Am I Overthinking?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 9, 2022
Hi all,

Background information:

We took our 9 month old cat to be neutered yesterday. Our other two cats we took to the humane society for spay/neuter because we were low on cash. We’re a little more financially comfortable now (not rich obviously) and wanted to take our third cat to his vet. We adopted him from there as a rescue, they’re obsessed with him, and I wanted him to be in good hands. He’s really skittish and easily scared. We knew the cost would be a little more especially because they do pre-anesthetic blood work to make sure they’re in good health.


The vet texted my fiancé around noon to let him know the surgery went well, he would be ready for pickup at 6pm. He then gets another text that says he is starting to bruise where they drew blood earlier in the morning. I read through some threads on here and it seems to be normal in most cases. They say they’re running tests and he may need to be kept overnight. The vet doesn’t seem concerned but says he has never seen anything like it. We call at 5pm to get an update and the nurse says he’s ready to be picked up, when we get there the doctor will need to speak with us. We’re two minutes down the road and the doctor calls to say that he needs to stay overnight. I’m fine with this, however I don’t like that no one stays overnight at the office. I feel like I would be able to monitor him more myself at home.


We receive a text from the doctor at 8:05am that he’s doing well and he’s ready to be picked up anytime today. They’ve already given him his pain medicine for today. I call to confirm that he is ready and that we will be there around 4 when we get off work. Twenty minutes later the doctor texts back and says that he wants to keep him for a few days. He says that nothing has changed and he still looks good but wants to keep an eye on him.

Has anyone experienced anything of this sort? I wish the doctor could just say he needs to stay from the start without all this back and forth. I’m worried that the situation is worse than he is making it out to be. He also stated there will be no additional charges with this which makes me think something went wrong on their end. What would you do? He’s my baby and I just want him home, healthy of course.

Also, thank you if you read the whole thing. I know it’s long!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
There's not a lot you can do at this point but perhaps in the future you may want to consider a different vet clinic.

I just can't figure out their repeated inconsistent yes he's ready to come home, oh oops no he's not :( are they afraid that he's going to bleed too much?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I agree that you are in the situation now, and hopefully your cat is doing well, but can't explain the back and forth. It may well have been sincere. You might ask for a detailed explanation when you pick him up and pay the bill.

I also don't like to leave pets overnight at clinics where no one is on duty....for a lot of reasons.