5 runts?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2023
Hello, and thank you in advance for reading and sharing your thoughts and opinions on this.
My daughters cat had 6 kittens close to 24 hours ago. I work nights, and when I got home from work around 7am, all 6 had been born, but 2 were not alive. All seemed well with mama and the remaining 4, so I put food and water in the area she gave birth in, and left them alone, however, I noticed that one is about double the size of its litter mates. Later, when I checked on them, another two kittens had passed away. So, I guess my first question is, has anyone ever seen this happen? Is it possible for there to have been 5 runts, or is the biggest kitten just large? I honestly don’t feel that’s the case, as he seems normal sized for a newborn, but the other 5 unusually small. The remaining tiny one appears to be a fighter and I have seen it nursing, but I am concerned for it, given none of the other tiny’s made it. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Just an FYI- This is mama cats first (and only) litter
Thank you for reading, sorry it is somewhat long.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hello, and thank you in advance for reading and sharing your thoughts and opinions on this.
My daughters cat had 6 kittens close to 24 hours ago. I work nights, and when I got home from work around 7am, all 6 had been born, but 2 were not alive. All seemed well with mama and the remaining 4, so I put food and water in the area she gave birth in, and left them alone, however, I noticed that one is about double the size of its litter mates. Later, when I checked on them, another two kittens had passed away. So, I guess my first question is, has anyone ever seen this happen? Is it possible for there to have been 5 runts, or is the biggest kitten just large? I honestly don’t feel that’s the case, as he seems normal sized for a newborn, but the other 5 unusually small. The remaining tiny one appears to be a fighter and I have seen it nursing, but I am concerned for it, given none of the other tiny’s made it. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Just an FYI- This is mama cats first (and only) litter
Thank you for reading, sorry it is somewhat long.
Im writing and thinking. Stand by.

Question: Do you have their weights? Preferably in grammes.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Lets presume these runts are somewhat premature... And thus, more fragile than otherwise...

I think you must work extra with this smaller one. He has no margins.
So, he shall be kept warm and cozy, but not too hot.

As they are two, I presume there is a lot of place with momma, and no fighting for nipple. IF there is any problems, you must rotate them, and the little one must get lotsa of quality time with momma... (or yu carry it at your bosom / chest: the kangaroo method is efficient)

Prepare to handfeed... This with him suckling is good, but if he is weak, its fully possible he cant suckle properly... The trick in such cases is to handfeed a couple of days, till he gets stronger.... You can also put in some glucose sugar / dextrose / a droplet of white caro syrup on his gum, inside of the lip... It resolves there; and the glucose sugar goes directly into blood, giving him some extra energhy... And hopefully, energhy enough to suckle momma...

IF he suckles for good, and you arent very experienced caretaker, the only way to know for sure is to weigh, every 12 hours when its critical Red Alert.

IF he gains, you know he suckles.... If he gains minimum 6grammes a day, but preferably 10, its good and you can admire momma and wait.
If he gains less, or barely 6 grammes several days running, you do worry; and step in with handfeeding...

Goats milk, preferably raw goats milk, is good. Otherwise our recommendation is PetAgs KMR in powder, to mix out with water. (or even mix out with water and some goats milk)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Ps. If you dont have a scale, and dont afford to guess, I would suggest you start to handfeed as soon you have suitable gears at hand... Every 2 hours or more often, a 2 ml at a time... If he wants more, good, if he doesnt manage, so less but even more often...

Suckling momma is always most nice, so if he manages to suckle her properly, he will always get som milk from momma...

One last problem: feeding with bottle is easiest, but kittens whom have momma, are often reluctant for bottle. So you prob must use a syringe or a dropper. Its a little tricky, but in some situations; easier.