Adopted a cat


TCS Member
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Aug 22, 2013
Hello here, and looking for an outlook/advice on my adoption of a @2yr old female black cat from humane society thru petsmart.

     A little info on me, 37 yr old guy, younger brother lives here also. No other pets, always liked cats and they seem to have always liked me. Own a home where she gets gets nearly full roam of it. Had her for about a month now, she is very good....uses litter box always, eats, hid the first few days etc. Although she slowly is getting used to things, follows me around the house, curious bout what I am doing, will jump on my bed at night if I leave bedroom door open, hangs out with me when im on the computer, etc. .....she is still very scared of me approaching her, especially my hands. She will let me pet her on what seems to be "her" couch now lol, and sometimes other places.....but still seems to need a 2 foot distance from me all the time. Its very much like she wants the attention, but just too scared.      Think this will change with time? 

     regardless, she has a home now and isnt going anywhere, just hope she gets brave enough to hop up in my lap to watch tv instead of me having to put her there lol. any insight is greatly appreciated, TY


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Hello and welcome to TCS. Thank you so much for adopting her!

Yes, she will eventually learn to trust more in time. When you approach her, do so slowly, let her come to you. Many cats learn to fear a hand reaching for them when they have been caged for some time, due to the fact that the hand coming at her usually means she's going to be grabbed. When you reach out your hand to her, let her sniff and come to it. Good luck!


TCS Member
Aug 12, 2013
When we adopted Freckles, she hid for six months, she ate and used the litter, we never saw her.  When she was ready she came out.
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TCS Member
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Aug 22, 2013
thank you for the responses. She seems to be getting a bit more comfy....don't hide anymore, doesn't mind my brother or strangers, ok with noises etc. Will follow me around to whatever room i am in and watch me cautiously.

   She still won't approach me when i get down and call to her and such. will sniff my hand sometimes but shy away from it. A couple times ive put her in my lap to watch tv, she seems very comfy and maybe asleep but will just jolt up and "launch" away violently like something just bit her butt....nightmare maybe?

    Never once has she hissed, growled, or bit at me or anyone else. She seems way too "good" to be feral, and again seems like she wants attention....just scared to initiate it. She is sitting in the hallway right now watching me as we speak, and when I head to the living room ill know she will follow me there too. Is this something you all think she will get over after some time? She does rub up against my legs both when she is hungry and when she just wants to show love or is happy. Thats about the extent of her self initiated affection so far.

    And on one last note, I hadn't found this site and made a few mistakes upon adopting her my first couple of weeks it seems. I did get her out of her hiding spots when I got home from work, I did make her sit with me several times (NEVER with any force that could hurt her), and did expose her to whole house right off the bat (whick she seems to way good with now and loves the place).

    As ive stated before, she has a good home regardless and love having her here, just hoping she gets a bit more brave and affectionate in time :)
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TCS Member
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Aug 22, 2013
So, she follows me around, certainly likes me.....especially when its food time lol......but still have to pick her up and set her somewhere to pet her and give her atention. she struggles a bit but never scratches, hisses *actually never heard her hiss once since bringing her home) , etc. She knows when I get home and watches me whatever room im in. But never comes to me by me making noises, calling her and such.

    Its going on 2 months and she seems a little more comfy here all the time, but I'm wondering if there is something I can do to get her to cross that line of not just watching me but coming to me for attention.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Just let her set the pace and don't force her to do anything she's uncomfortable with.  When we brought Daisy home early last year, she wasn't comfortable being petted when she was asleep or laying down.  I had to learn to let her come to me when she wanted pets.  Just within the last 6 months she's started feeling safe and comfortable enough for me to pet her while she's laying down or sleeping.  I used to get scratched or bitten.  Nice and slow and you'll win her over.


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
We have a very skittish (but sweet) kitty in our rescue. His mother was extremely feral and I think genetics plays into his demeanor some. He lived at a vet clinic for 8 months with his twin brother (he was very dependent on his brother.) He came to our rescue after the clinic adopted out his brother...he had regressed greatly.
All this to say that I have been working with him slowly for several months and found a treat that he really likes. Over the course of the last 3 months, I have sat in the floor and pitch the treats to him. Started at a distance first, then slowly challenged his comfort zone. After the first 6 weeks, I had him eating treats out of my hand and he allows me to pet his head down to his tail. He's still skittish around people he doesn't know, but will greet me at the door when he knows it's me.

Would be worth a try with your kitty. She seems more confident then this guy that I have been working with. And I agree with the others that she seems to be adjusting pretty well. But, this may help you in gaining her trust.

amber g

TCS Member
Aug 13, 2013
Hey there! I just adopted a 2 year old blue smoke Tabby named Sara August 11th... she's a very sweet kittie- and she's started to get more comfortable with the house, she'll now follow me around the house, but she meows when she wants me, and and she doesn't like being picked up at all... when I was brushing my hair, a few days ago, she came onto my lap (she put a paw on there) and then when I pet her, she quickly got off... she constently purs, except for when she meows at me lol... but a few weeks ago, I picked her up, because she didn't listen to me when I wanted her to come, and now I've got this scratch on my arm, which is slowely, slowely getting better, I learned my lesson quickly that's for sure! :) :D I'm hoping in time she'll let me pick her up and hold her... each time I've picked her up to either get her off a counter or etc etc, I always give her a kiss just so she knows that I'm not gonna hurt her... I don't pick her up, I just let her come to me though... she does sleep with me, and she's getting better about not hiding, too.. I can easily get her to come out from under the bed, too... I'm debating on switching her food, just because she really isn't eating as much.. like I'll put allll this food out, and she'll eat very little, she'll keep going back for it periodicly throughout the day.. anyways, that's my story lol. :) Amber
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Aug 22, 2013
Just a update since I havn't been on in a bit. Wow does she get vocal when it's time to eat. Been feeding her half cans of sheba wet food (loves the salmon) twice a day....before I go to work and shortly after I get home.

Always have dry food in a bowl for her too. She still watches me and my brother from a distance and still is very skittish/ runs from me when I reach down to pet her. never far, just out of hands reach. But will certainly snuggle and let me give her attention in the middle of the night. and sleeps by my feet alot.

 is @2.5 mos still soon for some cats to get too trust you, or maybe she is the kind I read about that will always be untrustful and keep thier own distance.


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
No, 2.5 months is definitely NOT too old for her to learn to trust; it just takes time. How much time depends on what she experienced prior to coming to your home and genetics.

2 examples for you...
1.) We trapped (unintentionally) a 5 wk old kitten back in the Spring. The intended cat was an injured tom. To the best of our knowledge, this kitten had not been handled by anyone until the day I trapped her. She took to people (and living in a home) very quickly...not biting/scratching like a typical feral, just some hissing. It took her less than a week to acclimate to her foster family. She is about 5 months old now and continues to do well. Takes her about 24-48 hrs to acclimate to new people/surroundings and then she's fine.

2.) Had a kitten turned in to us at the same age of 5 weeks that was picked up at a local mall. He came biting, scratching, hissing and spitting...he was absolutely terrified of people. He was crated (extra-large size) in order to work on socializing him. It took about 6-8 wks for him to stop the aggression; but he still didn't like to be handled much. We expanded his territory to a bedroom and buddied him up with a then 1 yr old female with a very sweet disposition. He took to her quickly. He's nearly 6 months old now and just within the last 2 wks has he begun to come over to me to be picked which time he purrs and gives headbuts.

I have very little doubt that she will come around. Just keep on praising and encouraging her! =)


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
Misread your message a bit...but, both examples are still applicable. I have a now 4 yr old who is super sweet, but very reserved...I got him when he was 1.5 yrs old. it took him 8 months of being in the house to really trust me. I've had him for 2.5 yrs and he is finally getting use to my parents petting him. But, he sleeps with me at night and gets belly rubs and, occasionally, will jump up in my lap...something he is beginning to do a *little* more frequently.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Some cats just need time. With her history of being with the humane society and at a Petsmart, she just needs time. She's 2yrs old, and who knows what else she has experienced. She'll come around. Let her set the pace. Just show her she is loved and now has a forever home.
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TCS Member
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Aug 22, 2013
Just an update.... Fell asleep in recliner last and woke up with her fast asleep on my ankles lol