

maybe i can try chicken w/them again, but omg, im going to have a hard time giving them the fish if they wont eat the chiken.

but i cant be mean to the kitties. i just cant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 13, 2007
If you're going to give up meat because people keep animals as pets, you might as well simply be a vegetarian. There's not a single meat out there that I can think of that I haven't heard of or known someone to keep as a companion.

And it would be unfair to force a cat to be a vegetarian. They're carnivores.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 9, 2007
Dixieland! LOL!
Originally Posted by catgirl2548m

omg, i just relized something terrible.

i feel so great that i decided to give up eating fish b/c my sister keeps fish for pets, but, but, but... tuna cat food is my furbabies favorites. i cant make them switch, that wouldnt be fair. they wouldnt understand.

maybe i can try chicken w/them again, but omg, im going to have a hard time giving them the fish if they wont eat the chiken.

but i cant be mean to the kitties. i just cant.
Awwwww. {{{{{{{{Catgirl}}}}}}}}}}

This is when I think that the animal planet is so unfair. How does a person choose which animal is a fur baby and which one is food?
Although a fish doesn't have fur (LOL!!!!!!!).

I don't know about the rest of you but this is a bit of a quandry and is making me think. I KNOW that eating cats is WRONG but why?

I think the important thing you have brought to all of us Catgirl is really making us think about this sort of thing more. Thank you for sharing and caring enough to do so.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
Originally Posted by Kitties4ever

I don't know about the rest of you but this is a bit of a quandry and is making me think. I KNOW that eating cats is WRONG but why?
First I would like to thank you again all of you for your support.

I would like to clarify a point that seem to have been lost in my post. I believe that people need to eat to survive. Animals give up their lives so we can live. You can even say that about plants, right? It is the way of life. However, I am in animal welfare because I want to insure that animals are treated humanely and with the deserving respect whether they are food or pets or wildlife.
After saying this, my post talks about these drunks who kill and eat cats not because they are hungry but because it is something to go with their liquor. This is what I feel is so very wrong. No compassion, no respect for life, just plain self indulgence. For heaven sake, why can't they just eat a bag of chips instead of resorting to maiming and killing another living being?

Anyway, glad the thread was moved to Cats SOS. Keep those vibes coming and you may save lots of cats! Bless you all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
Stray cats? I think it's horrid. That's like taking somebody's pet lamb and eating it for dinner. If you raise an animal for food, you owe it a good life and a decent death... but just hunting down strays, who might've been somebody's loved pet, is evil.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 13, 2007
Originally Posted by yayi

First I would like to thank you again all of you for your support.

I would like to clarify a point that seem to have been lost in my post. I believe that people need to eat to survive. Animals give up their lives so we can live. You can even say that about plants, right? It is the way of life. However, I am in animal welfare because I want to insure that animals are treated humanely and with the deserving respect whether they are food or pets or wildlife.
After saying this, my post talks about these drunks who kill and eat cats not because they are hungry but because it is something to go with their liquor. This is what I feel is so very wrong. No compassion, no respect for life, just plain self indulgence. For heaven sake, why can't they just eat a bag of chips instead of resorting to maiming and killing another living being?

Anyway, glad the thread was moved to Cats SOS. Keep those vibes coming and you may save lots of cats! Bless you all.
Ahh, I was under the impression that they were just simply taking already prepared cats and eating them, not that they were abusing the animal in the process. I'm fully against the animal abuse. No animal should be abused for human entertainment value, regardless of whether there's drinking involved or not. Sorry, Yayi.. that was my fault.

Originally Posted by Callista

Stray cats? I think it's horrid. That's like taking somebody's pet lamb and eating it for dinner. If you raise an animal for food, you owe it a good life and a decent death... but just hunting down strays, who might've been somebody's loved pet, is evil.
This is true, grabbing strays is horrid, however.. it does happen (and it's the biggest reason why I'm petrified of mine getting outdoors, although other dangers are more common, this surely has to be the most horrifying). It surely doesn't excuse people for doing it, in any way shape or form, but as they do, I try personally to make sure mine are never exposed to that possibility. It would be wonderful if we could stop people from doing that, but in all honesty, I don't know if there's a way to stop evil humans from harming animals... even when there are laws, there are those that will still defy them, and go underground market for illegal products.

On this note, though, if you're not a vegetarian, but would still like to further the ethical and proper treatment of animals raised for human consumption, buying free range and kosher meats supports this.

Good luck with your fight, Yayi, and was there a link to a petition or anything to sign somewhere in this thread? I seem to remember there being one, but I'm at work so can't really search too much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Any kind of animal abuse involving pain or discomfort is wrong as a great idealistic principle. Unfortunately this is still to be achieved in almost every country in the world. Anything that has protein will be eaten somewhere, at some time, and this is not necessarily wrong. I know I was served cat once, in a restaurant in Bosnia during the war, although they called it 'rabbit'. As soon as I realised what I had, I stopped eating. But the people had nothing else, they even ate the zoo animals. In many countries it is normal to eat horses, even here in France you can buy horsemeat in all supermarkets, even made into sausages. Most of us wouldn't. But as someone has said, many cultures forbid eating certain animals, for religious, emotional or other reasons. We cannot say it is always wrong because it is not OUR way, though it may cause disgust in us. But animal torture is evil, as is the killing for food of rare species like gorillas, and we must all try to stamp it out and instil respect, even towards our food animals.