Advice on whether I should bring two of my long time ferals in and how to go about doing it?!?

tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
I moved here two months ago and my relocated my little colony. I started caring for a little colony about 5-6 years ago approximately 2 years ago I separated from my ex and he continued to feed them as relocating was too traumatic. Long story short, my ex decided he wouldn't take care of them anymore and refused to feed them. They had a nice living area, upper scaled homes and tennis courts, plenty of nice spots to hide and only dogs and raccoons to worry about.  But they would come to my ex's front door and just cry he figured if he didn't feed them they'd move on to other areas and he wouldn't have to be "burdened" by them anymore (they never did). So 2 months ago I captured mommy, son and the first feral I came across. They really loved each other would cuddle on a bench all together and they all got along.  I read about relocating- have to keep them in a confined space for 4 weeks or so to get acclimated so they wouldn't run away. I put them all in the shed. On day 3 after feeding them lots of goodies (sardines, wet food, etc. to get their trust- they hadn't seen me for really 2 years since separating from the ex) the little son ran out between my legs. It was at that point I had decided to let them all go. I'm very woodsy over here- horses on my block, deer and I've seen a few red foxes.  I feared if the little guy went off by himself he might get lost or worse.  He actually turned around and meowed to his momma as he was waiting for her.  Jeff & Oreo (son, & mom, respectively) went off in one direction.  Whitey, the old timer who was the first feral I cam across (at least 6+yrs old) went in another direction I didn't see.  This was December 30th 2012. Whitey has never been seen since. I kept holding out hope he would come back but he never did.  Oreo & Jeff have been around, initially they hung around my backyard all the time because I'd put good food out and then the others started coming around. JC (junkyard cat) which I just got fixed was very aggressive he chased little oreo up a tree the first night she was here. He would run after her and chase her and I'd hear them fight.  I fixed JC last week as he was constantly hanging out in my backyard and scaring away my cats.  He seems calmer now and comes during off hours now to eat. I think the TNR really helped him.  But now there's another male I think (I saw him do the backwards feet kick and raise his tail into my bush- is that how they spray?) I call him Gandolf b/c he has long hair and all gray with a little white beard.  He seems to be keeping the others at bay. He's on my porch all the time.  after our massive storm, which was a whole different stress level, I saw oreo and jeff (mom & son) come back. at first I only saw jeff and then oreo came with him the next day.  they always would travel together.  I haven't seen Oreo in three days. I do not know if I can keep stressing out over her.  She would be here 7pm like clockwork. Now I check to see if there are any spottings literally every hour and I haven't seen her in three days.  I know this sounds overly dramatic, but she's a little girl she seems like she's afraid of everyone, even there was a orange cat that had an ear tip-seems like the only one in this neighborhood besides my oreo & jeff and she tried hissing at him when he came up for food and he smacked her and she ran away.  Oreo doesn't really scare any of the other cats and I'm worried about her being on her own.  I saw jeff- her son every day come and eat but oreo was here for 2 minutes 3 days ago now.  Is she afraid of the males- could their spraying keep her away?  Between the red fox and dogs in my neighborhood I really want to bring her and Jeff in. They are very sweet.  I used to be able to touch them and they do trust me now, but they're scared of the neighborhood cats. I have two indoor cats of my own that are very laid back (scaredy cats too).  If I can convince my bf to let me use the garage to socialize them, how do I go about getting them tested for FIV, treated, and socialized. If I capture them and it doesn't work out, do I risk scaring them even more and having them completely run away this time?   All I know is I worry about them like I'd worry about my housecats, we have a long relationship.  I actually got Oreo's other two kittens (jeff was a litter of 4) adopted- my ex's german shepard snapped one of the kittiy's necks and after that I said I wasn't going to let that happen to any of the others.  One of the kittens even had a heart murmur and the (no-kill) shelter said she was so cute they were going to take her anyways (even though normally they'd reject such kittens).  Jeff unfortunately was separated from the other two and when i brought him in by himself to get fixed I tried socializing him afterwards but it seemed impossible- not as easy as his siblings. Jeff was jumping into glass windows, etc. I reunited him with oreo and they've been inseparable ever since.  They had it good at the other location, here I feel they are constantly stressed with their surroundings.  Will it get better if I fix gandolf? Should i try to socialize them? I'm just so stressed over their well being. Starting a new job soon and I have a week off in between- is that enough time? Anyone successfully socialized ferals? 
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tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013

Oreo B&W

Whitey-old timer all white.

that was at the old house

here were her babies that I got adopted Silky & Patches (silky was all black just like Jeff)

Patches was so easy to socialize- here sitting on my lap


Silky just chilling out

this was beautiful whitey at the old location (he's been gone since released at my new location)

here was Whitey just relaxing on the driveway

And here was Oreo after she had her babies I fixed her (this is 3-4 yrs ago)

Here is Jeff the only kitten that stayed outside with oreo- and mr. silly eyes while I know he was happier at the other location and more relaxed, he still makes the trip to my door everyday around 7pm, if only for a quick feeding before he takes off.  His momma Oreo is not as consistent. And while I'm scared for Oreo I know if I'd take in one, I'd have to take in both as they are kind of a package deal.



TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Socializing ferals takes time and patience, and can be done; the best time frame is before they are six months old.  But it seems like at least some of these cats are semi-tamed already.  Socializing can take anywhere from one month to six months to never.  Depends on the cat to a large extent.  Garage is a good place to start.

There is a lot of information in your post but from what I can gather, some are fixed, some aren't.  Spraying is a cat marking territory; it can be a sign of 'stay away'.

Trap as many cats as you can and get them spayed/neutered; that will cut down significantly agressive behavior.  At the same time, have the cats checked for FIV/FeLK.  BUT FIRST ask the vet/organization what its policy is on FIV/FeLK+ cats (some will refuse to spay/neuter; some will urge euthanisia).

Insofar as you're not seeing the one cat:  I'm in a similar position, and try not to worry.  Cats will disappear for several days and then return as though nothing has happened; though some returned injured.  (Is the cat you haven't seen, fixed?)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
To your questions.  Yes, please, do neuter Gandalf, if you havent done it yet.  Do spay/neuter alll you can...  Although females and the dominant males are most important. Dominant males tend to scare off the others.... Friendly males can by this reason go later if you are tight on money.

Taking your two protegées in... You had already tried with it, but failed.

Analyse why...  One reason may be, you didnt it wholeheartly, as they would be just used to your territry.  Another reason, you took them from a place which felt good for them.  NOW they are in a place which scares them, you being the only reason they are still here. NOW, when the outside is scary, and friend you are inside, is a better, more chance-rich occasion.

Use also a Feliway adapter, and play classical, relaxing music...   Have lotsa of toys, and nice cozy places to lie in, and hide a little.  A scratching tree (you can surely build yourself something, you dont need to buy it)...

And so on....

All in all: I think your planning is good. Think it over - and do it...

And yes, the life inside is MUCH safer than outside.

Good luck!
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tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
Socializing ferals takes time and patience, and can be done; the best time frame is before they are six months old.  But it seems like at least some of these cats are semi-tamed already.  Socializing can take anywhere from one month to six months to never.  Depends on the cat to a large extent.  Garage is a good place to start.

There is a lot of information in your post but from what I can gather, some are fixed, some aren't.  Spraying is a cat marking territory; it can be a sign of 'stay away'.

Trap as many cats as you can and get them spayed/neutered; that will cut down significantly agressive behavior.  At the same time, have the cats checked for FIV/FeLK.  BUT FIRST ask the vet/organization what its policy is on FIV/FeLK+ cats (some will refuse to spay/neuter; some will urge euthanisia).

Insofar as you're not seeing the one cat:  I'm in a similar position, and try not to worry.  Cats will disappear for several days and then return as though nothing has happened; though some returned injured.  (Is the cat you haven't seen, fixed?)
Thank you Ritz going to capture Mr. Gadolf tonight if I can get him in tomorrow to get fixed.  Yes my Oreo the little B&W girl has been fixed for some time 3-4 yrs and so is her son Jeff. They don't fight, usually run or stay away.  I fixed JC who was super dominant and aggressive- chase oreo up a tree I think he was trying to mate with her? (*can these boys tell she's fixed or they just know she's a female and try to mate regardless?) JC has calmed down now he's showing less aggressiveness but it seems Gandolf has now stepped in I only saw him once in a blue moon but since JC has been fixed he's spraying and around all day. possibly this is what's keeping my Oreo away?  I hope I've seen all there is to see of this colony. I will take it upon myself to get Gandolf fixed, but I really just want my Oreo & Jeff to have a good life. If they can't be comfortable outside, I really do want to try to bring them in.  It's going to be an obstacle trying to treat them for whatever they caught outside- fleas, worms, etc. I'm thinking I'll have to eventually bring them in to a vet in the HavaHeart cages as they are semi feral.  If I keep them in the garage my indoor cats can't catch anything if they're not in contact right? When I captured JC I think they smelled him through the garage- when he sprayed?  Don't want to jeopardize anyone's health.  
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tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
To your questions.  Yes, please, do neuter Gandalf, if you havent done it yet.  Do spay/neuter alll you can...  Although females and the dominant males are most important. Dominant males tend to scare off the others.... Friendly males can by this reason go later if you are tight on money.

Taking your two protegées in... You had already tried with it, but failed.

Analyse why...  One reason may be, you didnt it wholeheartly, as they would be just used to your territry.  Another reason, you took them from a place which felt good for them.  NOW they are in a place which scares them, you being the only reason they are still here. NOW, when the outside is scary, and friend you are inside, is a better, more chance-rich occasion.

Use also a Feliway adapter, and play classical, relaxing music...   Have lotsa of toys, and nice cozy places to lie in, and hide a little.  A scratching tree (you can surely build yourself something, you dont need to buy it)...

And so on....

All in all: I think your planning is good. Think it over - and do it...

And yes, the life inside is MUCH safer than outside.

Good luck!
Thank you StefanZ, they were really happy in their old territory. I'd see them all throughout the day. Now I'm lucky if I see them for 10 minutes for feeding.  I coaxed Oreo & jeff to walk in to a back door when i put wet food in the house. they were curious, oreo even going up a couple of stairs when I stood back.  then they ran out again.  I bought one of those cat enclosures you see at petco when they're trying to show adoptable kittens - i don't know if this would be good for them initially in my garage or make them more fearful.  in the garage I won't have to worry about them escaping as much, but they may be able to dart out into the basement- or worse into the main living area where my indoor cats are (don't want indoor cats to get sick with anything).  I would put the work into socializing them, just hoping it's not a lost cause. I know they trust me, but they're scared to be confined which is why they didn't stay in the house any longer than it took them to eat the food I put out for them.  


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I'm thinking I'll have to eventually bring them in to a vet in the HavaHeart cages as they are semi feral.  If I keep them in the garage my indoor cats can't catch anything if they're not in contact right? When I captured JC I think they smelled him through the garage- when he sprayed?  Don't want to jeopardize anyone's health.  
Yes, the smoothest is to take them to the vet for check up, deworming etc in the Havahart traps. And home (garage here) firstly from the vet.  When you are releasing them, so you are their savior who did released them from these traps.   :)

And yes, a couple of two or even three weeks of quarantine is very wise, so they dont carry anything to your residents.

If you dont suspect them for any especial contagious sickedness (they do seems healthy), this with garage should suffice. 

But If you suspect them for something contagious, you shall also change clothes, shoes, and wash hands between.

If you wish, you can probably administer a dosis of Revolution spot on, even before you take them to the vet. It kills off  all external parasites, and most internal. Only exeption are tape worms...

This way you can shorten the quarantine somewhat.   Talk with your vet if you wish, so you dont pay double for the deworming.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 23, 2012
Should i try to socialize them? I'm just so stressed over their well being. Starting a new job soon and I have a week off in between- is that enough time? Anyone successfully socialized ferals? 

as long as you are willing to spend the time doing it, yes, please do socialize them. while it is a long process time wise to socialize a feral(s), time and patience are all it really takes.

my first "project" was in a large dog cage for about five months while i worked with her. i spent hundreds of hours just being with/near her, observing her traits and characteristics. don't expect much if any progress within a weeks time, but don't fret - its a marathon, not a sprint. spend as much time as you can with them and slowly you will see them change. do not expect anything out of them, let them dictate what to do and how soon to do it.

as far as any health issues - have them tested at the vet to rule out FIV and FeLV. have the vet give each of them Capstar and Revolution to take care of any fleas. as far as worms - they certainly do have some so they can be treated while at the vet. my only advice would be see what specific de-wormer they plan to use. if it is Profender i would advise having them use something different, like Drontal. the efficacy of Profender - based on the times i have used it - is not very good. my first socialization had Profender administered twice (as well as two rounds of Panacur-C) and still had roundworms.
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tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
as long as you are willing to spend the time doing it, yes, please do socialize them. while it is a long process time wise to socialize a feral(s), time and patience are all it really takes.

my first "project" was in a large dog cage for about five months while i worked with her. i spent hundreds of hours just being with/near her, observing her traits and characteristics. don't expect much if any progress within a weeks time, but don't fret - its a marathon, not a sprint. spend as much time as you can with them and slowly you will see them change. do not expect anything out of them, let them dictate what to do and how soon to do it.

as far as any health issues - have them tested at the vet to rule out FIV and FeLV. have the vet give each of them Capstar and Revolution to take care of any fleas. as far as worms - they certainly do have some so they can be treated while at the vet. my only advice would be see what specific de-wormer they plan to use. if it is Profender i would advise having them use something different, like Drontal. the efficacy of Profender - based on the times i have used it - is not very good. my first socialization had Profender administered twice (as well as two rounds of Panacur-C) and still had roundworms.
Whaler thank you so much for all your advice. I am really taking it all in.  I captured Gandolf tonight he's in my garage now. I'm hoping the shelter can neuter him tomorrow (they're not open Sundays) but I'll call them first thing tomorrow and I can either bring him in the morning to have the surgery done Monday or in the evening (for the  Tuesday's surgery) I know I sound so crazy but while I had no choice but to move Oreo and Jeff (or let them starve with the ex) I have a guilty conscience that they're not as happy here. I am going to try to socialize them soon.  right now gandolf needs to be fixed before he impregnates anyone.  Wouldn't you know after an hour of trapping gandolf and having not seen oreo for 3 days now she came with jeff running up the steps and scarfing down a huge can of wet food. I've never seen her eat so fast.  She must've been going without or sprinting for scraps when no one was around, because I checked every hour for her in the past 3 days.  Was so happy to see her!  I think between JC and Gandolf those were the two main males.  There is an all gray almost russian blue cat that followed oreo around a couple of weeks ago yowling (I had no idea what this was before) maybe it was him trying to mate with her? Can't they tell she's fixed! She must be the only female in the group. Poor baby girl had to hide b/c all the boys were tracking her down.  I just want to give her an easy life, her and Jeff. Hopefully they'll accept.!  I thought I knew cats but apparently I have a lot to learn about these furballs!
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tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
Yes, the smoothest is to take them to the vet for check up, deworming etc in the Havahart traps. And home (garage here) firstly from the vet.  When you are releasing them, so you are their savior who did released them from these traps.   :)

And yes, a couple of two or even three weeks of quarantine is very wise, so they dont carry anything to your residents.

If you dont suspect them for any especial contagious sickedness (they do seems healthy), this with garage should suffice. 

But If you suspect them for something contagious, you shall also change clothes, shoes, and wash hands between.

If you wish, you can probably administer a dosis of Revolution spot on, even before you take them to the vet. It kills off  all external parasites, and most internal. Only exeption are tape worms...

This way you can shorten the quarantine somewhat.   Talk with your vet if you wish, so you dont pay double for the deworming.

Good luck!
Thank you StefanZ, I'm going to have to plan it well, once I capture them in the Havaheart I'll have to get a vet apptmt b/c I probably won't be able to trick them twice in short order.  They'll probably cost me a few hundred so I might have to wait a couple of weeks or so.  I think with Gandolf fixed, that should allow Oreo to come around more with Jeff and not be scared. If there are any other males I'll get them fixed too.  It just irks me that whoever put these cats here in the first place never spayed/neutered them.  they might've been born feral- but it obviously started from somewhere! someone abandoning their cats,etc.  I don't mind so much the money part of it- just the irresponsibility of others.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 23, 2012
as long as you are willing to spend the time doing it, yes, please do socialize them. while it is a long process time wise to socialize a feral(s), time and patience are all it really takes.

my first "project" was in a large dog cage for about five months while i worked with her. i spent hundreds of hours just being with/near her, observing her traits and characteristics. don't expect much if any progress within a weeks time, but don't fret - its a marathon, not a sprint. spend as much time as you can with them and slowly you will see them change. do not expect anything out of them, let them dictate what to do and how soon to do it.

as far as any health issues - have them tested at the vet to rule out FIV and FeLV. have the vet give each of them Capstar and Revolution to take care of any fleas. as far as worms - they certainly do have some so they can be treated while at the vet. my only advice would be see what specific de-wormer they plan to use. if it is Profender i would advise having them use something different, like Drontal. the efficacy of Profender - based on the times i have used it - is not very good. my first socialization had Profender administered twice (as well as two rounds of Panacur-C) and still had roundworms.
Whaler thank you so much for all your advice. I am really taking it all in.  I captured Gandolf tonight he's in my garage now. I'm hoping the shelter can neuter him tomorrow (they're not open Sundays) but I'll call them first thing tomorrow and I can either bring him in the morning to have the surgery done Monday or in the evening (for the  Tuesday's surgery) I know I sound so crazy but while I had no choice but to move Oreo and Jeff (or let them starve with the ex) I have a guilty conscience that they're not as happy here. I am going to try to socialize them soon.  right now gandolf needs to be fixed before he impregnates anyone.  Wouldn't you know after an hour of trapping gandolf and having not seen oreo for 3 days now she came with jeff running up the steps and scarfing down a huge can of wet food. I've never seen her eat so fast.  She must've been going without or sprinting for scraps when no one was around, because I checked every hour for her in the past 3 days.  Was so happy to see her!  I think between JC and Gandolf those were the two main males.  There is an all gray almost russian blue cat that followed oreo around a couple of weeks ago yowling (I had no idea what this was before) maybe it was him trying to mate with her? Can't they tell she's fixed! She must be the only female in the group. Poor baby girl had to hide b/c all the boys were tracking her down.  I just want to give her an easy life, her and Jeff. Hopefully they'll accept.!  I thought I knew cats but apparently I have a lot to learn about these furballs!

good job with trapping Gandolf so quickly, you seem to have a magic touch as far as trapping goes!

it sounds to me that if they had stayed where they were their outcome would have likely been bad - don't beat yourself up for doing what you felt was best for them.

i have had cats my whole life and i will tell you that dealing with the ferals is a whole new ballgame. i honestly feel that working with feral cats is at least as rewarding as working with socialized cats but it is a lot more stressful :)

can't wait to hear how it goes at the clinic
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tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
thanks whaler! I think the sardines gets them every time, to my trap, although I am not very fond of that smell, especially since trapping 5 cats and transporting them in my car i cannot get that smell plus cat urine out of my seats (even though I used a dropcloth) Going to bring it to a car detailing place soon to see if they're more successful (I tried every cat urine deodorizer on the market to no avail!)  Took the long trip tonight to drop Gandolf off at the clinic. Poor guy was in the trap for 24 hrs but they said I dropped him off right before feeding, so he should get a little food in him then it's surgery tomorrow morning. I'll pick him up btwn 6-8pm. By the time I release him tomorrow it will probably be around 12 hrs since surgery.  I kept the last one overnight in my garage b/c it was so cold I might still keep gandolf locked up, but he was so stressed out when I caught him- doing somersaults in the cage!  I'll play it by ear.  I didn't really even see anyone from the whole colony yet and it's late now (10pm) usually 7pm the lil buggers are out there. Just when I thought I knew cat behavior!  I know they all ate a LOT yesterday- oreo especially scarfed down a 10-12oz can of wet food. Jeff a whole can of sardines plus wet and dry food.  Are they fasting today?  I agree Whaler, it is very rewarding and although people might not like the fact that i'm feeding and caring for them, at least I'm going through the time and expense to make sure these fellas can't multiply.  It's as if everyone else turns a blind eye to it.   I know with JC once I fixed him he's been lowkey and that's exactly when Gandolf stepped up to the plate.  I hope for no more males! lol. $100 in the past week for these guys.  I would be so less stressed if I didn't have to worry about Oreo and Jeff. I feel like they're my babies b/c I took care of them since they were kitties. Once these males are taken care of I'm going to try my hand at socialization (still have to convince the bf who is content at 2 housecats!) I know he loves the lil babygirl, but I think he'd rather they lived a nice life outside. I told him Oreo & jeff were a package deal and he agrees on that end.  We will see what happens. Hopefully I can at least give socialization a shot. If they were housecats they'd be so spoiled!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Just want to drop in and say a big thank you :thanks: for caring for these beautiful kitties. The kindest of all is getting them neutered. Even though they do not think so during the whole ordeal! They will live a better life for it with no more fighting and hormones raging. The feral cats will be more apt to stay close by and settle happily into their life outdoors if you so choose. Socializing them is very possible :D but takes no expectations on the person doing the job and tons more of patience. I have no doubt you would spoil them rotten :D. And, that is exactly what will win them over, in time!! For transporting ferals in traps I place a very large plastic drop sheet down first and then layer with newspaper before I put the trap in the car. Much easier for clean up when you take the trap from the car. I also bring along a small cat carrier to the vet so they can place the feral cat in the carrier when I come to pick them up. I always leave the carrier in their safe room for a long time with the door propped open or if you are using a large dog crate then you can leave the carrier inside of the dog crate as a hideaway. Even if you plan to release them, the carrier makes the job simple. Check out this article or two for some more helpful tips.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 23, 2012
thanks whaler! I think the sardines gets them every time, to my trap, although I am not very fond of that smell, especially since trapping 5 cats and transporting them in my car i cannot get that smell plus cat urine out of my seats (even though I used a dropcloth) Going to bring it to a car detailing place soon to see if they're more successful (I tried every cat urine deodorizer on the market to no avail!)  Took the long trip tonight to drop Gandolf off at the clinic. Poor guy was in the trap for 24 hrs but they said I dropped him off right before feeding, so he should get a little food in him then it's surgery tomorrow morning. I'll pick him up btwn 6-8pm. By the time I release him tomorrow it will probably be around 12 hrs since surgery.  I kept the last one overnight in my garage b/c it was so cold I might still keep gandolf locked up, but he was so stressed out when I caught him- doing somersaults in the cage!  I'll play it by ear.  I didn't really even see anyone from the whole colony yet and it's late now (10pm) usually 7pm the lil buggers are out there. Just when I thought I knew cat behavior!  I know they all ate a LOT yesterday- oreo especially scarfed down a 10-12oz can of wet food. Jeff a whole can of sardines plus wet and dry food.  Are they fasting today?  I agree Whaler, it is very rewarding and although people might not like the fact that i'm feeding and caring for them, at least I'm going through the time and expense to make sure these fellas can't multiply.  It's as if everyone else turns a blind eye to it.   I know with JC once I fixed him he's been lowkey and that's exactly when Gandolf stepped up to the plate.  I hope for no more males! lol. $100 in the past week for these guys.  I would be so less stressed if I didn't have to worry about Oreo and Jeff. I feel like they're my babies b/c I took care of them since they were kitties. Once these males are taken care of I'm going to try my hand at socialization (still have to convince the bf who is content at 2 housecats!) I know he loves the lil babygirl, but I think he'd rather they lived a nice life outside. I told him Oreo & jeff were a package deal and he agrees on that end.  We will see what happens. Hopefully I can at least give socialization a shot. If they were housecats they'd be so spoiled!

yeah, sardines are my "go-to" bait as well. they have only failed me one time, but there were a lot of cats around that day and all of the activity was really what caused the failure.

i think it is a good idea to play it by ear as far as when to release Gandolf. i have always had them stay at the vets/clinic until the day after the s/n, i just worry so much.

i look forward to an update on how everything went!

For transporting ferals in traps I place a very large plastic drop sheet down first and then layer with newspaper before I put the trap in the car. Much easier for clean up when you take the trap from the car.
that is one of the reasons i love my honda element - all plastic floors and waterproof seats. its too bad they don't make the model anymore, i always felt that the element should be "the official vehicle of tnr" :)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
that is one of the reasons i love my honda element - all plastic floors and waterproof seats. its too bad they don't make the model anymore, i always felt that the element should be "the official vehicle of tnr" :)
:flail: Hilarious!!! The Honda El Stink Proof Feral Shuttle. :clap::clap:
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tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
Thank you Feralvr, Whaler! I have to do something about the car I was coughing and sneezing the whole way back.  Car perfume scents only mask the smell- and do a bad job at that!  After waiting for 2 hours at the clinic just to pick him up (there were at least 50 people in the waiting room- dropping off for next day's surgery and picking up from today) they finally brought me Gandolf. The vet tech forewarned me that when they went to stick the needle in the cage to sedate him he went ******* ballistic. She said they actually had to give him a stitch on his face b/c he really did a number on himself.  They said he is super super feral.  I looked at him when I brought him home, two bloody gashes almost right under both eyes and then one on his forehead. His nose looks pretty banged up too.  I dropped some wet and dry food in his cage- he was a little scared, but I wouldn't dare try to open the trap to put anything in that way, I'm afraid given his current condition he might fight his way out and attack me.  He must be under a lot of stress.  I thought if all went well I'd release him tonight, but that's not happening.  I was thinking of waiting until tomorrow evening, but my boyfriend thinks I should let him go tomorrow morning- that he's so stressed and there's not much more a few hours would do anyways.  I don't want to cause him any more angst. Poor thing I've never seen a cat bang his face up so bad. He must've been terrified!  I wish I could take a pic of him and post it but don't want to scare the fella, and he keeps turning around in his cage. I left the light on and a little opening so he can see outside of the cage. You think it's ok to let him go tomorrow morning? I get scared at night for them b/c I feel like at least he'll have a chance to get acclimated during the daytime rather than putting him out at night. 
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  • #17

tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
oh and also no Jeff or Oreo for two nights in a row now. Last night and tonight. They came Sunday and ate a lot of food but haven't seen them since.  This is weird, while Oreo has always been a scaredy cat- Jeff would always come to eat if only for a couple of minutes before one of the dominant males scared him off.  See I'm not cut out for them living outside, I worry way too much. I'd much rather try my hand at socialzing them than constantly worrying about their whereabouts! obviously gandolf is a super feral but I feel like Oreo & jeff remember me or at least trust me now.  When I say Oreo in a high pitched voice (before all these dominant males started showing up-is mating season almost over?!) she would come running up to my steps and chatter as she did it.  When I talk to jeff in a high pitch voice he also makes a couple of squeaks.  Feralvr- I read that article and it said not to force a cat over 3 yrs old to live inside. Oreo might actually be 5-6 yrs old and Jeff is likely 3-4 now. Do you think this applies to them?  If I can provide a safe and happy life for them, I would be thankful for that!  We have red foxes here too- I'm very close to the preserve.  I've seen these cats not even move when the fox was within a couple of feet of them.  foxes are scared of people and noise but not sure they're so scared of cats.  I think I saw one chase one of the cats. surprisingly the fox are looked like maybe the size of a cocker spaniel.  I didn't realize they were that small. Don't want to think of them in a fight with a cat though. I know raccoon are no walk in the park but from what I saw they for the most part mined their own business and they'd stay away from each other. with the fox I feel like once the cat runs the fox will chase them.  arggh. can't take all the dangers, I'm a completely nervewracked cat mommy.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2012
Tigercat I sure hope Jeff and Oreo show up soon! 
for a quick return!    My one regular feral Hercules went missing for three days and I nearly had a nervous breakdown so I can relate so much.   I think the reason for him was the presence of unfixed males too.   Hopefully now that Gandolf is fixed things will be more peaceful - he sounds like one tough cat!   

I'm also taking notes....sardines check....Honda Element, good to have.  
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  • #19

tiger cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
lol I could've really used a Honda element. next car i'll need to have that feature with the plastic floor!! i love cats. cat urine smell...not so much!


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Just catching up on this thread.  So glad you were able to trap Gandolf; he'll be a happier cat for it.

PS:  I find putting a blanket over the trap calms the cat.