After staying at the vets all night, cat doesn't eat nor drink


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 9, 2019
our cat, Merlin, doesn't eat nor drink since yesterday. On Thursday, we went outside (to our tiny garden, we always watch them to make sure they don't leave, since they're indoor cats) and he ate some grass. Later on he threw up twice, both times the grass was in it. Later, however, he threw up more times-5?-and this time it was bloody, no grass. He was obviously not feeling well, so we took to him to the emergency vet. His overall condition was great, but the x-ray showed slightly inflimmated stomach, so we left him there for them to watch him. He's kind of sensitive and very attached to us- he's 5 years old and our first and oldest cat- so we were reluctant leaving him there, he was crying loudly the whole time but in the end. just to be sure we left him there. The next morning the vet called us, apparently he's been crying the whole night, didn't eat, drink nor pee but didn't throw up, so we scheduled to pick him up later in the day. We did, he was tired and melancholic, but happy to see us.
It's been 24 hours since then and he doesn't eat nor drink. He went to the toilet though. We give him food and water through syringe, that's no problem. He's not interested in food whatsoever and mostly lays down, napping. The good thing is,however, that he's responsive, went outside himself, reacts to the noises around him and even curiously walked across the entire garden just to look at the door we closed (it leads to the road and our cats are always very interested). We're worried mostly because he's had kidney problems before. When he did he was walking funny with his back arched, he doesn't do that now. I think he was just traumatized, he's a really sensitive personality and reacts badly to things he doesn't like.
I'm very reluctant to take him to the vet, because it might make him even more stressed. When he's truly feeling very sick-when his kidneys were in a very bad state- he becomes pretty much completely unresponsive and shows no interest in anything, but he doesn't behave like that completely, he's even interested in taking a walk, and does this funny thing when he refuses to sit on anything else but a piece of cloth-he always does this.
What do you think? Should we just give him time, feed him with the syringe until he gets better, or should we go to the ambulance again?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
It sounds like you know Merlin very well, and know what to watch for when he is feeling poorly. I always recommend calling the vet any time you are worried and feel you should bring him in, but since you are seeing him act somewhat normally and you are feeding him, if it were me at this point, I'd probably just keep things status quo for the moment. Some cats gets extremely stressed at the vet's office or the vet hospital (especially the latter) and it takes some time to snap out of that. Do you know if the vet gave him any fluids? Sometimes a cat feels less hungry/thirsty after getting fluids. I'd just keep out a food dish or two, through the day/night, and hope that he'll pick up eating again soon.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 9, 2019
It sounds like you know Merlin very well, and know what to watch for when he is feeling poorly. I always recommend calling the vet any time you are worried and feel you should bring him in, but since you are seeing him act somewhat normally and you are feeding him, if it were me at this point, I'd probably just keep things status quo for the moment. Some cats gets extremely stressed at the vet's office or the vet hospital (especially the latter) and it takes some time to snap out of that. Do you know if the vet gave him any fluids? Sometimes a cat feels less hungry/thirsty after getting fluids. I'd just keep out a food dish or two, through the day/night, and hope that he'll pick up eating again soon.
Hello, he didn't get any fluids. We went on a walk with him and he enjoyed it a lot, the poor boy is very sleepy all the time, we're glad he liked it.. We decided to give him some time today and if it worsens, tomorrow we're taking him to the ambulance again. Not leaving him there for the night though unless he's in a truly bad state. Hopefully it'll all work out..
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 9, 2019
It sounds like you know Merlin very well, and know what to watch for when he is feeling poorly. I always recommend calling the vet any time you are worried and feel you should bring him in, but since you are seeing him act somewhat normally and you are feeding him, if it were me at this point, I'd probably just keep things status quo for the moment. Some cats gets extremely stressed at the vet's office or the vet hospital (especially the latter) and it takes some time to snap out of that. Do you know if the vet gave him any fluids? Sometimes a cat feels less hungry/thirsty after getting fluids. I'd just keep out a food dish or two, through the day/night, and hope that he'll pick up eating again soon.
We feel awful though.. It feels like it was a mistake leaving him there.. Right now he's honestly in much worse state than he was before.. It feels like he could be possibly in a state of shock, maybe? He's colder than usual too.. Poor boy..


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Is there any chance he ate something else besides grass? Some plant poisonous to cats? Did the vet bring up that possibility?

I think it's going to have to be a judgment call for you to make (taking him back to the vet) -- since you know him and his normal or abnormal behaviors the best. Is he using the litter box normally?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 9, 2019
Is there any chance he ate something else besides grass? Some plant poisonous to cats? Did the vet bring up that possibility?

I think it's going to have to be a judgment call for you to make (taking him back to the vet) -- since you know him and his normal or abnormal behaviors the best. Is he using the litter box normally?
Our garden is tiny and because we often go there with them there are no plants either, so that's unlikely. We followed him to the toilet just now, he went to pee-unfortunately he slightly cried out, when he was pushing it out. Checked the pee afterwards, no blood and the amount seems normal, but it looks like the vet visit is inevitable..
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 9, 2019
Is there any chance he ate something else besides grass? Some plant poisonous to cats? Did the vet bring up that possibility?

I think it's going to have to be a judgment call for you to make (taking him back to the vet) -- since you know him and his normal or abnormal behaviors the best. Is he using the litter box normally?
Great news! He's finally eating, and overall is back to his old self, even ran away from mom when she was trying to catch him :D . His tummy hurts, but other than that he's fine. It looks like he was truly just traumatized from the vet visit.. What helped a lot was giving him a looot of attention and going on walks. I guess it's valuable to know how he reacts in case something else happens.. We're only ever going to leave him there if his condition is truly serious! Very happy..