Adopted Stray Having Trouble Adjusting


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2018
Six weeks ago I adopted 2 strays from someone who was moving and could no longer keep them. One is doing very well and one is hiding all day and only comes out at night. This has been going on for 6 weeks. Unfortunately about 3 weeks ago I worried that he wasnt eating and thought I should take him to the vet. I tried to catch him and in the end gave up. I really regret this now - and feel like this cat may never come to trust me now. Apparently he used to live freely as indoor/outdoor cat and was somewhat friendly. I have a wildlife camera that I set up every night so I know he is coming out and doing ok. I have a "catio" attached to my house so he can go out in that and he does. I have had cats before, but never one like this. Will he ever come around? I see no progress at all and he wants nothing to do with me, so I have just been giving him his space. The other cat, who apparently was much more skittish in her previous place, started coming out after a few days and now I am playing with her every day. With her I see progress, but absolutely none with the other. It just seems like he will never come around. But he will, right? I would like to let them go outside again but not sure when would be an appropriate time.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 30, 2016
It may not be the answer you want to hear but honestly it may be months or even years before your cat comes around depending on it's age. We have one feral that is a work in progress that we have had over 2 years that we still cannot pet but does come around us and will play with us. Cats are just like people in that all are different. If you are wanting this cat to be a house cat I would not let it back outside. If you are wanting it to be an outside cat even part of the time I would go ahead and let it out and work on socializing it outside. You did not say but I would make certain your strays are fixed before letting them out and it goes without saying that there is a number of things that can happen to a outside kitty. Best of luck ......

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
This sounds all normal, really.....some cats are a lot more scared then others about change in their lives. My bunch took almost a year to get comfortable. It may be that he is not getting enough attention from you. Several times, whenever you can, go to where he is hiding, crouch down, talk softly and offer treats. Leave them when you go. He will associate good things with you. Play with the other cat in front of the one hiding, that helps for him to see another cat getting good attention. You have traumatized him somewhat by trying to catch him, so now he has to learn to trust again. But he is a domesticated cat, not a feral, so he WILL come around.I rehomed a very friendly cat and it took over three months for them to even see her, so it is NOT abnormal for cats to act like this.Just try to pity him, he is so very scared and confused. You just have to wait it out for him to get comfortable and for him to realize it's not so scary after all. Seeing him come out at night is a good start, he's coming along!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I think he'll come around. I did the opposite of the "ignore" technique. I spent every day trying to get my 2 ferals to like me. I was constantly talking to them and teaching them words, trying to make them a part of my day. Try using words. Does he know his name and words like dinner and treat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
You didn't mention how you tried to catch him. Did you use a humane trap? If you tried to chase and grab him, he may be distrustful of you for a while. Has he been neutered yet? If not, that should be the priority, he won't be completely socialized if he hasn't been neutered and is wanting to get out to mate.

Three weeks is not a long time at all to socialize a cat. If he is a stray or semi-feral, he will come around In a few weeks or months. If he's a feral cat it may take longer. Consistency and patience is the key.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
Chasing them freaks them out, they think you are trying to kill them. Fortunately cats are much more forgiving and have shorter memories than people and will give you a second chance. Just give kitty some time and love and he will come around.