Air Chewing


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 25, 2016

This is my first post, though I often have turned to this site for advice with my newest kitten, Prism. Prism was found orphaned at 3 weeks old, so we have a very close bond. Her digestion was great until a month in to eating canned food (Blue Buffalo). She began to vomit about once a week, eventually increasing to three-four times per week. During this time she began "air chewing." She will smack her lips, yowl, tilt her head back and chew side to side, sometimes vomiting after. Thinking it was heartburn, or a food sensitivity the vet recommended Pepcid, and I changed her food to Wellness. She had a terrible reaction to the Pepcid so we stopped that after 3 days. During that time she continued to air chew. Once she began the Wellness she started vomiting multiple times a day. At that point I took her off the canned food completely and she started eating a bland diet consisting of boiled turkey, canned pumpkin, and egg. I also added a little Slippery Elm syrup and probiotics in to her food to soothe her gut. While on the bland diet she stopped vomiting for the most part, and continued to air chew occasionally. Desperate for answers she had a full workup at the vet: a complete blood count, a metabolic panel (both normal), and an Xray with a barium series (normal). The vet has tried to look under her tongue and hasn't seen anything, but she is a very energetic kitten so it is no easy feat. The vet recommended Royal Canin recovery to get her weight up, and also put her on Cerenia. That worked for a while, but about a month in to this plan she began to vomit again, air chewing all the while. We just switched her food to Nature's Logic and she stopped vomiting and air chewing. We began to wean down her Cerenia dose so that she is now taking 1/4 of her usual dose every other day- still no vomit, however the air chewing has returned! She does it 3-6 times a day, and it does appear to give her discomfort. The vet is stumped, and I would do anything to help  my poor kitten. Currently she is almost 5 months old and weighs 3.5 lbs (small, I know). Side note- throughout all the issues she has remained energetic, cuddly, with a good appetite, a healthy water drinker, and has normal bowel movements. I have included a link to her doing the air chew, if anyone has any suggestions, or similar experiences it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I don't.  It does sound like she has allergy to something in her food, though.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly who can help.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 11, 2016
Oxnard, California
Hello! I had something very similar happen to my Romeo about 2 weeks ago. He had all of the tests that you mentioned except the barium test. I had him on bland, Royal Canin food for a week and that seemed to help him. I think your cat is either stressed or developed some food allergies (or both). Romeo also received an anti-nausea injection, which seemed to help. I doubt that whatever your kitty has is super serious, but I would get a second opinion from another vet if I was you. For now, stay positive. Cats are more resilient than we think.