A Lady's Story.


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 1, 2017
This is Lady Kitty, behold her
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in all her sweet and cuddly,
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yet grumpy splendor.
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Lady Kitty's story was simple, if slightly sad. Her owner passed away sometime around her tenth year on this planet, and she was left without a family, bumped around from adoption window to adoption window, until I eventually spotted her at pet smart.

I fell in love with her sweet face, adorable craggy raspy meows, and just had a feeling that this cat somehow belonged with me. Still, we had just adopted a young kitten a few months ago and i felt it might be unfair to make such a dignified lady put up with a rambunctious teen.

A few months passed and I kept seeing Lady in the window, sleeping and looking rather bored. When I did a bit of research on her i found that she had been sent back and forth from her pet-smart window and her adoption agency four times. Each visit was three months at a time with a month back at the 'home base'. Meaning this gorgeous senior cat, who was surely used to a life of love and comfort, was being juggled from box to box for over a year.

I couldn't stand it, and adopted her right away.

Without going into too much detail, Lady fit into our lives absolutely seamlessly. She was quiet and cuddly, soft spoken and gentle, only really demanding when it came to food preparation. It must be wet, it must be pre mushed, and it must be piled high into a peak for her, if any of these steps were missed, she would let you know with a displease and craggy meow.

She got along with her sister Jinx alright despite the age difference. They would cuddle and engage in play with one another, but Jinx always wanted to be rougher than Lady, and it often ended with a swat, hiss or relocation to another room, each act Jinx respected when thrown her way.

We had her for just under a year before we ran out of options to keep her in good health due to a problem with her lungs. It absolutely broke our hearts , but we know that we gave her the best life we could, and likely saved her from being alone in a box for her last months.

I have since wanted to adopt other Senior cats, aged ten or over just like lady; However, shortly after she passed a very young kitten
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covered in fleas, full of worms and living under a car came into our lives, and has become our newest family member. He(TBD,Turned into Toby Mac) is off the walls energy, but fairly respectful of his big sister Jinx,
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but is even rougher than his sister when it comes to play, and has issues taking no for an answer right away.

If we still had Lady, i don't think we would have been able to take the little guy in, and it always brings to mind
"...(She) was a Lady. And a Lady always knows when to leave."


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
KanariaRose, you did an extraordinary thing when you accepted Lady in your house. Probably she had lost all hopes long before you took her away with you and you gave her a new reason to be happy and believe in good people.
Her life with you was short, who knows, perhaps the constant stress for changing home every three months put a heavy burden on her health. Or maybe she was returned because others realized of her issues.

But she left a legacy, that you might help another kitten in difficulty. Lady led you into his life, someway Lady made you find this poor kitten because she knew that he will find everything he needs to be happy in your house. Lady knew that only in your hands, and nowhere else, Toby Mac will be safe and have a long and happy life.
Cats are magic, cats can do this. I tell you this from experience.

RIP beautiful Lady, you have been lucky!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It breaks my heart that she had to go through living that way for a while, but I am comforted by the fact you came into her life and gave her what she wanted the most in life, love and a warm, caring home. Although it wasn't for long, she had someone there who loved her at the end,and you will be blessed for that. Her spirit will fill your house with her loving presence, the bond you formed will connect you for the rest of your life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving her, because this is what you literally did, she deserved happiness in her life and you gave it to her. My heart goes out to your family for the loss you have suffered, but she brought much into your life and it is priceless. Please know I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, she will be dearly missed.
RIP beautiful Lady, you found your angel here on earth, and now you have gained your own wings. I know you will watch over your family who loves you so very much, please comfort them and guide them along that path that will once again cross one day. You will never be forgotten and will be forever held in loving hearts. Sleep tight, pleasant dreams, little Princess!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
Aww your story was heartfelt and sweet. RIP sweet lady cat. I am so happy you were able to give her the last months of her life so much love! Bless your heart!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
How wonderful that she got to spend her last months with so much love and care. :hearthrob:

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Lady was a beautiful girl. Bless you for giving her a loving home and showing her that she was loved


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Appleton, WI
She was beautiful. Bless you for giving her a loving home during her last months.

Older cats always tug at my heartstrings, especially those who have been in homes. If we didn't already have 4 I'd adopt an older cat in a heartbeat. My DH says that when he dies I'm going to turn into the Crazy Cat Lady whose house is full of cats. He's probably right. :lol: