A lesson in patience

ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
You know that Clorox commercial where the little boy calls his mom into the bathroom because he did a number 2 but it turns out that he pooped in the tub and not the toilet. First, let me start off by saying this commercial infuriates me every time I see it. Lol Anyhoozle it triggered the memory of Kimbo rolling a ball of her waste around the room and how grossed out and upset it made me to see her do this. I'm articulate. However how does one explain to a whole other species that playing with poop can get you sick. Not only that, it's just flat out gross. Quite frankly her not understanding WHY I was upset started to actually make me a little angry.

A day or so passed and as I'm kitten proofing my home and doing everything in my power to keep my sanity in tact, it finally dawned on me. She doesn't know any better. The reality of the situation is she didn't know about the millions of germs that was in her waste. She doesn't know that the blinds she loved to dive into could fall down and crush her. The reality is it's my job to know that for her. It's my job as her caregiver. After that sunk in it completely changed my mindset. I had to remind myself that she doesn't understand WHY I'm upset with her only THAT I am upset with her. I couldn't be mad that she didn't know something that nobody had ever taught her. I had to stop and check myself. So instead of getting upset I hakuna matated. And with all that said, I realize how in this short amount of time Kimbo has taught me a patience I have never known. And to her I am grateful for that. I'm slowly seeing my hardworking and patience pay off and I thought that I would just share it with this community. :)
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Very wise insight.  Wise everyone in the world understood that - about pets and about kids, too.
I was thinking the same thing about children. The difference that I found with kittens vs children though, is that with children, you teach them a language and once they get a little older, some not all, develop common sense. With pets it's like the fact that you know a billion words, or several languages matters not to them not to them. In fact, they could care less. Children can be explained to and reasoned with. Kittens, not so much. But I guess to balance it out kittenhood only lasts a couple of years whereas it seems like human children take a lifetime to raise. Lol just a passing thought...