5 year old cat at death's door. Vets don't know why.

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
The second product states it's homeopathic, which means it is literally (supposed to be) water. Homeopathy does not work. End of story. No reputable company markets homeopathic products; either they themselves buy into pseudoscience, or they are scamming people who do (or who aren't aware of what homeopathy is). Furthermore, this company was actually warned by the FDA for having dangerous levels of strychnine and mercury, ingredients that are supposed to be diluted into oblivion per homeopathy's stupid gimmick, but apparently the manufacturing QC was so poor they weren't diluting it enough.
I reread it. Got frantic 😆

Okay so the T-Relief toss right?

I'm desperate to find relief with steroids for my little boy. He's only 5 and he's so miserable. 😥


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I'd agree on tossing the T-relief, it sounds like snake oil. I personally would find a different CBD. The EllaVet doesn't say where it is grown, created and who tests it to ensure potency is accurate. Which means it could be a repackaged third party that's coming from who knows where. I use 4 Corners and Imbue personally, both for my cats and my Moms CBD lotion. You just have to make sure whatever you use, you calculate out mg/ml and remain consistent once you figure out dosage.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
So I wanted to give an update for everyone. Frank kept deteriorating. A week ago I noticed his meow is not the same. He's a loud talker with a high pitch meow that everyone says they're surprised a cat his size doesn't have a deeper meow. Like I mentioned, I noticed a week ago his meow sounded hoarse. As the days progressed it became a crackle, then a squeak, then nothing. He'd open his mouth to meow but no sound came out.

He's still hiding, refusing to come out or play with his best kitty friends Fred and Chloie. When he would come out he was so skittish, if we moved or talked he'd rush back to the closet so we would have to be quiet and stay still. He wasn't eating but now eats a little bit. When he is eating, his head tilts a little and food comes out. He extends his neck and appears to be gulping then hacks up the food and continues eating.

He's been walking into the cat box then immediately walking out. Walking to the other cat box then again immediately walking out back into the other cat box. Eventually he would go poop but I would say there's now a 30% chance he will poop on the floor.

Last night he kept straining and only a little hard poop came out. He walked out of the cat box and was licking his bum. I could see his anus was completely open and I could actually see the excrement still inside. He then strained again and pooped on the floor. Today, diarrhea.

I took this picture of him yesterday. I was genuinely considering taking him to the vet to put him down. Just his face alone he's clearly suffering.

I ended up listening to the doctor and started giving him prednisolone yesterday because I couldn't bare to see him like this anymore. I'm not comfortable giving this to him because I am aware of the long-term problems with this but I came to thinking that either I give him some months or years longer to live or I put him down now. The prednisolone is already a vast improvement but I truly don't know what to do for him to manage his pain after 3 months...


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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
(Put update on my CBD topic but meant to put here)

So I wanted to give an update for everyone. Frank kept deteriorating. A week ago I noticed his meow is not the same. He's a loud talker with a high pitch meow that everyone says they're surprised a cat his size doesn't have a deeper meow. Like I mentioned, I noticed a week ago his meow sounded hoarse. As the days progressed it became a crackle, then a squeak, then nothing. He'd open his mouth to meow but no sound came out.

He's still hiding, refusing to come out or play with his best kitty friends Fred and Chloie. When he would come out he was so skittish, if we moved or talked he'd rush back to the closet so we would have to be quiet and stay still. He wasn't eating but now eats a little bit. When he is eating, his head tilts a little and food comes out. He extends his neck and appears to be gulping then hacks up the food and continues eating.

He's been walking into the cat box then immediately walking out. Walking to the other cat box then again immediately walking out back into the other cat box. Eventually he would go poop but I would say there's now a 30% chance he will poop on the floor.

Last night he kept straining and only a little hard poop came out. He walked out of the cat box and was licking his bum. I could see his anus was completely open and I could actually see the excrement still inside. He then strained again and pooped on the floor. Today, diarrhea.

I took this picture of him yesterday. I was genuinely considering taking him to the vet to put him down. Just his face alone he's clearly suffering.

I ended up listening to the doctor and started giving him prednisolone yesterday because I couldn't bare to see him like this anymore. I'm not comfortable giving this to him because I am aware of the long-term problems with this but I came to thinking that either I give him some months or years longer to live or I put him down now. The prednisolone is already a vast improvement but I truly don't know what to do for him to manage his pain after 3 months...


white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi @KelseyKatz !

He's been walking into the cat box then immediately walking out. Walking to the other cat box then again immediately walking out back into the other cat box. Eventually he would go poop but I would say there's now a 30% chance he will poop on the floor.

Last night he kept straining and only a little hard poop came out. He walked out of the cat box and was licking his bum. I could see his anus was completely open and I could actually see the excrement still inside. He then strained again and pooped on the floor. Today, diarrhea........
All of this is a textbook example of classic symptoms..........of severe constipation.

To start, have a read of this:

"First, to ensure we are on the same page, here are several definitions and/or possible symptoms of constipation:​
  • infrequent (and frequently incomplete) bowel movements
  • hard dry stools
  • straining at stool
  • vomiting during or after pooping
  • a change in frequency of bowel movements
  • liquid stool from above leaking past impacted stool below, giving an appearance or impression of diarrhea
  • with cats, out-of-box pooping may point to constipation..."

So, right off the bat, whatever you do, for heavens' sake, do not make any irrevocable final decisions based on any of this !!!!!!!!!!!!

Could you arrange to get him in today for treatment with an enema and some hydration ?

I believe that would make for almost immediate relief.......albeit just the start of wider treatment.

I haven't read the entirety of your posts, but, I suspect this is also really aggravating the disc condition......so, some immediate pain relief (something like oral buprenorphine to take home) would be a really good idea.

I can't stay around right now, but needed to get this to you quickly.

Once you get him settled away, go back to the FelineConstipation website.........and start reading! If you want to cheat, start out at the "What Goes Wrong?" chapter.

Hope that helps to start.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I actually had a similar situation where constipation made my boy more reactive to his arthritis pain. He got an enema, stayed 24 hours at the vet to ensure he was clear and hydrated (he got sub q fluids). He was feeling much better a few days later without any more problems.

Joelle and the kittens

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2021
New Jersey
What has your vet said about the hoarse voice and eating and pooping issues? Those are really concerning signs, with the first two pointing to possibly an upper airway obstruction (like swelling, fluid buildup) making it hard for him to breathe. Does he keep his head low and neck stretched out a lot, or leave his mouth open? Do you notice any coughing, or wheezing or whistling sounds when he breathes? The prednisolone would help get swelling down if that's occurring around his larynx, so if you've noticed an improvement in his respiration after starting the course there's a good chance those issues are due to inflammation. The vet really needs to take a look into this if they haven't already, though.

Joelle and the kittens

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2021
New Jersey
I'll copy-paste my comment from the CBD thread here:
What has your vet said about the hoarse voice and eating and pooping issues? Those are really concerning signs, with the first two pointing to possibly an upper airway obstruction (like swelling, fluid buildup) making it hard for him to breathe. Does he keep his head low and neck stretched out a lot, or leave his mouth open? Do you notice any coughing, or wheezing or whistling sounds when he breathes? The prednisolone would help get swelling down if that's occurring around his larynx, so if you've noticed an improvement in his respiration after starting the course there's a good chance those issues are due to inflammation. The vet really needs to take a look into this if they haven't already, though.

I'll also note that looking at the pic again it does seem his mouth is open a bit. Respiratory distress can snowball quickly so I'd get him to the vet ASAP.

EDIT: I re-read your initial post and see you mentioned he'd gotten an x-ray and exam after you noticed the coughing issue. A laryngoscopy would probably be more informative on laryngeal patency, although if it was from fluid buildup that would be detected on x-ray. Has he had an IVDD decompression surgery? Those can damage the recurrent nerve(s) causing laryngeal paralysis. What region was the herniation in?
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  • #30


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
I'll copy-paste my comment from the CBD thread here:
What has your vet said about the hoarse voice and eating and pooping issues? Those are really concerning signs, with the first two pointing to possibly an upper airway obstruction (like swelling, fluid buildup) making it hard for him to breathe. Does he keep his head low and neck stretched out a lot, or leave his mouth open? Do you notice any coughing, or wheezing or whistling sounds when he breathes? The prednisolone would help get swelling down if that's occurring around his larynx, so if you've noticed an improvement in his respiration after starting the course there's a good chance those issues are due to inflammation. The vet really needs to take a look into this if they haven't already, though.

I'll also note that looking at the pic again it does seem his mouth is open a bit. Respiratory distress can snowball quickly so I'd get him to the vet ASAP.

EDIT: I re-read your initial post and see you mentioned he'd gotten an x-ray and exam after you noticed the coughing issue. A laryngoscopy would probably be more informative on laryngeal patency, although if it was from fluid buildup that would be detected on x-ray. Has he had an IVDD decompression surgery? Those can damage the recurrent nerve(s) causing laryngeal paralysis. What region was the herniation in?
So where I live it has been VERY frustrating to say the least when it comes to vets. It is near impossible to get an appointment a week out let alone same day. The vet's are booked a month+ out and when they tell me to go to the ER, I call the ER and they tell me they are booked for the day. Call another they say it's a 10 hour wait. So it's been a real challenge to get him in to be seen. I've told several vets and ER about the meow and eating issue. One said it could be Dysphagia. Constipation, they said they aren't sure. They did perform an ultrasound and everyone was fine they said. They also don't know why his meow has changed so drastically. I called today to get a consultation for surgery to remove the lipoma on his throat. It's on the right side and it's the size of half a grape. I am concerned it is starting to obstruct his airway. Multiple vets said middle end of next month they will have an appointment. I just want to rip my hair out! So frustrating.

When he eats, he takes big gulps and elongates his neck out. When he eats he tilts his head slightly and his tongue is thrashing forward almost as if he's afraid to swallow so a lot of the kibble spills out of the sides of his mouth. He then starts hacking/coughing and the food that made it to the throat he coughs out. The picture with his mouth slightly open I just noticed. He's never done that before.

They also did an x-ray and ultrasound on his throat they said it was fine. They looked inside his mouth, again fine.

He has not had an IVDD surgery. We just found out he has a spine issue but the emergency vet said it is not a big deal because it's only L6 that is calcified/crystallized? One of those words. The regular vet said put him on prednisolone because he is showing an improvement but she said unfortunately it is not long term and at that point she recommended euthanasia.
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
I'll copy-paste my comment from the CBD thread here:
What has your vet said about the hoarse voice and eating and pooping issues? Those are really concerning signs, with the first two pointing to possibly an upper airway obstruction (like swelling, fluid buildup) making it hard for him to breathe. Does he keep his head low and neck stretched out a lot, or leave his mouth open? Do you notice any coughing, or wheezing or whistling sounds when he breathes? The prednisolone would help get swelling down if that's occurring around his larynx, so if you've noticed an improvement in his respiration after starting the course there's a good chance those issues are due to inflammation. The vet really needs to take a look into this if they haven't already, though.

I'll also note that looking at the pic again it does seem his mouth is open a bit. Respiratory distress can snowball quickly so I'd get him to the vet ASAP.

EDIT: I re-read your initial post and see you mentioned he'd gotten an x-ray and exam after you noticed the coughing issue. A laryngoscopy would probably be more informative on laryngeal patency, although if it was from fluid buildup that would be detected on x-ray. Has he had an IVDD decompression surgery? Those can damage the recurrent nerve(s) causing laryngeal paralysis. What region was the herniation in?
I literally just saw a moment ago Frank sitting with his head and neck lowered and his ENTIRE tongue flopped out dangling and it looked like he was struggling to get it to go back in. He then went into a loaf position, stretched out his neck and hacked SO loud. I keep wanting to catch him doing this but I have yet to successfully record him.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
So where I live it has been VERY frustrating to say the least when it comes to vets. It is near impossible to get an appointment a week out let alone same day. The vet's are booked a month+ out and when they tell me to go to the ER, I call the ER and they tell me they are booked for the day. Call another they say it's a 10 hour wait. So it's been a real challenge to get him in to be seen. I've told several vets and ER about the meow and eating issue. One said it could be Dysphagia. Constipation, they said they aren't sure. They did perform an ultrasound and everyone was fine they said. They also don't know why his meow has changed so drastically. I called today to get a consultation for surgery to remove the lipoma on his throat. It's on the right side and it's the size of half a grape. I am concerned it is starting to obstruct his airway. Multiple vets said middle end of next month they will have an appointment. I just want to rip my hair out! So frustrating.

When he eats, he takes big gulps and elongates his neck out. When he eats he tilts his head slightly and his tongue is thrashing forward almost as if he's afraid to swallow so a lot of the kibble spills out of the sides of his mouth. He then starts hacking/coughing and the food that made it to the throat he coughs out. The picture with his mouth slightly open I just noticed. He's never done that before.

They also did an x-ray and ultrasound on his throat they said it was fine. They looked inside his mouth, again fine.

He has not had an IVDD surgery. We just found out he has a spine issue but the emergency vet said it is not a big deal because it's only L6 that is calcified/crystallized? One of those words. The regular vet said put him on prednisolone because he is showing an improvement but she said unfortunately it is not long term and at that point she recommended euthanasia.
So sorry you are going through all of this and it's so difficult to get into a veterinarian. I still think he may be constipated but that doesn't seem to be the main issue as it sounds more and more like it's the growth on his throat that is the main issues and constipation may be secondary. I pray you can get him seen quickly and get resolve on this.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
Maybe wet food would be gentler on his throat? 😟 Hope he feels and gets better soon!
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  • #34


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 8, 2021
Maybe wet food would be gentler on his throat? 😟 Hope he feels and gets better soon!
I completely agree but he always wants the kibble. Fortunately most of the time he eats the kitten kibble and it's very small.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
It might be time to consider a second opinion, which is no reflection on your current vet, she should understand that. However, since it can take a week or more to get an appointment for a second opinion, you might want to try to arrange one now.