Adopted Sophie mid December 2016 from local shelter


TCS Member
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Jan 18, 2017
Hello. I have a new companion sharing my life, Sophie. I believe she is 11-12 months old and the vet said she is older than 6 months when checking her teeth. She is such joy to me and loves to be in any room of the house that I am in. The issues that I face are that she does not want me to pet her. I approach her every morning with letting her smell my hand and she does allow me to pet her head a little but not anywhere else. She runs away when I try to pick her up. The last time I held her with no resistance was her visit to the vet. She does not like treats but eats her dry and wet cat food. I know she enjoys my company as she rolls on her back from side to side when I interact with her but will swipe or bite if I try to pet her. She is not a lap cat and likes her distance but does enjoy my playing with her cat toys with her. I am not looking forward to trying to getting her into her pet carrier totake her to the vet or Pet store to having her nails clipped as she will run away from me. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2013
Orlando, Florida
Each cat is different with a different a personality. You may just have a more independent cat but she still loves you the same!! It is not uncommon for a cat to allow only above the shoulder petting. It just a thing some cats have. I would venture a guess she would let you scratch under her chin for a long while without moving an inch away from you. One thing you may want to try is getting down on her level to pet her she may allow more petting this way. I had one of these kinds of cats that got sick that I had to administer medications to her for many months or risk her death I was forced to get her to allow me to do that. I started picking her up for very short periods and rubbing the side or her face or behind her ears and then setting her down. I did this several several times. The picking up my cat got better but she'll never be a lap cat. You may want to try this tactic.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I would venture a guess she would let you scratch under her chin for a long while without moving an inch away from you.
Ditto, most cats love to be scratched under the chin.  

Since you adopted Sophie in Dec. 2016, it's barely been a month that you have had her and probably don't know too much about her past history.  It takes some cats awhile to come out of their shell and gain your trust.  Be patient, you are doing the right things by engaging her in play.  You stated she enjoys your company so I'm sure in time she will warm up to you a little more.  But as hexiesfriend said above, each cat is different with a different personality.

Regarding getting her in the carrier, I know some people use the burrito method of wrapping the kitty in a towel like a burrito.  When we first adopted Carleton I literally had to wear thick gloves because of his claws and do it as quickly as possible so he wouldn't wiggle and get out of my grasp.  Thankfully it has become much easier now.  Try several different methods to see what works best for you.  Best of luck and we would love to see a pic of Sophie.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
My Mingo was exactly like that. Since he didn't want to be petted, I stuck my hand out slowly and gently scratched him behind and below the ears. It was some time before he trusted me enough to let me scratch under his chin. When he did, I started stroking the back of his neck and down his shoulders. That's all I did for months before he would let me stroke him down the body. He still doesn't like to be picked up, but he's learned that I'm loving him when I pet him, and he lets me pet him all I want. But if he indicates it's too much, I stop immediately. He's also a glutton now for affection, and when I come in the house, he runs to me and I give him some ear scratches. He leans into my hand now when I do it, so he must love it. He also climbs up on my shoulder when I am sitting down and gives me head butts. It's taken almost two years for him to do that. But he's still not a lap cat, and I don't expect he ever will be.

Start slowly and gently with Sophie and keep doing it, building up. She will learn that you are loving her and will respond to that. She may never like to be picked up; some cats never like it or become lap cats. But they will lie next to you, accept your pets, and purr their hearts out.
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TCS Member
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Jan 18, 2017
Thank you all for your suggestions. I know it will take time for her to adjust to me and me to her! I do approach her from me on the floor and as long as I do not pet her she remains close. I do have to wear gloves when I brush her as she has scratched my hands. I believe that it will be on her terms when she is ready to be petted beyond the top of her head. I am retired and home a good part of the day. I will give her the space and time she needs to feel comfortable.. Thank you all again!