Aggression Between My Cats - Advice Needed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 27, 2017
Hi all,

My name is Anat and I leave with my partner and 3 cats in our lovely flat in Berlin. I would like to get your advice on introducing our newest addition to the house and how to solve some aggression issues. But first, a bit of background on our three cats:
Arik - male, 9 yrs. Lovely, super social and cuddly. Simply a cat from heaven. I adopted him from my neighbor who used to mistreat him.
Fawlty - female, 6 yrs. Adopted from the street. Not the biggest socializer but with a lot of love over the years we've managed to build her confidence enough to tolerate others. She and Arik have a very close bond.
Behemoth - male, 6 months. Adopted from a charity organization. Extremely quiet and friendly even though a bit scared.

I'll try to give as many details as possible without making this an un-ending story:
We've adopted Behemoth about 3 months ago and even though initially the introduction was a bit stressed it seemed to go ok. Until a week later when we took all cats to the vet to get their vaccinations, and then immediately after Fawlty started to get super aggressive towards Behemoth and attacking him on sight.
Initially, we separated them by keeping Fawlty secluded to the back of the house and allowing Behemoth to roam the main living room, but then we switched and now Behemoth is secluded to the study during the days and to the living room during the nights.
We started re-intorudction with feeding them 3 times a day across a gated door and we've managed to get them to eat in peace about 1-2 feet from the door each, with not a lot of drama. That took about 2 months of slow progress.
Problem is we're currently stuck. Fawlty can tolerate Behemoth while she's eating and even back away when she's done, but she will try to attack on sight if he moves too much (=plays).
We tried bringing them together within the same room for a feeding/playing session and she attacked him. Her aggression also manifests when she's aggressively scratching at the door of whatever room he's locked in.
Behemoth himself is very scared of Fawlty and the minute she turns aggressive he completely submits himself and either cowers or hides which entices her even more.

Our main question is how do me manage to graduate the re-introduction from where we are currently? What should be the next steps?

Some notes:
- In the meantime, Arik and Behemoth are the greatest pals and they love playing together and grooming one another.
- Fawlty doesn't lack attention as most of the time she's with us and Arik while Behemoth is alone.
- We have high places for them to climb to in both main areas - living room and study. Behemoth spends most of his days in the nest he has in the study.
- We give Fawlty herbal powders daily that are supposed to calm her down and for a long period, we also had 2 Feliway defusers.
- We do spend a lot of time playing with all cats to try and 'empty their batteries' but Fawlty doesn't like to play and is rarely active doing so.
- All cats are neutered

I would appreciate any advice or insight, thank you very much for reading!



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You are doing the reintroduction right, takes as long as it takes. I am going to give you a link to non-recognition aggression in cats that may provide some additional information. Now, for Behemoth, be sure he gets lots of play with a wand toy, so that he gets to be successful at "hunting" and "killing" prey. That will help build his confidence. Praise him extravagantly when he "catches" the mouse or bird or whatever prey is on the string (my cat has a fit if I don't say, "OH BRAVE GIRL! OH FIERCE OF HEART AND SWIFT OF PAW" every......single.....time). You know, I'm also going to include two articles on introducing strange cats, as the process is so much the same!

How To Deal With Non-recognition Aggression In Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Introducing Cats To Cats
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 27, 2017
Hi Mamanyt1953 and thank you for your response as well as for the links.
In general, we follow very similar guidelines but we found some new tips that we'll try as well. Thanks!

Maybe then a more specific question - how do we know when it's time to move from feeding them across a gated door to being in the same room? On one hand, we do expect that whenever we'll do that for the first couple of times it would be tense on both of them, but it does seem to be too soon to do it right now. What should we look for?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 22, 2017
Maybe then a more specific question - how do we know when it's time to move from feeding them across a gated door to being in the same room? On one hand, we do expect that whenever we'll do that for the first couple of times it would be tense on both of them, but it does seem to be too soon to do it right now. What should we look for?
I had this same exact question about a year ago. There is no true answer. For me, it was a balancing act between how the kittens were acting and how long I could stand two routines and working around the separation. When the cats seem more curious than on-guard, do a short intro with a specific person assigned to each cat. Praise the cr@p out of them, treats and toys to distract and then at 5 minutes, separate them. And then give each cat a lot of attention and treats. Evaluate what happened and then repeat. I didn't need two people the second day, and they lasted a few minutes longer before getting on guard (annoyed? bothered? Not aggressive, but you should be able to tell when one of them has had enough) Then it just keeps going.

There will be dust-ups, wrestling, growling and hissing, but that is them just working it out. Let it go for a little bit, but separate them if you notice it escalating or one guy really tries to get away.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hi Mamanyt1953 and thank you for your response as well as for the links.
In general, we follow very similar guidelines but we found some new tips that we'll try as well. Thanks!

Maybe then a more specific question - how do we know when it's time to move from feeding them across a gated door to being in the same room? On one hand, we do expect that whenever we'll do that for the first couple of times it would be tense on both of them, but it does seem to be too soon to do it right now. What should we look for?
This will vary a bit from cat to cat, but generally speaking, once both cats are comfortable eating at the gated door within 5-6 inches of either side of the door, and neither of them is in a rush to move away once the food is gone, or at least, they leave in a relaxed manner, they are ready to try being in the same room. One trick, when you remove the gate, have a couple of wand toys on hand. If one cats seems to be fixating on the other, you can use the wand toy as a distraction as soon as you see it. If the fixated cat never goes for the other the first time, that will help a LOT!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 27, 2017
Thank you so much!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You are SO welcome! OH, and Welcome to TCS! I was so fixated on the issue, I forgot to say that! When you have a moment, go here, New Cats on the Block and introduce yourself and your cats to our community!

And do keep me posted on how they are doing!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 27, 2017
Thanks so much, I certainly will and I can already see progress thanks for your advice :)
You really gave me hope and new motivation!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I knew you could do this once you had some tools to work with! Now, don't lose heart if you have to back track a little once in a while! That is not unusual at all.