7 month old kitten feeding trouble


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 5, 2018
I have a 7 month old kitten. Her appetite is not good at all. She eats about twice a day most of the time. She eats canned kitten food and loves to have formula in a bowl as well. Sometimes it is a struggle to get her to eat. When she does eat, she eats about 3/4 of a can of food and formula as well. Sometimes she'll act hungry running my leg with her head. No sooner I serve her food, she scratches the floor with her paw and leaves. She is full of energy and always appears to be fine. If there are any suggestions as to what I should do, I'd greatly appreciate it. 20201111_115118_capture(1).jpg


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I have a 7 month old kitten. Her appetite is not good at all. She eats about twice a day most of the time. She eats canned kitten food and loves to have formula in a bowl as well. Sometimes it is a struggle to get her to eat. When she does eat, she eats about 3/4 of a can of food and formula as well. Sometimes she'll act hungry running my leg with her head. No sooner I serve her food, she scratches the floor with her paw and leaves. She is full of energy and always appears to be fine. If there are any suggestions as to what I should do, I'd greatly appreciate it.
A 7 month old kitten is still very much a kitten and for your kitten, she'll mature at 1 year old. Usually for kittens, the rule is feed them as much as they can eat at one sitting and of course if you can, feed them wet food as wet food is full of proteins and nutrients to aid a growing kitten and wet food keeps them hydrated.

How many calories are there in the can? Growing kittens need around 300 calories a day as they are very active. One reason why your kitten is not that hungry may be due to the high calorie content in the food and thus she don't feel hungry that soon. And she could also be a small eater.

Scratching the floor with her paws in the action of covering her food is a natural instinct in cats. They do this because it is to cover their food from predators, so that predators won't know that she has been here eating and also by covering the food, they come back later to finish it off, just like as though they are in the wild.

But having said all these, you may want to get an appointment with her vet to check her digestive system to rule out any health issues if you are very concern about her not eating or eating less.

For me, if she is still full of energy and always appearing fine, having regular pee and pooping session, I would not worry that much unless I see a total change in her health and character or behavior, I'll get her to the vet ASAP. Just keep an eye on her and don't be too overly anxious.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 5, 2018
Thank you for a very well informed reply. Yes she does pee and poop regularly. No diarrhea or constipation. She's very active and full if energy and also sleeps very well. She's a very loving little girl ❤❤..

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
maybe you could try leaving some good dry food out so she can nibble as she wants in between her canned food feedings i do that with graycie since she doesnt finish the portion of canned at one time if she does she pukes after i also leave dry food out during the night for her to eat she is a snacker with food a lil here a lil there through the day and night


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
One of my cats acts like she's done then goes back a few minutes later. So her morning meal she goes back and forth 3x. 6 yrs old. When she's done she wants to play then jumps on her tower to clean herself