Abandoned Kitten With A Bad Infection


TCS Member
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Jul 29, 2018


I'm not sure if this is the right place, or if this is okay to post, but i could use some help.
Last night my friend found a very young (5-6 week?) sick feral/stray kitten. It was having trouble walking, making a very low/strange meow and seemed extemely sick/near death. There were also flies gathered on what looked to be a small wound on its side.
We live in a small town and there's no emergency vet but we called a local animal rescue (directed us to the police), the police (likely would euthanize it), and a vet who would see it this weekend but for a $225 consultation fee on top of im sure hundreds more for the treatment.
I or my friend don't have the money, so I brought the kitten home in a box and I've been up with her(or him) all night trying to provide comfort.
I didnt expect her to live but a few hours, but she has actually improved a little. She's eaten a pouch and a half of wet cat food and a little Kitten Milk Replacer, and she had a bowel movement. Her waste was normally colored but a little runny, no weird smell or anything. She has a strong appetite. She perked up some after eating and started climbing out of the box, grooming, etc. but shes obviously in pain. I've been playing sounds of a cat purring on my phone to hopefully help her relax.

Far as I can tell the main problem is her neck/chest she has some kind of severe infection.. hopefully its clear in the first picture but it looks like green pus/discharge is all over the fur. I've been trying to clean her with baby wipes when she's awake but its futile, but i think a bath would traumatize her.
She also has a couple smaller (dime size) wounds that look infected but not near as bad.
Her ears are dirty but her nose/eyes are pretty clean/no discharge.
Also in the second picture you can see theres some kind of yellowish white specks/clumps in her fur on her side, almost looked like maggots at first but whatever it is it's not alive. Its worse than it looks there, it runs all down her side. Ive been trying to comb them out with a flea comb.

She wakes up every 20-30 minutes and cries, im sure shes in a lot of pain. On Monday I can take her to the humane society, they are no-kill and im sure they have some kind of deal with the vet for affordable treatment. But my concern is if she will live until then.

Any advice is really appreciated. I have antibiotics (human) laying around, i think clavamox, if anyone could dose it for me I think I could get her to take that with the wet food.. And anything to help with the pain, I don't know what the options are there. Thanks again. Just a little overwhelmed here.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I'd probably give the kitten a bath with warm water and a gentle soap like blue dawn. A very quick bath. The bugs may very well have been or are maggots. You'd want to get any remaining ones or eggs off the kitten. Plus you need to be able to see all the wounds to treat them. I'd clean each spot with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in warm water. Hydrogen peroxide is not for promoting healing but since there is puss you want the wounds to not close until the are clean. Once there is no puss I'd switch to Betadine water mix to clean and a thin layer of Neosporin. Keep offering as much food as she will eat and as frequently to as possible. Hydration and rapid weight loss are huge risk factors for cats and can make any problem worse.

The kitten will need to see a vet. The above is just triage until the vet can be seen to hopefully prevent the wounds from getting worse. Don't give antibiotics unless from a vet, different ones are for different problems. Giving the wrong one or wrong treatment period can make the problem worse by making the infection resistant.
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TCS Member
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Jul 29, 2018
Thank you for the replies! Unfortunately I didn't see them sooner, my phone was on the fritz this afternoon so I couldn't check the site.
The kitten was much more alert this morning, climbing out of the box and trying to walk around, not limping. Unfortunately she didn't eat or drink much today.
I tried to clean the wounds and comb out the maggots/eggs, but there was so much dried stuff in her fur it was all nearly impossible.. I think I would've needed to shave the fur to even be able to reach the wounds.

There is good news! My friend and I were able to take her to the humane society this evening luckily! So she's in much better hands and thankfully she didn't have to hold out another night. I really hope she makes it, she is a sweet kitten. Thanks again for the help :)