Advice- Pooping on the Bathroom Rug


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
Maybe a month ago, one of our cats peed on the rug in front of the litterbox. Out litterboxes are in the guest bathtub- makes for easy cleaning, and we really don't have a better place for them. It gets bleached and deep cleaned regularly.

Anyway, the pee incident was weird, but I didn't think twice about it. I let the rugs soak in an enzymatic cleaner and washed them. Suddenly, someone started to POOP on the rug! I finally figure out the culprit- Evie. She has since pooped three times on the rug. She will poop in the litterboxes- I've seen it with my own two eyes- so this is super out of character for her.

I'm getting new bathroom rugs today (the ones being pooped on were getting old and worn anyway), which will hopefully stop this behavior. Zero accidents anywhere else, which leads me to think that she can smell the original accident and assumes she can poop on the rug. Additionally, it's ONLY on the original accident rug. We have a second one (same material and color) in front of the sink that she leaves alone.

She is totally normal otherwise. Runs around, brings your her toys to throw for her, begs for attention, eats like a machine, using the actual litterbox. I'm wondering if I need to be concerned, or if I should just wait and see if getting new rugs will solve the issue.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Right now, if it were me, I'd gamble that the rug is the issue and replace it. Just make sure the area underneath is also thoroughly cleaned before putting down the new one. Then, wait and see what happens. But, just in case she is in the process of making this a habit, I would buy a back-up rug, so that you can remove one and have another to put down should she happen to do it again. That way you always have a rug down while you are cleaning the other.

I hope you don't need the back up rug and that she stops doing this once the current rug is gone!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Unfortunately, some cats come to like peeing or pooping on rugs because they can be kneaded beneath the paws.

Try using weights at the four corners of the rug to make it as rigid as possible.