A Strange Tale


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 29, 2016
Every morning our cat finds me at the computer and starts her song and dance about how it's time for "breakfast please". So like a good mommy I say, "let's go eat" and she sings and prances to the kitchen area where I prepare her breakfast and give it to her, after which I then butter some toast and sit down at the table and have my own breakfast.
Today, for the first time I discovered a strange phenomenon.
Noticing how late it was, instead of going to my computer first as usual, I asked her if she wanted to eat to which she jumped for joy and followed me to the kitchen.
I gave her the food and left the kitchen to go to my computer. Within 1 minute, there she was standing beside me and talking a mean streak. I was so puzzled. Was something wrong with the food? Was she hurting or something?
Then a strange idea struck me. I asked her if she wantd to eat and she enthusiastically followed me to her plate (which I picked up, fussed around with at the kitchen table, and finally put it down again.
I then sat down to eat some toast and low and behold, now that I was sitting at the table having my own breakfast, she downed hers just as fast as ever.
I learned a huge lesson in cat behavior. Some cats really do have a routine built in and they really do not like change.
I hope this helps.

Cat McCannon

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 28, 2021
I’ve had Belle do the same. Except for her breakfast, we feed her when we eat. If something changes and we don’t eat when we feed her lunch or supper, she’ll stop eating and give me a look.

More importantly, when we eat, even if it’s just a snack, she expects something as well.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Esp. true of older cats! Mine is tolerating the broken cat timer/feeder, but he’ll be super glad when the new one arrives. I got “the claw” this morning on my nose. Such a sweet story.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Cats that live in stable groups often eat in groups for mutual protection. One cat will eat while another stands around and keeps an eye out for danger. When the first cat finishes eating, the other(s) will take their turn while the first ones will stand guard.

Your cat wants to eat, together, with you because she thinks of you as part of her clan. She's gotten used to the ritual of having breakfast with you. She wants you to stand guard while she eats and vice-versa.

It's the same reason why cats seem to always want to invade the bathroom while you are on the loo. ;)

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Cats that live in stable groups often eat in groups for mutual protection. One cat will eat while another stands around and keeps an eye out for danger. When the first cat finishes eating, the other(s) will take their turn while the first ones will stand guard.

Your cat wants to eat, together, with you because she thinks of you as part of her clan. She's gotten used to the ritual of having breakfast with you. She wants you to stand guard while she eats and vice-versa.

It's the same reason why cats seem to always want to invade the bathroom while you are on the loo. ;)
The first part I totally get! WONDERFUL information! But I’m trying to imagine lions guarding other lions while they poop. That’s thing? I’ll have to research. Or maybe it’s just ferals. Does this mean I should stand guard while my cat poops? I always thought he wanted privacy.

”Ad hoc ad loc and quid pro quo; so little time, so much to know!” -J. Hilary Boob.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Lions and house cats have the same instincts when it comes to eating and/or elimination behaviors.

They are at their most vulnerable during these times. When they eat, their head is down while they focus on their food and they can't see what's behind them or to the sides. They need "backup" to be sure no predators or other danger are lurking out of sight. Other cats act as sentries. The same goes when they are using the litter box. It would be a rather undignified end for a cat to be caught by a predator while in mid-squat. Other cats in the same clan perform sentry duty around the litter box for their clan mates.

When a cat runs away from the litter box after making a deposit has the same roots. The smell of a cat's feces or urine can be a signal to predators that there is vulnerable prey in the area. They often run away from the scene after they are done in order to put as much distance between themselves and their deposit so as to foil potential predators.

When a cat solicits you to come watch them while they eat or of they come to watch you while you eat it's because they think of you as part of their clan. The same goes for when they invade the bathroom while you are on the pot. They're looking out for you.

Basically, it's a cat's way of saying, "You're my 'people.'" ;)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Thank you for understanding your precious cat, and giving her what she finds comforting! Yes, their rituals mean so much to them!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 26, 2022
My Louise also has a routine. After breakfast she walks a few steps and turns to see if I am following. SHe then leads the way to the sunnporch where she runs to the scratchpad, gives it a go and then hops into the Ikea to watch the sun come up. I then go back to bed!!!