A Feline Emergency

micaela chagnon

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 7, 2015
On 5/5/2015, around 12:15am, I noticed there was something wrong with my cat, Othello. I had to rush Othello to the pet ER at 2am because of symptoms he was exhibiting. Turns out, he has a urinary blockage, which is apparently very common in male cats, and also very life threatening. 

Othello is only three and an otherwise healthy cat. He is friendly, sweet, gentle, playful, and all-around awesome. He is one of the only cats I have bonded with. I love him almost as much as my children so when the doctor suggested I consider euthanasia as an option, solely for financial reasons, I couldn't do it.

I was able to agree to a treatment plan with the vet, but it's not the full plan and it's still incredibly expensive. The estimate for the full treatment plan was close to $2000. As I'm sure most of you can understand, I don't have that kind of cash lying around.

As of last night, Othello has been moved from the VECC (Emergency Hospital) to his family vet. He is doing well, both catheters are in place and they will be running tests this afternoon; x-rays of his bladder to check for bladder stones, urinalysis to check his urine for crystals; both potential causes for the initial condition.

As of right now I have paid $1,421.47 for Othello's treatment. While the cost is less expensive at his family vet, the estimate they provided me yesterday for the testing and care he is receiving over the next couple of days was around $410. 

I have had to tap into my rent money and the money for my car to pay for this procedure. I am making every effort I can think of to raise money on my own as well as asking for help from friends and family. I am incredibly grateful for everything I have received so far and I am hoping we can reach my goal before Othello can come home.

I am a single mother of two boys; 10 and 2I recently had invasive knee surgery, have no vehicle for personal transportation, and have a limited income due to my decreased mobility. The ONLY reason I had money to pay for this upfront was because I had set money aside to buy a car from a friend so I could get a job and improve our situation. This has been a costly and frustrating surprise, to say the least.

I am asking for help to get us through this life hurdle. I have started a GoFundMe account to try and raise money to cover his expenses. If you can, please help; even $5 will help. If you can't share money, please share the link; maybe somebody you know is a cat lover and in a position to help.



At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Your GofundMe is going well so far. Good luck to you and Othello.

Per TCS rules, I need to post the following disclaimer -

From the Mod Team Regarding Pleas for money:

Cats are a huge responsibility. Anyone who thinks otherwise, should not have one in their life. They are dependent on us for everything from providing a place to eat, to also providing vet care.

Anyone who has cats knows that they can and do get ill. Your best defense is to plan for that to happen before it does, and store monies away in preparation.

If you read about a plight of an animal on the internet and your heart is drawn to help, check out the story thoroughly. Google the vet's name or call Directory Assistance in the city and be sure this is a legitimate claim.

Do not blindly send money into a paypal account no matter how heart-wrenching the story. Instead reach out to the member and ask for the vet's name and phone number, and arrange to send the money there for the specific needs of the cat in question.

If that information cannot be provided- you have your answer. Report the post to a moderator so that it can be removed for not being on the level.