A Service Of Thanksgiving For Doorkins Magnificat


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Sep 7, 2018
Doorkins Magnificat was a stray cat who adopted a cathedral in London for her home. The cat needed shelter. The cathedral needed a mouser. The arrangement was mutually beneficial. Doorkins was adored by the staff and congregation alike. She even met the Queen of England. After a dozen years with the cathedral, her health started to fail her and she retired to the private residence of one of the church’s staff. There she got nearly one more year in the comforts of a home. She passed away last week. I read the story in my News app yesterday. (I have a subscription to a Cats channel in the News app. 😻)

Here’s a short piece BBC did on Doorkins a couple years ago.

And here is the service itself. I didn’t have a service for my Krista when she passed. I hadn’t attended a service for a cat before. But something about Doorkins story and my own reminiscence of Krista last night led me to watch it. I’m not Christian. Some of the pomp and circumstance and Bible readings were lost on me. But it was touching all the same to see how much this cat meant to this cathedral and all who knew her to prompt such a wonderful service.