Advice and support, please. Kitty battling unknown chronic infection!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Hi All!

This site has been very informative and I hope some of you may recognize what may be going on with my 3.5yr old cat Momo. He's an indoor cat, but I do give him a few minutes supervised time outside to munch on grass a few times a week. Before I begin (this is LONG because I want to include EVERYTHING), I've spent over $1000 at the vet in in less than two months and I'm considering reaching out to another vet, but don't know if I should. 

Mid Oct 2013 - Found 3 ~6wk kittens under my neighbor's house. Started feeding them and looking for homes. Kittens are left OUTSIDE.

11/2/2013 - 2 of 3 kittens taken for first vaccines. One of those goes home with a friend.

11/6/2013 - In the morning, Momo (3.5yrs, eats fancy feast a few times a week and Merricks grain free) has odd sore on his nose. It looks raw, but he's otherwise eating normally. I go to work with reservations and come home early to see that it's worsened and his behavior is "sad." He's in his "sick" pose (feet curled under) and he did not eat anything that day. I take him to the vet and there he weighs 12lbs (last year he was 14lbs) and has a fever. Blood is drawn for a panel, sub q fluids given, an amoxicillin shot, and meds to take home (augmentin and mendizole). Blood work reveals negative FIV, FeLV, FCV/FIP, no blood parasites, but elevated neutrophils and monocytes and albumin.

11/7/2013 - The kitten that did not receive vaccine had to be euthanized. In the morning as I was leaving for work, I found her barely breathing, severely dehydrated and crying when moved. She got up but was all wobbly and fell over. Clinician thinks it may have be antifreeze poisoning (I live between two auto shops). That night, I take the other kitten in and keep him locked in the bathroom away from Momo (this kitten is acting 100% normally). 

For the next few days, Momo is recovering. Eating less, but eating. I start to introduce him to the kitten and his energy perks up as they play around.

11/27/2013 - Something may be off with Momo. He is acting somewhat normally, though he has calmed down a lot now that the kitten is here (or has he just been sick this whole time??) Over the next few days he has an occasional cough (maybe once or twice) and decreased appetite. I think he has a hairball stuck and home treat for that. Slightly worried, I syringe fluids into him, but he is barely eating (1oz). He is moving around though, not hiding, and not having any accidents using the litterbox.

12/2/2013 - I take him to the vet as he refused food and didn't use the litterbox at all overnight and that day. He has palpable constipation and a fever. While blood was drawn the vet saw that he was severely dehydrated and immediately put him on an IV with a shot of amoxicillin. They do xrays (definitely constipated with gas present), in-house blood work (this time all white blood cells except lymphocytes are elevated, along with "TP" (whatever that is) and Globulin; albumin is in normal range; "PLT" is lower than normal). Fecal and urine tests are ordered.

12/3/2013 - Momo comes home a COMPLETELY different cat- he is so happy and playful and EATING!! That almost 24hrs on IV certainly did the trick. An enema was done after the fever dissipated and he was stable for a few hours. Fecal results come back normal- no giardia, no other internal parasites. He's prescribed doxycycline and three days of canned a/d. At this point I keep the kitten (who is perfectly normal and honky dory) in the bathroom to closely monitor Momo's eating and eliminating habits. Vet wanted to do a full blood panel (thought Momo may have FIP) but changed his mind since Momo was negative last month.

For almost one week (until the doxy ran out basically), Momo has been GREAT. Eating at least 6oz of a/d or fancy feast plus up to 2oz of kibble a day. Very playful with the kitten and even with me! I called back for the urine results and was told that there was a bit of blood and glucose in it but no sign of infection. Stool is soft and he has some gas. No problems urinating or having accidents; I can't tell if there's blood in the urine because it's that walnut litter (which I hate, but that's another rant) which is brown. I do notice black spots on the side of his month where I've been injecting the antibiotics (feline acne?) and one eye is getting a bit of rust-like crust.

12/10/12 - In the morning Momo does not want to eat as much ("maybe he doesn't like this flavor, chicken hearts and liver?" is what goes through my mind), but he does eat about 2oz. He has been in his "sick" pose a few times over the last week, but he's in it when I come home and has barely touched the rest of the food. He does eat though in my presence when I get a different flavor of food, almost the whole 3oz and some kibble. I take him to the vet (he doesn't want to go in the carrier, a good sign to me, since before when he was feverish he was completely docile) but his bladder is empty and I need to bring him back. When I get home I notice he is squinty eyed most of the night. He eats a little- maybe the fruitless visit stressed him out?

12/11/12 - This morning (FINALLY HERE) Momo has to be coerced into eating. He is in his "sick" pose most of the time though he has walked around, napped stretched out, and even begged to go outside (I gave him 3min supervised time so he could munch on grass). His water intake is good, but I can't tell if it's excessive since he prefers smaller glass/ceramic bowls used for baking, and then half of the water is on the floor too. He has had about 1oz of wet food so far and has munched on dry food- I'm concerned he won't eat when I go to work. Sometimes he looks bright eyed and cheery, sometimes he's squinting and in his "sick" pose, sometimes he's in his "sick" pose and then will suddenly pounce on the kitten, and sometimes he's just lying down looking sad. I'm at my wit's end (and credit cards limit).

THANK YOU if you've read all of this. Honestly it felt good too just to get it out. It's been cold here so I have two heaters on, but it still is maybe ~70F in my room and 60-65F in the kitchen (that's curtained off from the bedroom; I live in a studio apt). The kitten is put in the bathroom when I'm not home so I can monitor Momo's feeding/eliminating habits, and is quite a happy, playful kitten.

If anyone has any ideas/leads/advice, I would be grateful. I will be picking up some lysine today to start giving to Momo- it doesn't seem like it will hurt.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I don't know what is going on with your kitty but I would definitely take him to a different vet.  Do you have any cat's only vets in your area.  I did the vet hopping thing for six years with a kitty until I found one that could give me some answers and a way to control his illness.  Just being cat's only doesn't guarantee a good vet but I think the odds are better.  I went to one cat's only vet that was like the general practice vets I had taken him to.  has a list of feline practitioners.  It has silver and gold practice emblems on it.  I don't know what they mean but the first cat's only practice I went to doesn't have one and the second one the one I am still going to has a gold emblem.

You can also get your records from your current vet, the new vet may get them for you.  No sense in paying for tests again if it isn't needed.  The vet's charges where I go to now are higher than average but in the long run it was cheaper because it got me off the merry go round of testing and hospitalizations with no answers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
TP is Total Protein in human lab tests; I'm going to make the assumption it is the same thing for cats (usually is). This sounds like chronic inflammation to me.

At one point you were giving A/D...what do you normally feed? Have there been any changes? Does the food look different in any way?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 25, 2013
I think you should find another vet, but in the meantime I would point out to this vet that he felt so much better on the antibiotic and question him why he hasn't done another round. I mean, that fact alone should be a 'flag' to vets that you're dealing with some sort of infection.

Hope you get some answers soon...
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
TP is Total Protein in human lab tests; I'm going to make the assumption it is the same thing for cats (usually is). This sounds like chronic inflammation to me.

At one point you were giving A/D...what do you normally feed? Have there been any changes? Does the food look different in any way?
Before Momo got sick he ate Merrick Grain Free dry and wet Fancy Feast. The dry food was a large bag that's 3/4 empty and I didn't notice anything unusual with the Fancy Feast. When he finished the A/D, I was giving him a can of Fancy Feast day and night with 1/4c of Purina Kitten Chow (I originally bought it for the kittens and use it as "treats" for Momo, but he gobbled it up over the Merricks). Today the food was one of their 'breakfast' varieties that he hadn't had before. 

Afternoon update: Momo hasn't used the litter box but ate about 1oz of Kitten Chow, so the day's total so far is 2oz. Last night he ate the most when I got home from work, so I hope he'll finish the other oz of dry and eat a can of Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys (his favorite)
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
I think you should find another vet, but in the meantime I would point out to this vet that he felt so much better on the antibiotic and question him why he hasn't done another round. I mean, that fact alone should be a 'flag' to vets that you're dealing with some sort of infection.

Hope you get some answers soon...
Me too! When I take Momo back to this vet at least one more time I will mention it. I did start the process to get insurance for Momo and got an email from them (VPI) that they need records that indicate constipation and fever are gone. It seems they both *crosses fingers* I would hate to come home and see Momo shivering :C


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
You said that he did better on the IV and the amoxci, that may have been the fluids rather than the antibiotic.  I know cats will feel better after getting subq fluids, 24 hours on an IV would probably have even more effect than subq fluids do.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I'm so sorry to hear Momo has not been feeling well.  
  Have you noticed any changes in his eyes or any neurological-type symptoms? The x-rays only showed constipation and gas, correct?

I am not a vet and certainly don't know for sure what is going on with him. I read your first post and tried to look at all Momo's symptoms along with the "unknown infection" aspect. I don't want to cause a panic, but worst case scenario may be the dry form of FIP. Admittedly, I do not have direct experience with a cat with this, and I could be way off base. I know younger cats are more likely to develop it, but I don't know at what age it is no longer a concern. But I'm just sharing that based on my past research, varying symptoms such as a decreased appetite, ongoing fever, increased neutrophils/monocytes/TP, coughing/wheezing, etc. can all be signs. I had to research FIP when I was dealing with Sebastian's issues. I really, really hope its not this.
  But I would advise that you ask your current vet about it or certainly bring it up at the new vet. FIP is complicated, but here's a link from a vet hospital that I thought summed it up:

Many, many vibes for Momo! 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 25, 2013
Hope everything works out for you. It has to be frustrating...
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
I'm so sorry to hear Momo has not been feeling well.  
  Have you noticed any changes in his eyes or any neurological-type symptoms? The x-rays only showed constipation and gas, correct?

I am not a vet and certainly don't know for sure what is going on with him. I read your first post and tried to look at all Momo's symptoms along with the "unknown infection" aspect. I don't want to cause a panic, but worst case scenario may be the dry form of FIP. Admittedly, I do not have direct experience with a cat with this, and I could be way off base. I know younger cats are more likely to develop it, but I don't know at what age it is no longer a concern. But I'm just sharing that based on my past research, varying symptoms such as a decreased appetite, ongoing fever, increased neutrophils/monocytes/TP, coughing/wheezing, etc. can all be signs. I had to research FIP when I was dealing with Sebastian's issues. I really, really hope its not this.
  But I would advise that you ask your current vet about it or certainly bring it up at the new vet. FIP is complicated, but here's a link from a vet hospital that I thought summed it up:

Many, many vibes for Momo! 
I haven't noticed any neurological-type symptoms, and I have been keeping an eye out. I completely forgot to mention that on 12/2 the xray showed a bit of mucous in his lungs. The vet was not concerned about it and said that it could have been the cause of Momo's cough. They xrayed Momo the next day after the enema and said that his lungs "looked fine." He hasn't sneezed or coughed since. When the other vet mentioned FIP, I looked up about it online. It is quite scary and I do have a lingering fear. I'm actually an intern in a biology lab and conduct PCR tests myself. I joked with my labmates that I should buy the primers/antibodies to do Momo's molecular work there. I'm also tempted to ask a favor from a previous professor to do some cultures and determine if Momo really does have a bacterial infection... Thank you very much GoHolistic for your vibes, it's so much appreciated.

tailzzz: It is frustrating, but at the same time, every time I see Momo eat, play, and eliminate I'm ridicuously happy. 
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
GoHolistic: I quoted your post and because of the link it has to be approved by the moderators, but until then, I forgot to thank you for that great website. That specific hospital is actually within reasonable driving distance to me and the late hours make it attractive (current vet closes at 10PM - this one at midnight!). I will probably try closer or feline only hospitals for Momo's 2nd opinion/further research, but I am really impressed by that hospital's website.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
GoHolistic: I quoted your post and because of the link it has to be approved by the moderators, but until then, I forgot to thank you for that great website. That specific hospital is actually within reasonable driving distance to me and the late hours make it attractive (current vet closes at 10PM - this one at midnight!). I will probably try closer or feline only hospitals for Momo's 2nd opinion/further research, but I am really impressed by that hospital's website.
Wow! That was totally by chance! It was simply one of the first websites to pop up when I searched "dry FIP" and I thought they wrote about it well. I was nervous about posting it because of the more graphic photos towards the bottom, but now knowing that you work in a biology lab, I'm sure you don't mind! 

I'm so glad that Momo is eating and seems to be feeling better!

Sorry about your boyfriend's family emergency. I hope everything is okay.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Momo update 1215/13

I haven't been able to take Momo to the vet because I've been helping out with my boyfriend's family. His dad is scheduled for a cardiac bypass surgery this Wed, but it's his mom I'm concerned about: she has advanced Alzheimer's (she's like a 1yr old nowadays) and is at home. My boyfriend and his brother would take turns changing her but the dad would feed her and watch her. With this emergency, I took off work and cared for her for the past few days but it's frustrating that no one planned for a situation like this. Anywho...

Momo continues to eat well, is playful, and has a good attitude about him. Right now his diet is 75% wet fancy feast and 25% dry kitten chow/Merrick's grain free (what a combination, but it's all I have at the house right now, lol - paycheck comes the 22nd!!) His stools were slowly becoming firmer and having shape but I think today I jinxed it because I added 1/8 teaspoon of pumpkin to his food and was presented with cow pie 2hrs later... I was going to take him to the vet today and had everything ready to go. Of course right when I was going to put Momo in the carrier I got distracted with a phone call and then heard him in the litterbox. When I rushed over it was too late, lol! The vet wants to take a urine sample directly from his bladder and so I am going to wait until tonight (if I sneak out of the company holiday party early) or tomorrow.

I've included a few photos just for opinions on his eye crust. It seems to be getting better but there are tiny spots that look red. His acne is clearing up, but again, there are a few red spots on his lips. The only other thing I've noticed is that Momo is scratching his right ear a few times a day. The right side is also where the acne is and the most crusty eye...

 Interrupting his highness' nap, lol!

 The past few days I've put a cotton ball with warm water over each eye for 10s. This looks a lot better, it was more gunky before.

 I noticed this last night. Don't know what to make of it... The diagonal scratch in the middle was courtesy of the kitten.

 Barely seen acne. It's gotten so much better - almost gone!

 Momo and Meph. Not quite snuggle buddies (yet!) but definitely pals and playmates.

 Have a nice nap, hon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Momo continues to eat well, is playful, and has a good attitude about him.
Well, that's great! They are both very cute. 
  I'm really not sure what to comment about the eye crust.

Also, vibes for your boyfriend's dad! 