5 month old loss of appitite, weight loss fever, itching


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Hi all, long story but if someone has any suggestions, please help. Got a 5 month old kitten from a high end shelter as a buddy for my 9 week old barn rescue. All seemed well the first 2 weeks, then I thought he was a picky kitten as he wasn't eating well. He came on Science Diet so I immediately changed him to quality canned, then Stella and Chewys 2 weeks later.  He shivered a lot but I thought it was because he was thin coated and it is winter.  Then his coat started to look rough so we went to the vert. FELV/FIV negative, waiting on coronovirus but his globbulin is normal so hopefully not FIP. All labs normal. Temperature 103.5 so we gave him the one and done 14 day antibiotic shot as he wasn't eating well and felt the oral ones would be hard on his stomach. Yesterday he started scratching his ears and biting himself like he itches and it  gets pretty intense but I can't find anything on his skin. He has continued to lose weight. I have another call into the vet. I have bought literally every cat food and offered including baby food and KMR.

It could be possible the 9 week old is harboring something that he is not symptomatic to but gave it to Leonard (the kitty who is now sick). I am worried he picked up something from the Stella and Chewys raw food and is sick from that but he has no diarrhea.  Tried Cerenia, he threw it up. Am trying 1/4 tab of Pepcid Ac.

List of symptoms:

weight loss

loss of appetite

low grade tempreture

new onset itching


abdomen not bloated or tender

acts like he wants to eat but walks away

Causes maybe:

"brother" went from baby to very playful adolescent  attack and biting but it is play mode



FIP Dry maybe

brother gave him something that he is not sick with

something I'm missing

Anybody have anything?  No nasal discharge eyes clear but 3rd eyelid visable, no diarrhea.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
It is more likely that Leonard was incubating something from his time in the shelter than that your barn kitten is carrying something and not showing signs.  It does sound a lot like it could be FIP, and there is no perfect test for that, but time will tell.  Unless he tested NEGATIVE for corona virus, that's what I would suspect.  Corona virus is common in group situations and while it doesn't mutate in every cat or kitten, when it does it produces a persistent fever, loss of appetite, muscle wasting etc. as you probably know.  As for the ITCHING, however, I suspect the Convenia injection is the cause.

The "one and done" antibiotic is probably Convenia.  If he had that, he should be getting probiotics because that can wipe out all his healthy intestinal flora and many cats have digestive problems after getting that drug.  It can also suppress the appetite and make the cat very sluggish for a week or so.  You can search for it at the top of the page here, in the search box just under the brown bar, and see other threads where it is discussed.  Some cats tolerate it well, but many do not, so its important to know the possible side effects.  Itching and scratching ARE some possible side effects of Convenia, and since he was not doing that BEFORE the shot, I would suspect that the drug is the cause.  The problem with Convenia is that once it is in the cat, you cannot "take him off it" as you could with an oral antibiotic.  You should call the vet and tell him/her about the itching.  A long-acting cortisone shot would probably help counteract the allergy as well as making the kitten feel better and possibly lowering the fever and stimulating the appetite.  You said you have a call in to the vet, so go from there.  Here is an article from 2011 that mentions itching as a possible side effect (the manufacturer does not mention it in their standard literature online.)  http://consciouscat.net/2011/09/26/convenia-for-cats-sacrificing-safety-for-convenience/
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
It is more likely that Leonard was incubating something from his time in the shelter than that your barn kitten is carrying something and not showing signs.  It does sound a lot like it could be FIP, and there is no perfect test for that, but time will tell.  Unless he tested NEGATIVE for corona virus, that's what I would suspect.  Corona virus is common in group situations and while it doesn't mutate in every cat or kitten, when it does it produces a persistent fever, loss of appetite, muscle wasting etc. as you probably know.  As for the ITCHING, however, I suspect the Convenia injection is the cause.

The "one and done" antibiotic is probably Convenia.  If he had that, he should be getting probiotics because that can wipe out all his healthy intestinal flora and many cats have digestive problems after getting that drug.  It can also suppress the appetite and make the cat very sluggish for a week or so.  You can search for it at the top of the page here, in the search box just under the brown bar, and see other threads where it is discussed.  Some cats tolerate it well, but many do not, so its important to know the possible side effects.  Itching and scratching ARE some possible side effects of Convenia, and since he was not doing that BEFORE the shot, I would suspect that the drug is the cause.  The problem with Convenia is that once it is in the cat, you cannot "take him off it" as you could with an oral antibiotic.  You should call the vet and tell him/her about the itching.  A long-acting cortisone shot would probably help counteract the allergy as well as making the kitten feel better and possibly lowering the fever and stimulating the appetite.  You said you have a call in to the vet, so go from there.  Here is an article from 2011 that mentions itching as a possible side effect (the manufacturer does not mention it in their standard literature online.)  http://consciouscat.net/2011/09/26/convenia-for-cats-sacrificing-safety-for-convenience/
Thank you for your response. Every time I submit a reply so i signed in with FB so lets see if this works!  Yes he had the Covenia so I will mention the cortisone. We are scheduling an abdominal ultrasound in the morning. If negative we are going to try a round of doxy.

Ultrasound was negative so fluid bolus, NSAID and starting on doxy. I guess we can rule out FIP with a negative ultrasound? Poor guy. Was 103.1 at the vet on Fri. Yes he had Covenia. If the itching gets worse, will suggest cortisone.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Since he had the Convenia injection and the itching & biting himself started after that, I'm going to say that he might be having a reaction to the medication. Do some research on the side effects.  Personally, I am not a huge fan of Convenia, though I know it has its place and many people like it.  I much prefer oral meds for my kitties because I've had two cats get the shot and they both had negative reactions to it. Also, it takes much, much longer than 14 days for the medication to work its way completely out of their system. 
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  • #5


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Agreed, Stephanie. I won't do it again.  Day 3 of Doxy. He is eating better so that's a win!
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  • #6


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
So for some reason, I can only post at work! I read replies daily but can't post till I get to work. I need to adjust something at home with my computer or ad blocker as I get getting logged out and can't post. Anywho, Leonard is feeling better. He doesn't appear to have a fever (no shivering) is brighter and more interactive but needs to eat more as he still has not gained any weight. He eats a few bites here and there. I have pulled out every cat food known to man, including  Meow Mix, Fancy Feast and Friskies. Thank God for barn cats who get the leftovers. Right now, he is liking Blue Buffalo Wilderness,  Orijen and Stella And Chewys . Great choices, he just isn't eating the volume he needs to gain weight. Won't eat tuna or rotisserie chicken either. This is supposed to be the easy stage in life!
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  • #7


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Still lethargic, eating poorly, not gaining weight. He has been on doxy a week for possible but not confirmed batonella. Any idea when his appetite will return and he will feel better?


TCS Member
Jan 16, 2016
Have you taken your cat to the Vet?  There could be an underlying problem for loss of appetite.  There is a pill made for cats to help stimulate appetite.  A tad of tuna or SMALL amounts of chicken are ok, but  they cant be used to replace regular cat food.
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  • #9


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Oh good Lord yes, 3 times! Labs are normal, Corono virus + but negative globbulins and negative abdominal ultrasound.  Neg FELV, FIV.   He has been exposed to his brother, a 9 week old barn kitten rescue who is healthy as an ox but could have given Leonard (who is from a high end shelter 6 weeks ago) . Gave him a dose of Covenia, 10 days later when that didn't help, started him on doxy. No diarrhea. Low grade temp and poor appetite.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Doxycycline and Convenia are drugs that should NOT be combined!!!  You can't get the Covenia out of him but you can take him off the Doxy until the Convenia is completely out of his system (65 days after injection). 


"CONVENIA has been shown in an experimental in vitro system to result in an increase in free concentrations of carprofen, furosemide, doxycycline, and ketoconazole. Concurrent use of these or other drugs that have a high degree of protein-binding (e.g. NSAIDs, propofol, cardiac, anticonvulsant, and behavioral medications) may compete with cefovecin-binding and cause adverse reactions."
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  • #11


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
I am seeing that and now have stopped doxy although he got it for 9 days. He seems a little brighter but still not eating enough or gaining weight.  He does nibble frequently just not enough despite NUMEROUS offerings of different things.  Still shivers so I assume a fever. Not all the time though. He is a thin coated cat. We have 3 heating pads for him to choose from.  We have an appointment for an internal med doc this Wed at one of the emergency hospitals so hopefully they may have answers.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Also, get to the vet and ask for some cans of Science Diet a/d. That stuff is like kitty crack and full of good nutrients to help him.  It's not a long-term food, but great for a crisis situation.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
The new vet might want to give him some fluids to help rid the body of Convenia and Doxycycline and flush the kidneys. One good way to choose a vet hospital is if it is AAHA certified.  To keep their certification, bvets must take continuing education courses, a certain number each year, which is great.  Vets are busy and dont have a lot of free time but if they work at an AAHA hospital, they HAVE to keep learning new things.  Here is a link where you can find AAHA hospitals near you by putting in your zip code.  If they have a Feline Specialist on staff, that's who you should see.

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  • #14


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
I am in a big city and I don't know if it was a malfunction but nothing came up in a 50 mile radius. Ran a test today for histo and pancreatic insufficiency. His temp was 103.1 but he had a good day yesterday.. She said FIP is not of the table.  He has been ill for 5 weeks.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I have dealt with three DRY FIP kittens in my lifetime.  The first was a pet store rescue.  He sounded the same as yours only he would cycle in and out.  Sometimes he would barely eat and be lethargic, and then he would get better.  We went back and forth to the vet numerous times, and there is no true diagnosis for dry FIP until it starts hitting some system that is life threatening, often the nervous system and brain.  When this first little one stopped eating all together and didn't cycle back around to feeling good, we finally put him to sleep.  The vet wanted to do a post mortem exam which he did, and with that he was able to diagnose dry FIP.  None of the other cats got FIP, but they were all older than 2 years old.  Both the other kittens who had it were about four months old.  It's a heartbreaking disease, watching them fade away and come back and then fade away again.  The wet FIP cats are easier to diagnose because of the abdominal and/or pleural effusion.  The saddest thing is that most of them seem to be the sweetest of kittens, and they often get it around four months of age.  My first one was about 8-10 weeks old when I got him, and he hung on until he was about a year old when he stopped responding to fluids and steroids and appetite stimulators.  He had lots of love and good times in between the sick periods.  But I wonder how many kittens in that pet store came down with it in their new homes because this store just put all the kittens together in one picture window enclosure.  I do hope he doesn't have FIP but the persistence of a low grade fever that does not respond to antibiotics and the lack of appetite combined with a past history of being in a stressful multi-cat situation (shelter), a positive test for corona virus, and his age (under two years old) combine to be make dry FIP a definite possibility, and your vet said it can't be ruled out.  The most important thing at this point is to keep him as comfortable and stress free as possible.  With my first little guy, long-acting steroid injections helped a lot and bought him time he might not have had otherwise.  This was over 20 years ago, but I'm glad my vet focused more on treating the symptoms and making him feel better rather that doing a lot of diagnostics.  I'm also glad he wanted to do the post mortem and could then tell for certain what it was.  Try to let go of worry and just love your little guy as much as you can.  He will feel it and respond.
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  • #16


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
I spoke with my vet today. We are awaiting the histo and pancreatic insufficiency results.  She is changing practices but is partnering with a great internal med doc who has an interest in then case. If the above tests are negative, we are going to try an upper GI scope . If that is negative, we will see this new internal med doc. I certainly don't take FIP off the table but was reading an article by a vet who said 4/5 cases referred to her as FIP were not so I want to exhaust every other avenue. .
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  • #18


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Histo/Gi both negative. Going to test for toxoplasmosis and a round of 2 antibiotics whose name escapes me but it is used for doxy resistant bartenella. FIP moves slowly to the top of the list. Yuck.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Don't forget to have the vet check and make sure the new antibiotic will not potentiate the Convenia that is still in her system.
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  • #20


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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2015
He follows me back to where he is fed and acts like he wants to eat but then nibbles and walks away multiple times a day. I have 4 different dry foods out and he has a couple of canned he likes to eat but only eats a couple of bites before walking away? Does FIP do that?