Advice for senior cat...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Honestly right now I'm just feeling miserable and looking for some advice.. any kind of help would be appreciated... Even if it's a kick in the butt.

Roughly a year ago, I inherited a senior cat from a relative - when I say inherited I mean the woman's children were going to have her put down because no one wanted her. I hadn't been around this kitty much, but she's a sweet girl, so I took her without hesitation. She gets along fine with my resident kitty.

She's had chronic diarrhea as long as I've had her, and after asking around, I found out she'd had it for "a good long while" but no one cared enough to take her to the vet.

I've had her to my vet several times, tried various prescription foods, and a few meds (prednisone, pancreatic enzyme powder, probiotics, antibiotics, etc...) with no luck. She isn't getting worse, but she isn't getting better. Stool is absolutely rank, completely liquid, and she does strain sometimes - no mucus, no blood, color is normal brown.

My vet has done x rays and blood work. Blood work was perfect all around. X rays show no abnormalities or blockages. She's negative for parasites as well.

Unfortunately, I'm out of money. My CareCredit is maxed out and I spend as much as I can on her food and meds, but I don't have the money to take her treatments further. At this point our only option would be a trip to Virginia Tech, but I don't have enough money to even get through the door, much less any diagnostic procedures or treatment. I tried to take out a loan, but with my student loans in repayment, my credit is shot and I can't get approved for enough to do any good.

She's as active as any senior kitty, eats and drinks, but she has stopped grooming herself in the past two months. I keep her backside as clean and dry as I can and brush her daily to keep the mats down (she's a long haired kitty). She's also lost about a pound in weight.

I love her dearly. I love her as much as if I'd had her all her life... but I know sometimes that isn't enough. I'm considering having her euthanized... I don't have the money help her and I don't feel like it's fair to her to have to live out her last years in this condition...

Jemima Lucca

Forever a feline fan💕
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2019
Bend Oregon
Oh man, I feel ya...dumb question maybe, did they check her thyroid? That sometimes causes lose stools. This is too bad and I’m sorry for you guys 😕. My 16yr old cat (now passed) had kidney failure and it caused him diarrhea and weight loss. Idk, I hope you figure out what’s wrong.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Oh man, I feel ya...dumb question maybe, did they check her thyroid? That sometimes causes lose stools. This is too bad and I’m sorry for you guys 😕. My 16yr old cat (now passed) had kidney failure and it caused him diarrhea and weight loss. Idk, I hope you figure out what’s wrong.
Yes, we had everything checked the first time I had her at the vet - she's been checked again since. Everything was clear. Thyroid, kidneys, everything... I almost wish something HAD been off.. at least we'd have an idea of what might be wrong and how to help her.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I have a soft spot in my heart for elderly kitties (mine is 15+yo). For one, I think you need to go down the food intolerance/allergy path - which in all honesty is a rough one. What does she eat now, and what prescription foods has the vet suggested? She could have IBD/IBS, but there is no clear test to confirm/deny that. There are a ton of threads on this site relating to IBD/IBS, and while I don't have any direct experience with this, I don't think I read that any blood work would do anything to confirm it either. Do you know how to do searches on this site? If so, search for IBD/IBS threads and see if there are any ideas about what else you could do/try. The straining could be because she constantly feels like she has to go - similar to a human who has diarrhea.

The only other thing that comes to mind, which would require a full fecal PCR test to see if it is related - not to parasites, but - to bacteria/viral infection in her bowels.

Bless you for taking this girl in! Let us know her name, and give us a pic!!! And, keep posting with questions, ideas - anything!!

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
She's had chronic diarrhea as long as I've had her, and after asking around, I found out she'd had it for "a good long while" but no one cared enough to take her to the vet.

I've had her to my vet several times, tried various prescription foods, and a few meds (prednisone, pancreatic enzyme powder, probiotics, antibiotics, etc...) with no luck. She isn't getting worse, but she isn't getting better. Stool is absolutely rank, completely liquid, and she does strain sometimes - no mucus, no blood, color is normal brown.
She's as active as any senior kitty, eats and drinks, but she has stopped grooming herself in the past two months. I keep her backside as clean and dry as I can and brush her daily to keep the mats down (she's a long haired kitty). She's also lost about a pound in weight.
Hi A annestark ....can I ask you how old your senior cat is?

It's actually kind of normal that geriatric cats sometimes stop grooming themselves, due to arthritic pain, age, forgetfulness, etc.
Sometimes they only remember to wash their face, and paw,....sometimes not.
Since she is a long-hair, her a 'sanitary or hygienie haircut'...on the backside,....may help...with keeping that area clean.

Also prednisone, and antibiotics, are known to have diarrhea as side-effects.

Depending on her age, sometimes it's suggested to start feeding a different diet, or even kitten food.

For her chronic diarrhea....have you tried giving her pure pumpkin, or S. Boulardii.
Some members, here, have had improvements with this.
If you do a 'search' at the top right, of the page, will be able to read other threads with cats with chronic diarrhea.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It's actually kind of normal that geriatric cats sometimes stop grooming themselves, due to arthritic pain, age, forgetfulness, etc.
Sometimes they only remember to wash their face, and paw,....sometimes not.
Since she is a long-hair, her a 'sanitary or hygienie haircut'...on the backside,....may help...with keeping that area clean.
This is good information that I neglected to even mention. Feeby does not groom like she once used to, mostly paws, face, upper half of her body. Some of it probably has to do with her arthritis, and some to do with her age in general. I do have to clean Feeby's behind a couple times a week - I call it her 'booty duty' and use unscented, hypoallergenic wipes. She is always messy 'down there'. It is just what it is.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Hi. I have a soft spot in my heart for elderly kitties (mine is 15+yo). For one, I think you need to go down the food intolerance/allergy path - which in all honesty is a rough one. What does she eat now, and what prescription foods has the vet suggested? She could have IBD/IBS, but there is no clear test to confirm/deny that. There are a ton of threads on this site relating to IBD/IBS, and while I don't have any direct experience with this, I don't think I read that any blood work would do anything to confirm it either. Do you know how to do searches on this site? If so, search for IBD/IBS threads and see if there are any ideas about what else you could do/try. The straining could be because she constantly feels like she has to go - similar to a human who has diarrhea.

The only other thing that comes to mind, which would require a full fecal PCR test to see if it is related - not to parasites, but - to bacteria/viral infection in her bowels.

Bless you for taking this girl in! Let us know her name, and give us a pic!!! And, keep posting with questions, ideas - anything!!
She's been on Hills Z/D, Purina EN, and Royal Canin Gastrointestinal High Energy. We've also tried select protein (rabbit). The Purina EN actually made her worse (there's large grains of rice in it and she threw those up every time she ate). Right now she's still on the Royal Canin, but no change.

They've done stool tests - no bacterial/viral infections.

Thank you for your suggestions - I'll do some searches on the IBD issue.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Hi A annestark ....can I ask you how old your senior cat is?

It's actually kind of normal that geriatric cats sometimes stop grooming themselves, due to arthritic pain, age, forgetfulness, etc.
Sometimes they only remember to wash their face, and paw,....sometimes not.
Since she is a long-hair, her a 'sanitary or hygienie haircut'...on the backside,....may help...with keeping that area clean.

Also prednisone, and antibiotics, are known to have diarrhea as side-effects.

Depending on her age, sometimes it's suggested to start feeding a different diet, or even kitten food.

For her chronic diarrhea....have you tried giving her pure pumpkin, or S. Boulardii.
Some members, here, have had improvements with this.
If you do a 'search' at the top right, of the page, will be able to read other threads with cats with chronic diarrhea.
I keep her booty shaved - unfortunately her stool is so liquid that it dribbles everywhere. Her back feet/legs stay a mess.

She's at least 13.. probably closer to 14, would be my guess. I did try pumpkin but she wouldn't touch it. Also tried plain steamed chicken and and rice, but she wouldn't eat it either (though she likes any chicken flavored cat food).

I've never heard of S. Boulardii... I'll have to look in to it.

Thank you for your reply!
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Bless you for taking this girl in! Let us know her name, and give us a pic!!! And, keep posting with questions, ideas - anything!!
Forgot to answer this bit! Her name was Fluffy, but I call her Monkey. She's all long and gangly and clings like a little spider monkey when I hold her. She even purrs and loves on the Vet!

Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 20.16.34 PM.png

Cat Grrl

TCS Member
Young Cat
May 23, 2019
Hi: One thing I found with my 16 yo kitty is that the size of the kibble (dry food) was too big. She was eating it whole and not chewing it. Old teeth. She would vomit it back up. She eats Hill’s I/D. I just pop it in a food processer to pulverize the kibble. Don’t know if this will help. Sorry you are having such a struggle. She is beautiful!
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Honestly right now I'm just feeling miserable and looking for some advice.. any kind of help would be appreciated... Even if it's a kick in the butt.

Roughly a year ago, I inherited a senior cat from a relative - when I say inherited I mean the woman's children were going to have her put down because no one wanted her. I hadn't been around this kitty much, but she's a sweet girl, so I took her without hesitation. She gets along fine with my resident kitty.

She's had chronic diarrhea as long as I've had her, and after asking around, I found out she'd had it for "a good long while" but no one cared enough to take her to the vet.

I've had her to my vet several times, tried various prescription foods, and a few meds (prednisone, pancreatic enzyme powder, probiotics, antibiotics, etc...) with no luck. She isn't getting worse, but she isn't getting better. Stool is absolutely rank, completely liquid, and she does strain sometimes - no mucus, no blood, color is normal brown.

My vet has done x rays and blood work. Blood work was perfect all around. X rays show no abnormalities or blockages. She's negative for parasites as well.

Unfortunately, I'm out of money. My CareCredit is maxed out and I spend as much as I can on her food and meds, but I don't have the money to take her treatments further. At this point our only option would be a trip to Virginia Tech, but I don't have enough money to even get through the door, much less any diagnostic procedures or treatment. I tried to take out a loan, but with my student loans in repayment, my credit is shot and I can't get approved for enough to do any good.

She's as active as any senior kitty, eats and drinks, but she has stopped grooming herself in the past two months. I keep her backside as clean and dry as I can and brush her daily to keep the mats down (she's a long haired kitty). She's also lost about a pound in weight.

I love her dearly. I love her as much as if I'd had her all her life... but I know sometimes that isn't enough. I'm considering having her euthanized... I don't have the money help her and I don't feel like it's fair to her to have to live out her last years in this condition...
I can't figure out how to edit my own posts so I'm adding this here (Because I'm an idiot and forgot to include it in the original):

She has completely stopped pooping in the litterbox. She will pee in the box, no problem, but she will not poop in it.. She poops anywhere and everywhere else (and she's found some imaginative places to go): in the floor, behind the couch, in the bathtub, on top of my washer AND dryer, on chairs/the couch, once on my bed... I cannot leave any laundry on the floor or she will go on that.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
Hi: One thing I found with my 16 yo kitty is that the size of the kibble (dry food) was too big. She was eating it whole and not chewing it. Old teeth. She would vomit it back up. She eats Hill’s I/D. I just pop it in a food processer to pulverize the kibble. Don’t know if this will help. Sorry you are having such a struggle. She is beautiful!
Monkers is on a wet-food only diet.. I asked the vet about adding dry food, but he didn't feel like it would help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
I agree with trying the full fecal panal, I forget what it is called, the one for bacteria and viruses. Someone mentioned it above. But I know money is tight. So then I would suggest the food trial route. How long was she on the script food for? Those can take months to see any improvement so I hope it was a significant amount of time. You could try raw or freeze dried. Something more limited in ingredients like that.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I can't figure out how to edit my own posts so I'm adding this here (Because I'm an idiot and forgot to include it in the original):

She has completely stopped pooping in the litterbox. She will pee in the box, no problem, but she will not poop in it.. She poops anywhere and everywhere else (and she's found some imaginative places to go): in the floor, behind the couch, in the bathtub, on top of my washer AND dryer, on chairs/the couch, once on my bed... I cannot leave any laundry on the floor or she will go on that.
(I think after you post like 20 times....then the 'edit' button appears. Don't remember the exact number....but it was like this before.)

Can you get Fluffy Monkey...or Monkers....(all those names are fun)....another litter box.
Sometimes cats will use one to urinate in, and want to poop in another one.
I would not get a real cat litterbox....because Monkers is elderly....but rather use anything you have....such as a low-sided...cardboard box. Just line it with plastic...and use her same litter.
Put these boxes in many places, throughout the that she would have easy access to them.

You can also use a 'low-sided...underbed-storage clear tote box'. They are usually longer, and have low elderly cats can get in and out....a lot easier.
(Though you did mention that Monkers jumps up onto your washer and she doesn't seem to have problems jumping.
That's kind of amazing for an elderly cat.)

In Monkers case....because she has this severe diarrhea....I don't think she even has the make it to a littlerbox.
It sounds like she gets gas....discomfort....and has to go...immediately.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I would add additional boxes to your home. It could be that she has negative thoughts towards the current box. Sometimes adding additional box(es) will help them to poop in the correct place.

I have a kitty who will have chronic loose stools if given prednisolone and/or a grain free diet. He is on Royal Canin Gastrointestinal HE dry and Hills Science Diet i/d for wet. We also supplement with grain free food in a ratio that doesn't cause his poops to be soft. Every single feeding (2x a day) he gets saccharomyces boullardi. This has helped immensely. We give him about 1/2 capsule (open up and sprinkle powder on food and mix into wet food) each feeding.

I also suggest the fecal PCR test to check for parasites not covered on a regular in-house fecal float. Additionally, you could try raw food to see if that helps.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
She isn't getting worse, but she isn't getting better. Stool is absolutely rank, completely liquid, and she does strain sometimes - no mucus, no blood, color is normal brown.
What worried me the above part...where you said her completely liquid.
I was worried that she may be getting de-hydrated...too quickly...but then you mentioned that she is exclusively on a wet food diet.

With the money issues...sometimes we have to make decisions on what we can afford. And sometimes that may mean moving onto a lower priced food. I'm not sure which non-prescription foods would be equivalent to what you are feeding now.
But perhaps just calling the Vet, and explaining your situation,...could offer you some other food suggestions.
Especially, since you have done all that testing already. Good Vets do understand that people's situations change, and that money is a big factor in helping their animals out. It's worth a try.
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
I agree with trying the full fecal panal, I forget what it is called, the one for bacteria and viruses. Someone mentioned it above. But I know money is tight. So then I would suggest the food trial route. How long was she on the script food for? Those can take months to see any improvement so I hope it was a significant amount of time. You could try raw or freeze dried. Something more limited in ingredients like that.
Yes - all except the Purina, which caused vomiting, so she was only on that one for a week before we moved to the Royal Canin HE. The vomiting is under control, but it's made no difference at all in stool. Not even color.

The full panel was run the first time I had her at the vet... negative for all.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 16, 2016
(I think after you post like 20 times....then the 'edit' button appears. Don't remember the exact number....but it was like this before.)

Can you get Fluffy Monkey...or Monkers....(all those names are fun)....another litter box.
Sometimes cats will use one to urinate in, and want to poop in another one.
I would not get a real cat litterbox....because Monkers is elderly....but rather use anything you have....such as a low-sided...cardboard box. Just line it with plastic...and use her same litter.
Put these boxes in many places, throughout the that she would have easy access to them.

You can also use a 'low-sided...underbed-storage clear tote box'. They are usually longer, and have low elderly cats can get in and out....a lot easier.
(Though you did mention that Monkers jumps up onto your washer and she doesn't seem to have problems jumping.
That's kind of amazing for an elderly cat.)

In Monkers case....because she has this severe diarrhea....I don't think she even has the make it to a littlerbox.
It sounds like she gets gas....discomfort....and has to go...immediately.
I currently have four boxes for two cats - I added two more as soon as I got Monkey in the house and realized she had issues... sizes, heights, covered and uncovered.. even tried different litters in a couple.. Nothing. She still poos everywhere else. She gets in and out of every box with no issues when she has to pee.

(I tried an uncovered box but she'd stick her backside over it to pee and make even more of a mess....